question archive Last Name 1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Reign of Terror Demanding reparations holds more meaning in the history of the United States other than addressing issues on compensating slaves concerning the legacy of Jim Crow and slavery
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Reign of Terror
Demanding reparations holds more meaning in the history of the United States other than addressing issues on compensating slaves concerning the legacy of Jim Crow and slavery. In this regard, David Gran in his narrative, Killers of the Flower Moon, explores the way the Whites in the local areas collaborated to kill Osage members. They aimed at stealing their richness and vast oil wealth that could be owned through inheritance. According to Grain, the nursing issue about these stealing was that it involved marrying into Osage families. It encompassed a calculated move that revolved around betraying the individuals they pretended to love. People would pretend to marry Osage members and kill them to feed their greed (Grann 11). For this reason, the United States should give reparations for the cruel death and murder of Indians by white Americans in the past because what happened to them was a systematic murder campaign that defied the statistics of natural death.
The different programs and allotments in the United States have also played a crucial role towards the racial discrimination of Indians. Even though the Congress attempted to switch attention to Osage killings through the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and the VAWA 2013 which is concerned with the prosecution of non-Indians for violent behavior against Indian women, both statutes are not doing enough to rectify the situation. For Instance, based on the Alaska congressional delegation initially, Congress failed to include Alaska in states that could benefit from VAWA (Grann 8). Although it is a mistake they corrected later; it affected 229 federally known Indian nations in this state. For this reason, the United States should issue reparation to Indians for the cruel killings of Indians living in the United States (THE FLOW OF IDEAS IN THIS PAGRAPH IS POOR; YOU HAVE MIXED THE ISSUE OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND VIOLENCE AGAINST INDIAN WOMEN. CHOOSE ONE AND STICK TO IT IN THIS PARGRAPH).
The United States should also issue reparation to Indians because the quark in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act prevents them from benefiting from natural resource extraction. Besides, over 50% of the Indian nations in the United States are found in Alaska (Grann 8). They lack the economic power to deal with criminal and violence against women (WHY ARE YOU INTRODUCING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN HERE YET THE FIRST SENTENCE INDICATES THE PARARGRAPH IS SUPPOSED TO DISCUSS RESOURCE EXTRACTION?). Even worse, both VAWA and TLOA need Indian tribes to guarantee the procedural rights revolving around a criminal process beyond the ones required for any other defendant in the United States (IS THIS STATEMENT RELATED TO RESOURCE EXTRACTION? IF YES, THEN EXPLAIN HOW). For this reason, even if most Indian tribes may want to comply, they cannot afford it. The United States has established and continues to maintain the same political, economic and legal environment similar to the one that permitted the killings of Osage people (Grann 1). As a result, the United States should give repatriation to Indians because of the undermined reservation boundaries and Indian treaty rights with dispossession and allotment of Land (LIKEWISE THE FLOW OF IDEAS IN THIS PAGRAPH IS POOR; YOU HAVE MIXED ISSUES. CHOOSE ONE AND STICK TO IT THROUGH OUT THE PARGRAPH JUST LIKE YOU HAVE DONE IN THE PARAGRAPH BELOW ABOUT EDUCATION)..
Grann, David. Killers of the Flower moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI. Vintage, 2017.