question archive To define the individual of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities can be can be a very difficult task
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To define the individual of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities can be can be a very difficult task. The reasons behind this are, Roma, Gypsy and Travelers are exogenous groups, the identity of these three communities is always an imposed aspect informed by the fantasy and stereotypes of by the settled population. The title Gypsy, Roma and Travelers is a general title used to illustrate a large diversity of cultural and ethnic groups. Many ways can be used to fix ethnicity. This ways include, Language they use, self-identification, itinerate way of life and crucially. To define an individual as a Roma, Gypsy and Traveler is a concern of self-recognition and it also include the ones living in the homes. If the community members are settled in houses, the ethnic identity is not lost but it persists and conforms to the ways of life.
Through this article, the schools can acquire a brief background to the culture and history of all these three groups. On the other hand, whereas it is good to know the background, history as well as culture of Roma, Gypsy and Travelers people in order acknowledge who the really the pupil are, it is more simple to define them by only this information. The identity of all pupil is established on experiences and expansive range of influence which may change from the settled population as well as from other people in the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
These three communities, Roma, Gypsy and Traveller generic term, covers a number of different groups of people. These groups include, English and Welsh Gypsies, Scottish and Irish Travellers, Fairground people that (showmen) and circus people, bargees, the occupational boat dwellers and New Travelers. Majority of these communities have a tendency of travelling style of living, despite the fact that, their history and customs change from one community to another. The title, Gypsy, Roma and Travelers is accepted by most members of these groups though most English Gypsies opt to be called Gypsies. On the other hand, the term Gypsy can be anticipated as a negative undertone and is not accepted by some people. This is similar case with Eastern and Central Europe communities and Roma is the general term which is preferred to define the people in both areas. Fairground people who prefer the term showmen have a different customary history that can be drawn back middle ages during the time royal chatters were given for fairs and before then, the Roman trade gathering times.
Circus people have their independent established movements of travel and they are very proud of the history of their family connected with the traditional skills of the ‘Big-top’. Circuses is likely to be owned by a particular family who may employ a number of acts, and they may poses a different international backgrounds.
The term Bargee is used more accordingly in Europe specifically in Netherlands, where doing a job in canals is considered as an industry. In the UK, a few number of people settled on the waterways exist. These people call themselves bargees although they prefer to be called boat dwellers. This is good evidence that, there exist a small number of families dwelling on sea-going coastal boats which travel during summer times between the small harbors and ports.
A great percentage of the whole population of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people live in houses. By living in the houses, they do not default their ethnicity when they start living in houses. Other people live on local authority or in caravan sites which are owned by private individuals and others live in their own plots of land. Roughly a fifth of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller population who do not live in houses lack secure place to live and they move between illegal encampments.
History of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
It is not easy to fully understand the current situation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities without the knowledge of the history of these three groups. The Roma, Gypsy and Traveller communities have suffered social exclusion, marginalization as well as genocides in some cases for five centuries. A recent analysis has shown that Roma, Gypsies and travelers are victims of the great number of discriminations and are the largest minority ethnicity group without a state in Europe. The background of this social and racial divide can be viewed back to the sixteenth century where communal attitudes in relation to the behavior of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers altered from compassion to mistrust and animosity. This is to great extend attributed to the reality that their healing practices and their telling of fortune was seen as an contrast to the church teachings which was becoming more dictatorial in responding to the threats of well-known uprising. In this situation of political, social and religious state of constant change, the Roma, Gypsy and Traveller communities become the very most target for racism as well as entire prejudice of the communities and their way of life was at same position by the end of the sixteenth century.
The repercussions of this historic and communal divide are still present today. While these three groups, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities are comprehended within educational policy, practice on the ground can as well cause discriminatory results.
An Animated History of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
Ten to twelve million Roma and Travellers people live in Europe. Despite Europe being a home to Roma and Travellers, many Europeans are not able to answer a simple question like who are the Roma. Not only that the Europeans cannot answer who the Roma are, many cannot answer a question related to their history. It is a difficult and highly competed narrative, may be because the Roma are homogenous or single group of people. They include a large variety which include, Romanichals in England, Kale’ in Wales and Finland, Travellers who are not Romans in Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Norway; Manouche from France; Gitano from Spain; Sinti from German, Poland, Austia, Croatia, Domari from Palestine and Egypt; Romanlar from Turkey, Lom from Armenia and several others. It is also partly because many of these groups do not share their history or ethnogenesis. Their origins have different naratives.Each group has a different history from the other.
