question archive REPORT MATERIALS TO: ENGL 2311 STUDENTS This file contains the preliminary (called front matter) pages for the feasibility report
Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3
This file contains the preliminary (called front matter) pages for the feasibility report. These pages are also used for most types of reports. Also included is the first page of a sample report of the body of the report. The three major sections of a report are: Front Matter, Body/Text including conclusions and recommendations and the Works Cited, and the Appendix section. Your report MUST include these parts:
Title Page, Cover Letter/Letter of Transmittal, Table of Contents, Body with Conclusions and Recommendations, Works Cited.
Other part of the report are optional and may receive extra credit
Your report should include these parts. The Synopsis, also called the Executive Summary, the Appendix, the List of Illustrations and Graphics can be submitted for extra credit with your report but as part of your report. Also, if you submit your report early before the due date, you will receive extra points. If you include a PowerPoint presentation with those pages printed as part of your report, you will also receive extra points. The PowerPoint is not the entire report.
This file contains a list of sample report topics, but other topics may be selected; the Front Matter/Prefatory Pages; and the first page of the body of a report.
The last page of this file shows the grade sheet that will be used to grade your feasibility report. Use this page to see the required parts of the report and the optional parts of your report.
After studying these materials, if you have any questions, please call your instructor.
Report Materials (continued)
Selecting a Personal Computer: Which Is Best?
The Feasibility of Investing in Rental Property: Is Now the Time?
A Review of Food Delivery Services—Are These Services Feasible?
A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Placing a Multi-Way Stop Sign at the
Intersection of Adams and Kimberly Streets for the City of Missouri City
Long-Distance Moving: Should You Hire Professional Movers or Move Yourself?
Are You Ready to Purchase a Residence?
A Comparative Study of Selected Health Programs: PPOs Vs. HMOs
The Feasibility of Opening a Small Business—Daycare Center (or name of business), A Family Restaurant, a Florist Design Business, etc.
A Comparative Study of Street-Paving Methods: Concrete or Gravel. (Note: This was a
real civil engineering study by an engineering major who was also working as an
intern for the City of Missouri City and represents a real project that was completed.)
Selling Your Home: Do It Yourself or Hire a Professional Realtor?
How to Successfully Propagate the Passion Flower (horticultural study). (If you choose a horticultural study, select another type of shrub, flower, or vegetable. For Example: Study to Determine the Feasibility of Growing Tomatoes Hydroponically (as Disneyworld does.)
The Feasibility of Consolidating the PCA Production Summary Reports for the PCA
Repair Division of Compaq Computer Corporation
Feasibility of Building Electronic Data Management Systems Into Petrochemical Complexes (or Into Name of Your Company)
The Feasibility of Upgrading Computer Systems at XYZ Company, Inc.
to Industry Standards
Is Windows 10 a Worthwhile Upgrade? (or the latest Windows package?)
There are many other topics that you may select. Please let your instructor know the topic that you wish to write about in your feasibility study and discuss the topic with her. Please e-mail her and call her as well so that she can approve your topic.
Report Materials (continued)
The following pages represent samples of the front matter for a report and were developed and designed by Dr. Jean Vining. These materials are her property.
Sample Transmittal/Report Cover LetterJACKSON AND SMITH
Consulting Engineers
Houston, Texas 777056
(713) 222-3300 Fax: 713-111-1111 E-mail:
April 30, 2020
Mr. Raymond T. Birdsong, President
ABAC Manufacturing Company
111 Westheimer, Suite 110
Houston, TX 77056
Dear Mr. Birdsong:
Enclosed is the completed feasibility report that you authorized on March 1, 2020 The report examines the feasibility of ABAC Manufacturing Company implementing a company-wide vanpooling program.
The report presents findings on similar plans now in operation in the Houston area and examines program costs, operational guidelines, and suggestions for implementing a vanpooling program. Leasing versus purchasing vehicles is also discussed. Recommendations and conclusions with cost and other factors are presented.
The report includes a brief Executive Summary of the findings, cost-effectiveness data with a brief summary of findings in supporting charts and visuals. A description of a currently operating vanpooling program is also included. Findings indicate that implementing an employee vanpool program at ABAC Manufacturing Company is feasible.
If you would like to discuss any part of the report, I will be happy to do so at your convenience. I shall look forward to presenting these findings to your Board of Directors at the December meeting. Thank you again for the opportunity to prepare this study.
Sincerely yours,
Enclosure: Report
Sample Title Page
Presented To
Mr. Raymond T. Birdsong, President
ABAC Manufacturing Company
1234 Westheimer, Suite 110
Houston, Texas 77056
Prepared By
Name of Student
April 1, 2020
A brief general description of the report project, not more than 100 words or about two or three sentences.
Sample Outline/Table of Contents
Note: Sections 2, 3, and 4 in this Contents and additional sections will vary based on each student’s topic and findings. This sample uses the technical outlining approach. You can prepare a traditional outline and then convert to a technical outline for your final Table of Contents in the feasibility report.
Note: DO NOT just copy the items listed below in your actual final report. These are my notes to you. Use the topics and other as needed.
