question archive Java Programming Project Media Rental System Design And Implement Java Program As Follows: 1) Media Hierarchy: Create Media, EBook, MovieDVD, and MusicCD classes from Week 3 -> Practice Exercise - Inheritance solution
Subject:Computer SciencePrice:23.01 Bought12
Java Programming Project Media Rental System
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
You should capture and label screen captures associated with compiling your code, and running the a passing and failing scenario for each functionality
Deliverables include Java program (.java files) and a single Word (or PDF) document. The Word/PDF files should be named appropriately for the assignment (as indicated in the SubmissionRequirements document.
The word (or PDF) document should include screen captures showing the successful compiling and running of each of the test scenario. Test scenarios should include all required functionality of the program. Each screen capture should be properly labeled clearly indicated what the screen capture represents.
Submit your files to project submission area no later than the due date listed in your online classroom.
The following grading rubric will be used to determine your grade:
Attribute |
Level (15-20 points) |
Level (5-15 points) |
Level 0 (0 - 5 points) |
Media hierarchy |
Correct or almost correct code to meet project requirements |
Mistakes in implementation |
Missing or significantly incorrect implementation |
Manager |
Correct or almost correct code to meet requirements |
Mistakes in implementation |
Missing or significantly incorrect implementation |
MediaRentalSystem: load data, find media, rent media |
Correct or almost correct code to meet requirements |
Mistakes in implementation |
Missing or significantly incorrect implementation |
Encapsulation, polymorphism, exception handling |
Correct or almost correct code to meet requirements |
Mistakes in implementation |
Missing or significantly incorrect implementation |
Program documentation and style, screen captures |
Correct or almost correct menu/GUI, program comments, identifiers, and screen captures |
Mistakes or incomplete menu/GUI, documentation and/or style, and screen captures |
Missing or significantly incorrect menu/GUI, documentation and/or style, or screen captures |
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 1
Enter path (directory) where to load from: blah
File cannot be opened: Could not load, no such directory
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 1
Enter path (directory) where to load from: C:/tmp-umuc
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 2
Enter the title: blah
There is no media with this title: blah
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object... 9: Quit
Enter your selection : 2
Enter the title: Forever Young
EBook [ id=123, title=Forever Young, year=2018, chapters=20 available=true]
MovieDVD [ id=126, title=Forever Young, year=2020, size=140.0MB available=false]
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 3
Enter the id: 123
Media was successfully rented. Rental fee = $2.00
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 2
Enter the title: Forever Young
EBook [ id=123, title=Forever Young, year=2018, chapters=20 available=false]
MovieDVD [ id=126, title=Forever Young, year=2020, size=140.0MB available=false]
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 3
Enter the id: 999
The media object id=999 is not found
Welcome to Media Rental System
1: Load Media objects...
2: Find Media object...
3: Rent Media object...
9: Quit
Enter your selection : 9
Thank you for using the program. Goodbye!
Sample User interface - GUI:
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