question archive University of Notre DameAME 20221 Consider a compressor stage with no inlet guide vane, as depicted in Figure 1

University of Notre DameAME 20221 Consider a compressor stage with no inlet guide vane, as depicted in Figure 1

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University of Notre DameAME 20221

Consider a compressor stage with no inlet guide vane, as depicted in Figure 1. The hub-to-tip radius ratio for the rotor is rh1/rrt1 = 0.5 and the mass flow rate (of air) in the compressor is 100 kg/s, at the standard sea level condition, pt1 = 100 kPa and Tt1 = 288 K. For an axial Mach number of Mz = 0.5, calculate


a) The rotor hub and casing radii rh1 and rt1 (in meters). To achieve a relative tip Mach number of (M1r)tip = 1.4

b) The rotor rotational speed ω (in radians per second) For a design pitchline degree of reaction of °Rm = 0.5, and constant axial velocity

c) The rotor exit swirl at the pitchline radius Cθ2m (in m/s)

d) The total temperature Tt2m (in K) using Euler equation, the total pressure Pt2m (in kPa) and the fluid density ρ2m (in kg/m3) assuming a polytropic efficiency of ec=0.90

e) The diffusion factor at the pitchline Dm2, comment on your result

f) The hub radius in station 2, rh2

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