The Roma follow different faiths, which include Catholic Manouche, Pentecostal, Muslim Ashkali and Romanlar, Mercheros and sinti, Kalderash and Lovari the protestant travelers, Andlcan Gypsies and Baptist Roma. There are differences in exercises pertaining birth marriage and death but they are also connected cultures that show subtle but different patterns or, as a Roma gospel preacher once explained it as “Many stars scattered in the sight of God.” Otherwise different groups of Roma share much as far as their behavior is concerned. Roma have a similar terminology in different accent of Rromanes, The language of Romani. There are common conception concerning the cleanliness customs and behavior about what is Rromano and what can be viewed as part of Rromanipe or the ‘Romani world view’.
These Roma groups as well have common occupations, their traditions of nomadic and migrant economics that make use of niche markets, which include trading several livestock such as dogs, horse and small birds as well as peddling. Roma craftsmen have also made their upkeep from repairing items considered noneconomic to med such as tea-pots, pocket watches and porcelain dishes. They are the starters of what is now called circular economy. Many Gypsies, Roma and Travellers are involved in recycling have done this for many years, long before major environmental interests. They are also herbalist and healers for the people in the country.
The ability to move of Romans has been an essential part of identity. They have not only been engaged in wagons and horses but also Romans have been dealing in agriculture, craft skills, automobiles trading, roofing as well as road repair. Their economy also consisted of metal work of all kinds. It also consisted of craft production which included making basket and bamboo furniture, carving and decorating wagons, making knives’ handles and fair ground signs. Many names given to groups arise from accusations, basket-makers are referred to as Spetciler which is Turkish word for woven basket and it depicts commercial skills that was used as a cornerstone for establishing taxable communities in the past. Divergence, in and amongst Roma groups originated in occupational identity as much as other cultural differences.
The Roma and Open Society
What makes the communities in this rich diversity bonded or united? The perception of common heritage exclusion exactly leads to the feeling of shared pasts, the idea of always being the outsider or the other. They also have other links in languages, the relevant words such as luck, greetings, blessings, road, water and farewell may be common in the Rromanes accent. Terms for horses, tools numbers and more others are sometimes more similar in many cases that a Roman cad “exchange “ them with another a fair game in several communities, as language is very important to our past in its center and “loan terms” collected overtime and migration ways. Language experts have recognized these commonalty and drawn from this heritage to brighten this common past and culture.
The idea of the historical journey, the story of “the long road of the Roma” more than 1000 years after leaving the land of India, is also very powerful in several Roma groups as an element of identity with good testimonial to aback this. Just as not all Italians are originated from Romans and Etruscans, the same way all Roman groups are not direct descendants of Hindus from Punjab or Ganges basin. Nevertheless, the issue of the “imagined community” is not that it is actually made up story, instead it is symbolically meaningful and has a reason in connecting individuals around similar ideas of origin and belonging to what can broadly be subscribed. The Roma people, in this aspect are people like any other, scattered across several lands and domain over a certain period and circumstance.
The notable idea is that, unlike other groups of people in this article, we have one priesthood, there is no single holy book, there is no promised land to back to and thus, we only under go and survive, and survive, we really reside in the world. The urge is to go far from this and to embellish to acquire the kind of capability that the creative genius of our existence until now clearly proposes that we can attain.
Here the term Gypsy and the feature of a scarved prosperity-teller probably comes into your mind. Or you can think of a cord of travelling musicians and dancers in brilliant decorated wagons. The reality concerning gypsies is actually more complicated than a few old-fashioned stereotypes. Since Gypsies, which is also termed as Roma, have been oppressed in the entire world as much as they exist, they do not usually trust outsiders and also they have not shared much of their history. But nowadays, more Gypsies are talking so the entire world can understand and accept their culture. TV shows such as “My Big Gypsy Wedding” as well aim at making us aware of their contemporary lives.
Many persons trust gypsies initially came from Romania, of may be from Hungary. Not so. Research indicates that ethnic gypsies originate from a group of various military people who assembled centuries ago in the region of Punjab of Northern India to fight those invaded Muslim. With time, the aimed northwest to Persia and Armenia, then they also drifted to Balkan Peninsula, where they adopted Serbian and Romanian terminologies and phrases into their language.
