question archive Paper details: Dear here is a attachment  for a student group did it need the same style but different topic

Paper details: Dear here is a attachment  for a student group did it need the same style but different topic

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Paper details:

Dear here is a attachment  for a student group did it need the same style but different topic .  as my friend in the group not there so you can make   ME & B person     The Question  is   make sure that you will focus in  Strengths and weaknesses of group two’s wiki etc      Week 7 CW1  Summative Assessment Group 3 submission: Luke & Zivai     PS *(Call my Group : Group 1 Sarah and B)*   A critical evaluation of Group two’s Wiki Group Two: summative discussion Topic: How can an organisation use data to reduce the number of days lost/ expenses due to deaths or accidents? Why did group three decide to choose to analyse group two's Wiki critically? The evaluation process of research is meant to provide and supply reliable evidence regarding a subject matter on the discussion. The objective of the process is intended to categorically provide scientific clarified numbers in support of the primary discussion in question and while in the process allowing for an intervention to attain possible solutions to remedy the challenge. Group two discussion focuses on one of the major economic challenges that are typically not paid attention to though impactful. In examining and analysing this paper, it is important to give close attention to two factors in the discussion which are accidents and employee days taken off thereof. Group two’s report is entirely based on these two concerns. Therefore while we examine their work, our analysis is focused evidenced based problem supported using data. The report is based on factual evidence obtained from an independent source which provides statically data on broader national industrial concerns. The evidence from the UK Health and Safety Executive is the foundational data which the whole rationale behind the question presented herein. We would like to start with the reason we as a group are critically analysing this paper. The subject matter in the discussion is a solid argument that can only be addressed using data. We recognise that to able to present the problem in a debate in a manner that requires attention, the use of data is significantly important, even as it also pertains solving the challenge itself.   The report is more quantitative than qualitative which in part fulfils the requirements of this module. Qualitative Data is based significantly on interpretations which we would have to check for credibility, dependable testing and confirmable. On the other hand, the quantitative approach of the group two wiki allows the for interpreting of numerical data which contains descriptive statistical and inferential statistics.     We also chose to tackle this wiki because it presents a challenge that significantly affects every employee and has a significant impact on the national economy as a whole. Lastly, the use of analytic data to establish evidence in supports of the statement of purpose in this research presentation is appealing in part of fulfilling the requirements of this module. The broader view of the issue provides a common challenge that can only be supported by data. Analysis of and feedback on group two’s wiki   Research question Research problems are generally investigative in nature. Thus, requiring the identified problem to be researchable and can be grounded and supportable with existing literature and in this case data. Group two did identify a researchable subject matter, which is practically a national issue that needs addressing to develop existing evidence based problem. While the chosen item is significantly important and researchable, it is important to note that there was need on their behalf to a thorough search for more literature other than the data presented herein. This subject requires an extensive and in-depth literature that could require showing the comprehensive nature of the problem. Nonetheless, the choice of the problem is researchable and can be supported by data, which they did an excellent job in presenting. Our suggestion as a group is that they should have narrowed their research to a single organisation or a department within an organisation.       Data Usage Of cause, the assignment requires the use of data as supporting evidence to the research question. The group adopted time series data to show the progression or effect of the challenge over a period. According to Investopedia, “time series is a sequence of numerical data points in successive order, usually occurring in uniform intervals”. The objective of the use of this model to show accidents per year and it is also meant to describe how the past affects the future and how time series interact.  The characteristics of time series data to show if the following exist: Trends over time. Seasonal events. Outliers. Long run cycle. Constant variance. Abrupt changes. We think the group could have done a better job of showing these characterises in the data they produced. This could have further made a case of the argument they are presenting. The group also mentioned the use of a histogram to present previously summarised data from the UK agency. Our understanding of a histogram is a graphical display of data using bars of different heights. Even though there is mention of use in the paper, the graphical display does not necessarily appear anywhere, and we believe that the use of such technique would have elaborated a definitive display of frequency of score occurrences.  We think the use of histogram would have helped in dividing data according to variances.      Qualitative and quantitative data, in this case, examines opinions in relation to quantitative numerical data and how both are depended on each other. However, we do think that, regarding the question in discussion the paper could have been served well if numerical data was presented first then followed by qualitative questions formulated based on evidence. The reason we suggest that is that the objective of the paper is to help organisations use data to reduce the number of the day lost or expenses incurred.  