question archive 1)The center interior of the Arch of Titus depicts the emperor undergoing an apotheosis

1)The center interior of the Arch of Titus depicts the emperor undergoing an apotheosis

Subject:HistoryPrice:6.01 Bought6

1)The center interior of the Arch of Titus depicts the emperor undergoing an apotheosis.

2. Under the Romans, true portraiture was introduced.

  1. Which helps the stability of the dome?
  2. How do we know this individual is a Roman citizen?

 age signs? Real portraiture?

  1. Which emperor is associated with this building?  
  2. The subjects of the sculpture on Roman sarcophagi were often derived from Greek.
  3. The Romans admired everything Greek and copied much of their sculpture.
  4. This commemorates what event?   
  5. Pompeii and Herculaneum were important foreign provinces.
  6. What was one aspect of the myths surrounding Roman mystery religions?  
  7. The Roman emperor Commodus was one of most influential and effective of the so called "good emperors".
  8. The statue of Constantine for his basilica was made from several different materials. 
  9. The front porch of the Temple of Portunus shows the influence of the Etruscans.
  10. What may have been a source for the imagery and design used here?    
  11. On the Gemma Augustae the emperor is in the pose of god Apollo.
  12. What is an important part of the Colosseum?
  13. What is the statue of Commodus an example of?
    18. An important part of the Forum of Trajan were the two libraries.
  1. The figure of Tellus on the Ara Pacis is a reference to Augustus' connection to Julius Caesar.
  2. The presence of women and children on the Ara Pacis was typical of Republican imperial monuments.
  3. What was one area of Greek influence on the Romans?
  4. Who was the Trojan prince (who was the progenitor of the Romans?) ?
  5. Who was the progenitor of the Romans?
    Who was this temple dedicated to?         
  6. What do the dolphin and cupid at his feet have reference to?
  7. The Pantheon was thought to have been completed by Hadrian.
  8. The Etruscans were eventually assimilated into the Roman world.
  9. The pinnecone-topped and ivy-wrapped staff of Dionysus called the thrysos represented:
  10. Constantine included sculptures from an earlier monument of the emperor Hadrian to associate himself with the qualities of that emperor.
  11. All victorious Roman generals were accorded a Triumph.
  12. The statue of Aulus Metellus shows the influence of Greek statues such as Doryphoros.
  13. The Arch of Constantine celebrated the joint rule of Constantine and Maxemitius.
  14. 26. The Roman learned the use of concrete from the Etruscans who had built extensively with it.
  15. In a Roman Triumph, foreign spoils were paraded through the streets of Rome.
  16. The statue of Aulus Metellus was likely originally placed:
  17. What event is being depicted on the cuirass (breastplate)?        
    36.The Portrait of a Married Couple depicts the couple as educated and literate.
  1. The statues of Augustus are more idealized than those of the earlier Republican period.
  2. Where is the Portrait Head of Constantine from? 
  3. What helps lighten the weight of this building?
  4. The Gemma Augustea presents the message of dynastic succession of the Julio Claudians rulers.
  5.  Who was responsible for the building of the Colosseum?           
  6. How many people could the Colosseum seat?      
  7. One point about the statue of Aulus Metellus is         
  8. The female figure on the detail of the Ara Pacis, usually called Tellus, is meant to emphasize:
  9. The Romans considered the Greeks barbaric and destroyed their sculpture and considered their gods ridiculous.
  10. Only a few houses of the most wealthy individuals had their walls painted
  11. The Romans exploited the post and lintel system of architecture
  12. The exotic animals on the Sarcophagus of Dionysus were apparently a later addition and were not originally part of the god's iconography
  13. Who wrote the Aeneid?     
  14. The Romans focused more on public oratory, with statues of military leaders and statesmen, and less on athletes and heroes.     
  15. Augustus brought peace to the Roman people and became emperor after a period of civil war.            
  16. The Arch of Constantine celebrated the joint rule of Constantine and Maxentius.

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