question archive Running head: METHODOLOGY JUSTIFICATION 1 METHODOLOGY JUSTIFICATION 7 Methodology Justification Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Methodology Justification Introduction As the landscape of higher education continues to undergo some changes, the teaching quality is becoming a very instrumental issue

Running head: METHODOLOGY JUSTIFICATION 1 METHODOLOGY JUSTIFICATION 7 Methodology Justification Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Methodology Justification Introduction As the landscape of higher education continues to undergo some changes, the teaching quality is becoming a very instrumental issue

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Methodology Justification

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Methodology Justification


As the landscape of higher education continues to undergo some changes, the teaching quality is becoming a very instrumental issue. In other words, changes such as geographical factors, social, and international competition are playing a crucial role in making the quality of teaching higher education to be rated among the most sought after issues . Additionally, determining the extent or the quality of teaching as far as higher education is concerned has become a complex issue since it entails factors such as the knowledge of the instructor, pedagogical skills and the level of experience (Adorisio & Palgrave, 2009).

The main objective of this paper is to explore the teaching quality of those Lecturers and instructors who have a Ph.D. relative to those that do not have, but they are well-equipped with the needed professional training, and experience. The aim of this research will revolve around examining some of the notable indicators of high-quality teaching with the main concentration being on lecturers. The research sought to contribute to the ongoing discussion on what should be taken into consideration when classifying the best qualification that can prepare high quality and well-equipped lecturers. As such, the qualified higher education lecturers should be able to offer high-quality teaching in higher education. One of the challenges experienced while developing the research methodology was the consequent factors that define quality teaching. In fact, this was made more difficult by the fact that there was limited time needed to complete an extended and complete research. Above all, this research methodology managed to contribute many issues that may be crucial to the discussion revolving around quality teaching in higher education (VanderStoep & Johnston, 2009).

Research Approach

This research took a mixed research design that involved the use of both secondary and primary sources. The secondary sources used were majorly based on the review of related literature on the research topic. Since both secondary sources and primary sources have their weaknesses, it is acknowledged that employing a mixed research design can be able to offset some of the challenges and weaknesses of each research method by allowing for analysis, and exploration in the same research (Greener, 2008). In other words, in this research, a mixed research design ensured that this research was able to employ both tools that were available to the researcher and in so doing; the research was able to collect a more comprehensive data and information. Moreover, using both secondary sources and primary sources will enable the interpretation of the research findings easier and appealing to everyone. Reviewing of literature and collecting of data using primary sources such as questionnaires ensured that this research could communicate using both numbers and words. Above all, combining these two types of sources made the researcher avoid or limit personal biases (VanderStoep & Johnston, 2009).

Research Methods

Focus Group Interviews will be employed in this research to help collect information from higher institutions that vary in size. The focus group method was chosen because it is always instrumental in developing or improving the quality of a service or product. In this case, it will be instrumental in pointing out how best quality teaching in higher education can be realized (Krippendorff, 2012). The assumption here is that, given the value of the objectives of this research, the value of the information collected from the focus groups will be based on the preparation that will be done before the research. In other words, the focus group interviews will be crucial in ensuring that insights on the current higher education quality are obtained as well as the prospective services and quality of teaching required (VanderStoep & Johnston, 2009).

Interviews will also be used in the research.Interviews were chosen so that the research respondents can be able to think and reflect on their responses since most of the questions will be provided on time. In this case, if the chosen respondent will have confidence and trust in the research process, it is possible that they will collaborate with insightful and honest responses (Smith & Small, 2017). Additionally, this method is related to the research hypothesis in the sense that, it will give the research respondents and the researcher to observe the behaviors and the attitudes of the respondents and in the process; it will capture the true picture of the actual language and feelings about the quality of teaching. Apparently, the interviews were preferred in this research since they made it possible for the researcher to establish the reliability and the validity of the respondent’s responses (Adorisio & Palgrave, 2009).