To provide possible solutions, it is important to examine the evidence that suggests there is a problem and then provide a set of questions to better understand the problem. Strengths and weaknesses of group two’s wiki   The Wiki in the discussion has some critical information that key to the successful analysis of the projected undertaken is. However, like any other project, it has various weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses of the wiki from group two are as followed:    Strengths    Introduction to the research question addressed - This introduction enabled the writer to give a foundation of information for the reader to understand the research problem in detail, thus provides good background knowledge when proposing a project.   Introduction into data what is associated with workplace accidents and how it should be used - Discussing what types of data are available for this kind of research problem is key when introducing details statistics to a reader. This gradually introduces the core data what is required to analyse the problem at hand successfully.  Presenting industry statistics - This develops the reader's understanding of how wide scale workplace problems are and the impact it has on an employee and an employer. These also assist with developing targets and benchmarks for business improvements to be made.   Grouping data into industries and job types such as construction industry, office roles such as Administrators - This give an indication that different kinds of jobs give different hazards and highlights where areas of improvements are required.   Highlighting types of accidents within the data - This helps analyse and forecast statistics so businesses can employ new procedures and control measures while developing the organisation and reducing accidents and costs.   Using a sample survey - Using the sample survey in the wiki allows the reader to see a contrast of how businesses operate, the automatic thought process for an individual who does not look at health and safety in detail would be to assume that one business employs same processes and procedures throughout the organisation. However, as highlighted, this is not the case. Businesses need to highlight areas of improvements so continues improvement can take form.   This wiki developed some good recommendations from the data collection and analysis; these recommendations are beneficial for businesses to improve.   Weaknesses   Images, diagrams and illustrations are not visible – These effects the presentation of the entire wiki and impacts what the writer is presenting. Without the images, it gives the reader difficulty to understand which makes the analysis of the image difficult to comprehend. I believe this problem is related to the technology used on the blackboard, if the writer used a different method of presenting the images, this weakness might not be present. The qualitative data used in this wiki may generate incorrect data. Employees that may be disgruntled with the business may be biased in their answers, causing the data to be negatively skewed. This will ultimately lead to incorrect decisions being made. This wiki has used random data that is not directly linked to the business, e.g. “nb. This data is random, so it is not an accurate representation”. This would have been better if the data was live data taken from the organisation question so that a truer and more thorough analysis can be made.     The chosen wiki has no conclusion. Thus there is no summary of the overall key points or data discussed. Having a conclusion would allow a business to evaluate this summarised information on health and safety and therefore be able to make business decisions.   How are group two and three wiki’s connected? The first connection we found when analysing both wiki’s was that they both used similar data collection methods such as employee surveys. This indicates a clear link between the objectives of the wiki’s, both wiki’s aim to educate the readers on how employees can change how the business operates and the importance of treating employees fairly. A happy workforce is a safe and productive workforce, an unhappy workforce is unproductive and a higher risk of personal injury which results in increased operational costs. Another connection between group two and three’s wiki is that they both used the same measurements to ensure the project was managed efficiently although they were used in different context due to the nature of the business. They also shared information and data through histograms to allow data analyse which gave the reader a foundation of knowledge of how the businesses operate. Both wikis are analysing two different job sectors that require manual skills and special training (manual trade professions). They employ same or similar methodologies, tools, principles, measures and controls all of that can develop and analyse projects, allowing specific outcomes to be attainable. The wiki group two developed was aimed at health and safety; this has a clear link to the automotive industry our group (group three) developed. All of the data discussed and information presented could be applied to the automotive business discussed in our group (group three). How does group two, use statistics to understand the issues presented? Data and statistics are of paramount importance. Using various methods to collate data and analysing it using tables and visuals to reach the overall objective, i.e., “How can an organisation use data to reduce the number of days lost/expenses due to deaths or accidents”. The wiki developed by group two presents a variety of statistics, for example, high-level statistics which gives the reader an overall view of the workplace problem in question. It also states how time series data can be used to illustrate how improvements can be made over a given time scale, using this data can assist with investigations and management decisions within businesses. The example statistics given show how there is a clear correlation between the cause of the accident and the number of deaths and the cost to an organisation. This data could be used by businesses to highlight which areas require stricter health and safety procedures or the need for training to reduce and prevent potential accidents or deaths occurring in the future. Conclusion to group two’s wiki Overall group two wiki questions provide a substantive industrial question that can be supported using numerical data. Numerical evidence for the question herein is vast in content that tackling this challenge in this setting does not to justify to the problem in discussion. A national issue such as these requires diligent labour and resources. The group could have served its self well if they focused on the same subject matter but paying attention to the relatively smaller organisation or department. In general research of this nature is supposed to simplify the reality rather than compound. Theoretical the group has provided an academic structured paper but still living the question somewhat unanswered. The models used by group two to examine and present this article fit within the frame work of data analysis though in some instances they could have gone further in their presentation. The group paper does provide and address variable differences in different times the question provided herein won’t be addressed efficiently in this setting due to the broad aspects of the complex national problem that require significant resources to approach it.   