question archive 1)This discussion forum is designed to help you understand the effects of cognitive biases on decision making, in this case employee hiring decisions, in order to improve decision making

1)This discussion forum is designed to help you understand the effects of cognitive biases on decision making, in this case employee hiring decisions, in order to improve decision making

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

1)This discussion forum is designed to help you understand the effects of cognitive biases on decision making, in this case employee hiring decisions, in order to improve decision making.

Years of research have demonstrated a number of biases in decision making resulting from heuristics or mental short-cuts typically used by decision makers. These small shortcuts can have major consequences on decision accuracy and effectiveness. Some of the main heuristics that have been identified include Anchoring (and under-adjustment), Representativeness, Framing, Confirmation bias, Overconfidence bias, Hindsight bias, and Escalation of Commitment. Please see the textbook, the lecture, and the video for this week for details.


What do you believe to be the most important bias affecting hiring decisions made by HR professionals and\or hiring managers? Provide an example you have experienced (as an applicant, hiring decision maker, or observer of hiring decisions) or a hypothetical example based on your experience. Be sure to define the heuristic or bias and explain why or how you think this incident exemplifies the decision bias.


2. What are the core competencies of your project company? Give an application example.


3. Watch the short video on Kotter discussing how to deal with resistance to change. Based on your experience and what was covered in class; do you agree with him? Why or why not?


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