Letter of Transmittal
Title Page
List of Tables and Illustrations
Executive Summary
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Research Methods Used 1
1.3 Definition of Terms (optional) 1
1.4 Limitations and Scope 2
3.1 Surveying Local Industries 2
3.1.1 Name of Industry One 3
3.1.2 Name of Industry Two 3
3.2 Other Data Sources 4
4.1 Analyzing Data 5
4.2 Organizing Findings 5
(This section might also be Advantages and Disadvantages
or some other type of comparison of factors)
5.1 Conclusions 7
5.2 Recommendations 7
7.0 APPENDIX (Optional) 10
Appendix A. Survey Questionnaire 11
Appendix B. List of Survey Respondents 12
Appendix C. Observation Checklist 13
Appendix D. Thank-You Letter to Industries Surveyed 14
(Appendix Section may also include maps, pictures, other information)
Sample List of Tables and Illustrations
(Optional—for Exrta Credit)
Table 1. Results of Survey of Selected Houston Businesses 3
Table 2. Survey Instrument 4
Table 3. Percentage of Respondents 6
Figure 1. Sales Volume Related to Customer Type 5
Figure 2. Vanpooling Cost Chart 5
Figure 3. Map of Proposed Vanpooling Area with
Dropout Destinations 7
Optional for Extra Credit
The major purpose of this report was to determine whether the ABAC Manufacturing Company should implement a vanpooling program for its employees. Information was obtained from interviews with selected administrators of vanpooling programs in companies in the greater Houston area. Additionally, library and Internet research and interviews with van dealers, insurance representatives, governmental and regulatory agencies, and financial analysts were also conducted.
Vanpooling is a way of commuting which may annually reduce gasoline consumption by up to 5,000 gallons per vanpool vehicle, save a passenger over $1,000 annually in commuting costs, and reduce air pollution, traffic congestion, and employee tardiness and absenteeism. In addition to these major vanpooling benefits, other vanpooling advantages were found. A special 10 percent income tax credit is allowed in most companies that sponsor vanpools. In case of a fuel shortage, vanpools are usually given preference and usually have first choice for use of traffic contra-flow lanes or expressways. Several companies reported improved employee morale when employees participated in their company-sponsored vanpool (see Table 1).
As of 2020, there were over 500 successful vanpools in operation throughout the United States. Three of these vanpools in the greater Houston area include vanpools at Texaco/Shell, Halliburton KBR, Amoco, Inc., and Reliant Energy.
The ABAC Manufacturing Company should implement a pilot voluntary program for employees to determine interest in such a program. Recommended steps for implementing the program are outlined in this report. No changes of employee working hours are needed at this time. If changes in work hours should be needed following the pilot study, a flextime work schedule could be implemented on a departmental basis of might be developed on a company-wide basis, depending on overall employee preference and usage data.
The proposed ABAC vanpool program will require 5 to 6 vans. Types and sizes of vans are illustrated in Section 5.0, Table 6. Leasing fully equipped, 12-passenger Chevrolet Suburbans for 36 months with full maintenance and insurance options will cost approximately $1,110 per month. Acquiring insurance through the leasing agency is 20 to 40% more economical than purchasing insurance separately by our ABAC. All registration and property taxes are included in the lease agreement. And, at no additional cost to the firm, all vanpool employees will be insured while they commute.
When the vans are decorated with slogans or the ABAC Manufacturing Company name, these vehicles will also general goodwill and provide an advertisement opportunity. Except for administrative and promotional costs, also shown in Tables 7 and 8, the entire cost of the recommended vanpool program will be absorbed by the riders through very economical fares paid by participants (Table 9, Standard Vanpool Rider Fares in Greater Houston).
The overall conclusion is that ABAC Manufacturing Company should implement a three-month trial vanpool program immediately.
Sample Page of First Page of Body of Report Last name 1
1.0 Purpose
This report provides accurate data for ABAC Manufacturing Company’s management to decide the feasibility of implementing an employee vanpooling program.
1.2 Scope and Limitations
The primary purpose of this report is to determine the feasibility of implementing a vanpooling program to reduce the ever-increasing commuting costs of ABAC Manufacturing Company’s employees. Only the most vital aspects of vanpooling programs such as costs and benefits are discussed. Not included in the report is a complete explanation of all legal processes in organizing the program.
1.3 Methods and Procedures
Methods and procedures used to gather data for this report were the following:
1. Library research was conducted to determine current practices and recent developments locally, regionally, statewide, and nationally in vanpool or ride-share programs. The internet was also used to collect selected information.
2. Vanpooling representatives of selected area firms similar in sizes to ABAC Manufacturing Company were interviewed to determine costs, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of local vanpooling programs.
3. Data were analyzed and gathered into this formal feasibility report with conclusions and recommendations presented.
Continue with Section 2 here and just keep on writing your report.
2.0 Background of the Problem
Last name 2
Do not put just one line of a new section on a page by itself. If you can type the heading for the section and two lines of text in the first paragraph of that section, then you can put that material together and then continue on to the next page of your report.