At last, they branched into smaller groups and dispersed throughout Europe and Northern Africa, where many sub-groups developed. This subsets included the Romnichals in England, the Ludar in Romania, and the Rom in Eastern Europe and the black Dutch in German. Other groups also existed in former Soviet Union as well as Hungary. In present time, there are Gypsies exists throughout the world.
When the Gypsies started to migrate, other people from other continents did not welcome them because they had different speech and looks compared to other people and they were always mistreated or even physically harassed. The contributed to them moving from one place to another.
Over many years, Gypsies had a tendency to at jobs which they could perform without support, the occupations which needed little overhead, that which addressed to people everywhere and the ones which were not negatively impaired by repeated travel. Some of this occupations included woodworking, metalworking, horse trading and carpentry.
Frequently, occupations were linked to a sect. Many of the Ludar people were animal trainers as well as show people, while majority of Rom participated in fortune telling, Gypsies worldwide are recognized for their singing, dancing, and musical skills, they were certified with making flamenco in Spain while several Gypsies from Hungarian are musicians.
The gypsies traditional occupations changed as time changed. Horse traders changed to car dealers as well as repairmen. Metal workers started dealing with watches and jewelry. The Kalderash clan members who served as coppersmiths now deal with scrap metal business.
Ethnic Gypsies have a very powerful taboo systems. They basically considered the upper part of the body as pure and the lower part consisting of feet and genitalia as contaminated. If one polluted himself or herself was to be banished for a year of even be excommunicated from the community.
Practically, it meant that, if a gypsy touches the lower half of his body, he had to clean his hands. And everything which touched by the feet was considered perpetually unclean or contaminated. Therefore, there was nothing like three second rule if one drops food on the floor. And so one could not even bother about washing his underclothes.
When it comes to taboo situations, young children and elderly people where allowed some leniency but they were strictly applied on adults especially the married ones. Just like in other traditional customs, gypsy women after giving birth were seen as totally unclean and also the child born and therefore both are temporally isolated from the entire family.
Gypsies have a powerful family as well as community focus. The never allow their children to learn foreign ways of life, that is non-gypsy ways or become contaminated from associating with non-gypsies. In history, the Gypsies were only watched by friends or relatives either through babysitting of day care. The kids were only allowed to attend public schools up to the age of 10 or 11 years. Most of their educations then mostly came from home or the community.
Gypsy women are not different from other women in traditional cultures, they serve their men obey the in general but they have some authority and social trading. They were accredited for their ability to make money for one thing. The main source of income was fortune tellers and is made of women, therefore the husbands performs as support staff. And women can contaminate a man through many actions which can result to him from being expelled from the community.
Family is very superior to Gypsies. Those who still have a nomadic life tend to travel as an extended family alongside other similar groups. Although their family many times have their own homes, they are still in frequent contact with other people, generally because then extended family serves together as economic unit.
Marriages usually arranged by the parents. Many couples marry in the teen age and then join the family business. New couples only live with the family of the husband for the first one to two years or to when the first child is born. Most of the families have three to four kids. The kids are part of family conversations and pans as they are expected to learn and emulate their elders.
During major events such as weddings or funeral all family members gather in large numbers, sometimes hundreds or thousands.
Will we ever actually understand the Gypsies? They have evidenced their flexibility through years of persecution and several are proud because they never lost their strong cultural identity by absorbing into any of the countries they reside in now. Maybe, the response lies within a crystal ball believed by Gypsy of course.
The early Latins used to say that the name is a boding of one’s fortune. For Roma people too was not exceptional. Their different and many times abusive denominations have continued their historical exclusion and marginalization. Many of scholars of Roman Studies underscored the important role performed by classifying practices and state’s groups like the nomads, travelers or gypsies. In the legitimization of separation and restriction. Nevertheless, only little has been said about how these names cause the conditions for practices of opposition, therefore operating the risk of reproducing a feature of the Roma as dormant objects of the state’s dialogue.
This paper brings a problem in literature on the names of Roma which is always concerned with the means in practices on naming strategically performed marginalizing policies. Although I accept these discriminatory effects, I also believe that such a focus can lead to overlooking the unforeseen and creative resistance activities that originate within these very dialogue. By outlining on the issue of assemblage in which rambling articulations yield heterogeneous and numerous results, I correlate the discourse on the Roma names of the Europe council as well as for the Italian and French governments in order to demonstrate how the creation and the use of a name lacks unidirectional and straightforward effects. The argument is raised in three divisions. The first and the second sections debate the disadvantages of literature on the names of Roma and depends on fieldwork I conducted in Italy in 2-13 and France in 2014, in which I carried out an analysis of policy documents and comprehensive interviews with Pro-Roma advocacy members of the group.
