question archive Hello, I have got this assignment here, which is business changing word

Hello, I have got this assignment here, which is business changing word

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Hello, I have got this assignment here, which is business changing word. You have written it down 1300 words and the topic you will write is 3. Logistics – this industry topic encompasses the storage and transportation of materials and goods by road, rail, air and sea. However, you have to follow the steps of the assignments. And I will give you the link to an example of this assignment which is some of the students wrote it down in last year. Hers is the link.

Completing Your Integrated Report: A 10 Step Process

  1. Review the content covered in the BUSS506 paper, identifying key concepts from each week. Group those concepts under changes in the three spheres covered in the paper: the global economy, the natural environment and digital technology.
  2. Explore different quality sources of information and collect material related to your chosen industry that talks about the impact of change in any or all of the three spheres:
  3. Organise the material that you have collected on change in your industry under the three spheres.
  4. Familiarise yourself with the material you have collected from your research and identify patterns in what you are reading on change in each sphere. Group similarly themed material together.
  5. Then go through this material, linking ideas from your research to concepts that you listed from the paper.
  6. Decide which concepts are the most relevant for your analysis of the industry and well supported by your research material. Focus on those concepts in writing your analysis.
  7. If necessary, fill in any gaps in your analysis by doing some targeted research.
  8. Write your draft report.
  9. Read over the final draft and edit it to make the writing more concise and readable, and the structure logical and easy to follow.
  10. Check you have met all the requirements listed in the Study Guide (e.g. word limit, in-text referencing, reference list).


Additional notes:

  • Make sure you have read the assessment requirements on pp. 9-10 of the Study Guide and familiarised yourself with the marking criteria for the assignment (available on Blackboard in the ‘Integrated Report’ folder under the ‘Assessments’ tab).
  • Make sure that you use concepts and ideas covered in this paper, not other papers you might be doing (e.g. marketing, economics, computer science).
  • Make sure that you address change in all three spheres (i.e. the global economy, the natural environment and digital technology). However, the relative emphasis given to each sphere may vary depending on the characteristics of your chosen industry.
  • There is no right or wrong answer – everyone’s report, even on the same industry, will be different

Information sources to consider:

  1. Online news media e.g. NZ Herald,, Radio NZ, BBC, The Guardian.
  2. Research-based news and opinion e.g. The Conversation (, Scientific American (
  3. Global consultancies e.g. McKinsey & Company ( have a wide range of industry reports, featured insights, plus a publication – the McKinsey Quarterly. Other consultancies include Deloitte and EY.
  4. NGOs and international organisations e.g. World Economic Forum (, World Trade Organization, World Bank, OECD, and United Nations and associated agencies (e.g. International Labour Organization).
  5. Academic research articles – you can access academic journals using the AUT Library databases, but you should combine any use of academic research with the other types of information sources listed above in order to access up-to-date information on the change in your industry.


Recommended report structure:

  1. Introduction – introduce your chosen industry and why change is an important issue for that industry.
  2. Discussion –  this is the main body of your report
    1. Use sub-headings to highlight main themes and key ideas – the simplest way to structure this section is using the three spheres.
    2. Provide interesting and relevant examples that illustrate your points
    3. Show evidence of your research by referring to ideas and points from the sources of information you have consulted.
    4. Use in-text citations to acknowledge the sources of all researched information you use.
    5. Make sure you that you use relevant concepts and ideas from the BUSS506 paper in your analysis.
  3. Conclusion – this final section draws your analysis together; do not add any new ideas or material:
    1. Draw conclusions about how changes in the three spheres are shaping the future of business in your industry. If you can, highlight any links between the different spheres.
    2. Explain which of the three you believe will have the most significant impact, and justify your opinion.
  4. Reference List – provide a complete list of the sources of information used in your report, in APA format.


Assessment 3: Integrated Report – Industry options

For this assignment, choose one industry from this list to research and write your report on: 

  1. Farming – this industry topic encompasses how crops and animals are grown for food and other products.
  2. Fashion – this industry topic encompasses how clothing and accessories are designed, manufactured and sold to end-user consumers.
  3. Logistics – this industry topic encompasses the storage and transportation of materials and goods by road, rail, air and sea.
  4. Tourism – this industry topic encompasses the provision, management and consumption of tourism products and services.


Please note:


  • The industry you choose provides the context for your analysis of the implications for business in that industry of changes in the three spheres of change we cover in the BUSS506 course: the global economy, the natural environment and digital technology.
  • The implications of changes in the global economy, natural environment and digital technology could include both impacts on businesses in the industry and how those businesses are responding to changes.
  • There is no need to address all parts of the industry in your report. Focus on those parts that are most relevant to your research on the impacts of changes in the three spheres of change.
  • You need to apply a range of relevant concepts from the content covered in this course under each of the three spheres of change. The ideas generated from your research for the report should be linked to and supported by relevant concepts from the BUSS506 course.
  • There is no need to include all the concepts covered in the course. Focus on those concepts that are the most relevant for your analysis.

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