question archive Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1a Ballantyne Investments Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1a IMPORT DATA AND INSERT SMARTART, IMAGES, AND CHARTS GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_EX19_7a_FirstLastName_1
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Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1a
Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1a
Open the file SC_EX19_7a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download from the SAM website.
Save the file as SC_EX19_7a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1” to a “2”.
If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
Apply the Turquoise, Accent Color 1, Shadow WordArt Style to the title.
Copy the formatting from cell A4 to cell D4.
Open the webpage Support_EX19_7a_Team.html in a browser.
In the Asset Management worksheet, import the data from the Support_EX19_Team webpage in cell G12.
In the imported table, change some data to reflect updates in the company:
Delete the row for Employee 520 because Chad Johnson is no longer with Ballantyne Investments.
Incorporate the imported data in the range B5:E10 as follows:
Copy the Position data from the range J13:J18 and paste only the values in the range B5:B10.
Resize columns A:D to their best fit, resize columns E:F to 7.00, and size column G to 21.00.
Hide rows 12 to 18 so that the worksheet does not display duplicated data.
Insert the picture Support_EX19_7a_Group.jpg.
Apply the Offset: Center picture effect from the Outer section of the Shadow gallery.
Add a caption to identify the picture as follows:
In cell H37, insert a Text Box from the Basic Shapes section of the Shapes gallery.
Enter Asset management team at work in the text box.
Insert the Organization Chart SmartArt from the Hierarchy section of the SmartArt gallery.
Add text to the SmartArt as follows, using Figure 1 as a guide:
Enter Montgomery in the second shape.
Add a shape after the "Montgomery" shape so that it appears to the right of the "Montgomery" shape.
Enter Garcia in the new shape.
In the bottom row, enter Lattimer in the left shape.
Enter Gao in the middle shape.
Enter Krause in the right shape.
Add a caption to identify the SmartArt as follows:
In cell B37, insert a Text Box from the Basic Shapes section of the Shapes gallery.
Enter Org chart in the text box.
Hide the gridlines on the worksheet to increase its visual appeal.
Use PowerPoint to open the presentation Support_EX19_7a_Disclaimer.pptx.
Position the upper-left corner of the screenshot image in cell B40.
Remove the chart title because the legend identifies the data clearly.
In cell E30, insert a Callout: Line shape from the Callouts section of the Shapes gallery.
Move the callout line so that it points to the bottom of the "Total Invested" column.
Type Sample data only in the callout shape.
Apply the Subtle Effect – Turquoise, Accent 1 shape style to the callout shape.
Apply the Ice Blue, Background 2 shape fill color to the plot area of the chart.
Elena wants to add one more element of visual interest on the worksheet.
Final Figure 1: Asset Management Worksheet
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