question archive Length/Format  3 or More Typed Pages  12 Point Font  Double-Spaced  No Cover Page References  Minimum of 3 Information Sources (examples: textbook, sources from Handout #1, Hofstede’s website)  Cite References at End of Paper (note: references are not included in 3-page requirement)  Reference Citations Preferred in APA Format (but other formats such as Chicago or MLA okay) Content  Profile the Culture of any Country other than the USA (unless otherwise assigned by the Instructor) and Compare it to the USA, Focusing on Management Context  Include some Basic Information (suggested: 1 paragraph) on the History/Demographics/Geography of Your Country  Reference the Primary Cultural Orientations in your Country for Ind

Length/Format  3 or More Typed Pages  12 Point Font  Double-Spaced  No Cover Page References  Minimum of 3 Information Sources (examples: textbook, sources from Handout #1, Hofstede’s website)  Cite References at End of Paper (note: references are not included in 3-page requirement)  Reference Citations Preferred in APA Format (but other formats such as Chicago or MLA okay) Content  Profile the Culture of any Country other than the USA (unless otherwise assigned by the Instructor) and Compare it to the USA, Focusing on Management Context  Include some Basic Information (suggested: 1 paragraph) on the History/Demographics/Geography of Your Country  Reference the Primary Cultural Orientations in your Country for Ind

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3


  •  3 or More Typed Pages
  •  12 Point Font
  •  Double-Spaced
  •  No Cover Page


  •  Minimum of 3 Information Sources (examples: textbook, sources from Handout #1, Hofstede’s website)
  •  Cite References at End of Paper (note: references are not included in 3-page requirement)
  •  Reference Citations Preferred in APA Format (but other formats such as Chicago or MLA okay)


  •  Profile the Culture of any Country other than the USA (unless otherwise assigned by the Instructor) and Compare it to the USA, Focusing on Management Context
  •  Include some Basic Information (suggested: 1 paragraph) on the History/Demographics/Geography of Your Country
  •  Reference the Primary Cultural Orientations in your Country for Ind./Col, Power Distance, High/Low Context, and Polychronic/Monochronic
  •  You may Consider other Cultural Orientations (Trompenaars, Globe, etc.) but not Required
  •  Compare the Orientations in your Country vs. USA
  •  Identify Cross-Cultural Communications Issues that Could Arise between Your Country and the USA in a Business/Management Context


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