Preparation, Selection Implementations, and Data Analysis of the Research Methods

Focus Group Discussions

The first step, in this case, will be the definition of the research objectives. It is after this process when specific needs of research will be identified. Additionally, the number, location and the composition of the focus groups will be identified to check whether the resources at the researcher's disposal will be enough (Yan, 2017). The target audience; higher institutions staff will be recruited since they will ensure that the research has the right respondents. Moreover, this will also be followed by the management and selections of the field services that will be required to make the research success. After the management of the field’s services, a discussion guide will be developed bearing the research objectives and questions and a moderator in charge of each group will also be chosen. The viewers will be debriefed after which the results will be analyzed using the recorded tapes and notes from the groups. The final step will involve the discussion and presentation of results for marketing and contribution to the research objectives purposes (Greener, 2008).

Given the limited resources in this research, Focus Group discussions offer an inexpensive and fast technique of acquiring and collecting data. Additional, friends and co-workers are more comfortable in raining their opinions in each other’s company which makes focus group discussion a better option in this case. As much as it offers dynamic discussions, the researcher may incur challenges in controlling and managing the entire research process. In the context of this research, recording of data might also become a challenge since it is challenging to record data when so many individuals are voicing their opinions at the same time (Greener, 2008).

Research Interviews

The first step that will be taken will revolve around ensuring that the questions of interview align very well with the research questions. This will be crucial in ensuring that the interview may not deviate from the research objectives (Hyett et al., 2014). After the alignment of the interview questions, the next step will be the construction of an inquiry-based conversation with the research respondents to get insights on the problem under investigation. The third step will involve receiving feedback in regards to the protocol of the interview after which the final step will involve piloting of the interview protocol in search of answers and data as far as the research topic is concerned (VanderStoep & Johnston, 2009).

The main advantages of employing research interviews in this study are that it will also work for an in-depth understanding and comprehensive data collection as far as some of the issues and factors contributing to quality teaching in higher education are concerned. Moreover, since the interviews will be face to face, facial expressions and body language will be helpful in determining the real attitudes and behaviors of the research respondents on the quality of learning in higher education. However, the time taken to recruit and interview the respondents was somehow tiresome. And in some instances, some of the respondents may deliver biased responses (McKenzie, Powell, & Usher, 1997).


In this research, scholarly articles, books, and the internet alongside other sources were employed to offer insights on the issues revolving around quality teaching in higher learning institutions. Apparently, a description, critical evaluation and a summary of their arguments about the research topic under investigation were useful in helping the researcher with more information regarding the problem under investigation. Additionally, exploration of different literature or rather secondary sources acted as a highway towards the realization of the research objectives. Moreover, the review literature was also instrumental in offering the much-needed background on the problem under investigation (Clough & Nutbrown, 2012). Furthermore, Since it has been a challenge to choose reliable and quantifiable indicators that can be used to measure the teaching quality of lecturers, the secondary sources will also be crucial in ensuring that this research avoids duplication, borrow from other research designs, fill the gaps in the literature and in so doing, the researcher may be able to identify and interpret their research findings (McKenzie, Powell, & Usher, 1997).


Adorisio, A. L. M., & Palgrave Connect (Online service). (2009). Storytelling in organizations: From theory to empirical research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bontis, N., & Serenko, A. (2009). A follow-up ranking of academic journals. Journal of Knowledge Management13(1), 16-26.

Greener, S. (2008). Business research methods. BookBoon Press

McKenzie, G. W., Powell, J., & Usher, R. (Eds.). (1997). Understanding social research: Perspectives on methodology and practice (No. 16). Psychology Press.

VanderStoep, S. W., & Johnston, D. D. (2009). Research methods for everyday life: Blending qualitative and quantitative approaches. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Clough, P., & Nutbrown, C. (2012). A student's guide to methodology. Sage.

Hyett, N., Kenny, A., & Dickson-Swift, V. (2014). Methodology or method? A critical review of qualitative case study reports. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being , 9(1), 23606.

Krippendorff, K. (2012). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage.

Smith, J., & Small, R. (2017). Is It Necessary to Articulate a Research Methodology When Reporting on Theoretical Research? . Current Business and Economics Driven Discourse and Education: Perspectives from Around the World, 202.

Yan, K. (2017). Methodology: Methodology justification. In Chinese International Students’ Stressors and Coping Strategies in the United States (pp. 33-39). Springer Singapore.

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How is this different from The study will utilize primary research method of Focus Groups Interviews. There will be organized three focus group interviews; Student’s Focus Group, Lecturer’s Focus Group, and Education Administrator’s Focus Group.



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