In conclusion, numerous methods can be used when analysing statistics for any given project. Upon reflecting group two’s Wiki, we have highlighted the following methodologies and tools from unit one to five have been employed in the project; these are as followed:   The wiki analyses and informs the reader what statistics are and the types of data available and presents the data in a graphical form. These are concepts touched on in unit one. They discuss in depth, the use of various tools and measures to analyse and present data, such as medium, mode and standard deviation, using knowledge gained from unit two. Another aspect of they have incorporated into the wiki (taken from concepts discussed in unit three), is the use of charts to enhance the analysis of their data. This offers a deeper insight into the data. Charts have been used to illustrate how this method can be used to analyse, extract and present data. Upon concluding group two’s wiki, we were able to develop our understandings of how data analysis methodologies can be applied to ensure the desired outcomes are attained. This assessed wiki also highlighted how statistics could be analysed within a different industry. This would assist us in interpreting data and presenting projects in the future.  Thank you   2000 words .   please read this      Module: Analysis of Business Data Module assessment - details available on page 4 of the Assessment brief (the assessment brief is available in the Assessment link on the left-hand side of your blackboard screen (below the tutor videos link and above the Personal developing planning). CW1(SA) - Wiki Report: 30% CW1(SA) - Collaborative Activity: 20%  The assessment weighting for CW1 is 50%. The assessment criteria is based on the development of a wiki report and class interactions. The final report developed as part of your wiki work should be around 2,000 words. The wiki report was due in Week 5 and its weighting is 30%. The wiki report should be developed as part of group work (two students allocated per group. Groups were posted to ensure that everyone was allocated to a group. An option to self-select your group was given. As no communications or interactions regarding this issue were recorded, I allocated the group). The work to be done in the wiki should cover the material studied through units 1 to 5, where each student should outline a research question that the wished to address. Please, for further guidelines regarding specific points to be covered in the report refer to page 5 of the assessment brief. In page 6 of the assessment brief the assessment criteria is outlined. There is a comment regarding the assessment of oral presentation that does not apply to required work, as given guidelines on page 5 do not indicate any kind of oral presentation to be developed.    On page 7 of the assessment brief component 2 of CW1 is presented. The starting date of this work was Monday 10th of July and the concluding date is Sunday 16th of July. However, consider an announcement posted by the course lead given an extension regarding the ine (extension given due to issues faced by the blackboard update). In line with guidelines offered on page 7, the wiki report produced in week 5 (CW1 - Component 1 - Wiki Report) should be posted on the discussion board. The final report should be posted in week 5 for consideration of the other groups, in case that they wished to prepare their comments from week 5 to 7. Then, during week 7 you just need to identify the report that you are commenting on, and post your response in the discussion board - Week 7 thread. The main points to be addresssed as part of your collaboration work are: 1. Explain why the group decided to comment on the chosen wiki. 2. Analyse the work done by the chosen group and offer feedback that identify how the report could be improved. 3. Highlight the main strenghts and weaknesses of the report and offer clear connections with your group own wiki. 4. Offer a critical assessment on the value that statistics offered to help you understanding the issue presented by the chosen group.  5. Offer a critical assessment of the value that statistics offered to help you understand the issue presented by the chosen group.  6. Conclude the report reflecting on the major learning outcomes of the group after reviewing the material covered from unit 1 to 5, and how it has been applied by your peers and your own group to complete the first assignment.  Please, refer to page 8 of the assessment brief for details regarding class interactions assessment criteria.     Please, consider the details presented in this announcement and cross-check them with the assessment brief. The guidelines regarding the work to be done are outlined, but if you have any questions, doubts or areas of concern do let me know. Additionally, I have created new threads to post your work in the discussion board. Again, please, review the assessment brief, review guidelines presented in this announcement and if you have any questions or concerns do let me know.  Kind regards,      P.S: Please, consider that the comments presented in this section are also posted as an announcement. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns once you have reviewed given comments and guidelines offered in the assessment brief, please do let me know. Once more, I would like to emphasise on the importance of reading the assessment brief and making sure that you clarify any issues or concerns that you might have after you have reviewed the assessment brief.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------   Assessment weighting: 50% Assessment Criteria:  Wiki Report & Class Interactions Word count: Around 2,000 words


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