Although this article fails to indicate the real name for Roma it examines the repercussions of the use of these names. The names were not considered as wrong of right, only different effects and always this effects are unforeseen. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the increasing literature on congregation thinking in urban and geographical research by linking it to the investigation on the marginalization of the Roma, in order to demonstrate how the naming practices of Roma perform an active role in both policymaking and resistance processes.
Gypsies, travelers and Roma Myths
Myth number 1. All Gypsies lives in Caravans.
Although a common part of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller cultural fabric lifestyle, all Gypsies to not reside in caravans and a good number, that’s is 300,000 Roma and Travellers in the UK settled instead of travelling from one place to another. Jake Bowers, the Travellers’ contributor told the BBC almost that a half of Britain’s GRT community stay in permanent housing, while others dwell in authorized public caravan sites of private encampments with authorization for long term stays. All this permanent housing and private camps are subject to utility payments as well as council tax. A small number of them stay in unauthorized non-permanent encampments which do not get council services. The nomadic way of living began as a result of several reasons which include, cultural traditions, occupations that altered with the seasons or local oppressions.
Myth number. 2. All Gypsies wear provocative cloths and have fat weddings.
A big fantasy about the Gypsies lifestyle is that it is flashy, attractive and attention grabbing. But just the same way the poles lacks full image about Brits when they recognize a stag party in warsaw, we fail to get a full image about the culture of GRT, by observing it through a prism of entertainment programming. Take C4’s fat Gypsy wedding, although too expensive in shining a light on components of especially Traveller ways of life in the UK, it does not give use the whole image especially concerning the Roma community. For, instance, Gypsy fashion for free-flowing cloths is controlled by chastity and strict cleanliness norms are common, established through many years of life on the road when cleanliness was of extreme relevance.
Myth no.3: Gypsies, Roma and Travellers are Workshy, they do not have education and aspire to live on benefits.
On some websites, when you search for Gypsy or Roma, you will see a story after story that continues the myths that the GRT community is driven with crime, tax evasion as well as voluntary unemployment. Nothing could be more far from the reality. GRT community members are actually statistically represented in the prevailing prison population in the UK. Like any other community, you will find criminals just as one will find teachers, nurses, police officers. Entrepreneurs and artists. Access all regions is an encouraging documentary about the journey made by several Gypsies through prevailing education to Oxbridge, while at the same time maintaining their identity. Other reports in the GRT season community channel celebrate the most successful Gypsy and Roma artists, from the famous Flamenco dancer Mario Maya to Papusza, the Eugene Hurtz, the charismatic frontman of New York-based band Gogol Bordello and the influential 20th century polish poet.
Myth no. 4: All gypsies are foreign
There is lack of know how concerning the difference between (more so Irish) Travellers and Roma in which each has distinct ethnicity and histories of migration between them. GRT groups are always part of British society and culture for more than 500 years, with the initial authenticated Gypsies presence records going back to 1505 in Scotland and 1514 in England. Most of the present Irish Travellers came over from Ireland in the 19th century as well as after the Second World War to serve on building and motorway projects. The Gypsies are as well-known as Kale and started existing in UK since 16th century as the same as Scottish and England Roma, in which the earliest records refer to them as the Egyptians. There is difference between Roma and Travelers which recently has been tracked linguistically and genetically to North India many years ago, although there is still argument about this. The recent wave of immigration of Roma came from post-communist Eastern Europe in the 1990s and after 2004, joined the European Union.
Myth number 5. We will overwhelm with the welfare-seeking Roma immigrations from Romania and Bulgaria next year.
Recently, the BBC conducted a research in Romania and found out that only a single percentage of respondents said suggested they will seeking for job in the UK in 2013 0r 2014. Despite that Roma came to UK from Eastern Europe from the years 1990s as well as other groups from the region in which many have since that time formed a very important part of our society, while others have just decided to go back. Artur Conka’s film Lunik IX looks at the collapsing Roma housing block in Slovakia disconnected from water, electricity and gas increased. Thirteen years his family moved to London. Since he left to London, English is his first language, and he has completed bachelor’s degree in degree in photography. He is now growing his career in photojournalism. Just like other Roma who came to UK before him, he is a liability to our community.
Sometimes, several number of people are diverting away from official religion, one church is resisting the trend. Great numbers of Gypsies and Travellers in England they now claim they have enterers a new movement known as light and life. Most of those who joined the movement the movement has stopped drinking alcohol as well as fortune telling. They have also abandoned their traditional catholic faith.
The Pentecostal movement which is led by the Gypsy has grown faster for the last thirty years. It says that, almost 40 percent of British Gypsies belongs to the movement. There is no way to evidence the claim, but several Travellers will accept that there is a rush in persons joining. The region is concentered on preaching, miracle healing as well as praying in tongues.
Almost 6000 Travellers and Gypsies were present to the UK church convention. Around a blue and white big top, at the center of an Agricultural showground in the Carmarthenshire Welsh county.
Is the Travellers’ and Gypsies’ language different?
Although in many cases, Travellers speak English, they most of times speaking to one another in their own language which is called Cant or Gammon by Irish Travellers and the Gypsies call it Romani which is the lone indigenous language with Indic roots in the UK. This language is sometimes known as Shelta by academics and linguistics.
The values and culture of Irish Traveller and Gypsy Communities
In the Travellers way of life, the bonds and the networks of the extended family are accrued a great importance as it is a very unique identity from the settled Gorja or the population of the country. The anniversaries, births, weddings and deaths of the family are mainly marked by community gatherings or extended family with powerful religious ceremonial capacity. Travellers and Gypsies mainly marry very young and thy respect their elders. In contrast to their repeated media description, tidiness and cleanliness are very important and highly valued in Travelers communities. Most of the Irish Travelers are exercising Catholics. Several Travelers and Gypsies are part and parcel of the spreading Christian Evangelical movement.
The culture of Gypsies and Travelers, has many times adapted to survive persist to do so today. Fast economic change, recession and the rapid break down of the grey economy have chased many Travelers and Gypsy families in to difficult times. The criminalization of travelling as well as the crucial shortage of legal private or council sites have formed this. Some Travelers express the effect that this is having a crisis in the society. A current research in Ireland put the suicide rate of people of Irish Traveller as three to five times more than the large population. Informal prove suggests that a similar phenomenon is occurring amongst Traveller communities in the UK.
The Travelers and Gypsies are accommodating to the new ways as they always have historically done. Many young generations and some older generations use network platforms to keep in touch and there is a growing identification that reading and writing are useful equipment to have. Several Gypsy as well as Travelers use their many a time notable array of skills and trades as part and parcel of formal economy. Some Gypsies and Travelers always supported by their families are joining further and higher education and becoming, teachers, accountants, journalists. Solicitors as well as other professionals.
There exists a successful Gypsy and Travelers businesses, in which some are names of the household within their sectors, though the owner’s ethnicity if often hidden. Travelers and Gypsies have often been depicted in the fields of sports and entertainment.
Is Roma different to Gypsies and Travelers?
Roma, Gypsies and Travelers are many a times grouped together under the definition of Roma in Europe and in Britain are defined under the acronym of GRT. These communities as well as other travelling communities such as English travelers and Scottish, the show people and the new Travelers, have a number of common characteristics. The common characteristics include, the nomadic way of life, the importance of family of community networks, the tendency of self-employment, experience of the limitations and having the poorest results in the United Kingdom.
The Roma as well came from India around the 10th to 12th century and according to their history, they have also faced oppression which include genocide, slavery and marginalization and ghettoized in several European countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and many others. They are often the biggest and the recognizable ethnic minority group, sometimes making at about 10% percent of the entire population. Nerveless, Roma is a political terminology and a self- description of Roma activists. In real sense, European Roma population consist of several subgroups. Some groups had their own form of Romani, who most times recognize as that group rather than by all containing Roma Identity.
Roma and Travelers have different customs, religion, language and heritage. For example, Gypsies are believed to come from India and they speak Romani language is said to consist of not less than seven varieties, and each group speak their own language. Recently, there is existence of increased political bonds between the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller advocates and political organizations.
How are Gypsies and Travelers disadvantaged?
The three communities are said to be among the most communities in UK who are excluded socially. The life expectancy of the communities is a bit lower than of other communities. The Traveller men and female live ten to twelve years less than the entire population. Travelers’ infant mortality rate, maternal death rate and stillbirth rates are higher compared to that of larger population. They undergo racist sentiment in the media and other places, which is socially unaccepted to other minority community. Hofstede claim that the young Travelers to be among groups having low education attainment. The Traveller views are not included in the Government services as well as delivery and planning services.