question archive Case Analysis – Applying Ideology Social Work 200B Family A Nolan is a 17 year-old Aboriginal youth from a small community in northern BC

Case Analysis – Applying Ideology Social Work 200B Family A Nolan is a 17 year-old Aboriginal youth from a small community in northern BC

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Case Analysis – Applying Ideology Social Work 200B Family A Nolan is a 17 year-old Aboriginal youth from a small community in northern BC. He grew up with his mother, step-father, and two younger brothers in a two-bedroom home on reserve. Nolan’s mother, Lana, was a school teacher before Nolan was born. Nolan’s father, Thompson, encouraged her to stop working when Nolan was born and be a stay-at-home mom. Lana was reluctant to leave her career but did feel that Nolan would benefit from having her at home. Thompson made more money working on the oil rigs and it didn’t make financial sense for them to pay for child care, should a space become available (which rarely happened in their small town). Lana and Thompson are both survivors of residential schools. They met in a rehabilitation facility as young adults. Lana has not drank alcohol since going into treatment, but Thompson occasionally parties when he is off work. Neither of them speak about their experience in the schools, nor do they have contact with their families of origin. When Nolan was three, Thompson did not return from work one day and Lana has not heard from him since. Lana had to rely on welfare when Thompson stopped sending money from his paycheques. She remarried when Nolan was five and gave birth to twin boys shortly after. While she would like to return to her teaching career, positions rarely become available at the community’s only school. Nolan completed his education up to grade 9 at the local school and then had to relocate to Prince George to attend high school. There, he currently lives with his aunt and uncle who work long hours and are rarely home. Despite their frequent absences, his aunt and uncle are supportive of his education and have offered for him to continue living with them if he wants to attend college or university in Prince George. While in Prince George, Nolan connected with some other teen boys who did not have close family in their lives. Some of his friends used recreational drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, and crystal meth. Nolan initially resisted using the drugs and would just have a few beers on the weekends. However, as the stress of graduation approached, and his loneliness increased, he spent more and more time with his friends and began experimenting with drugs. Nolan recently learned that two of his friends have become affiliated with a local gang. They are selling drugs and have dropped out of school. When Nolan sees them, they refer to their gang as their family and seem like they have found somewhere to belong. These friends invited Nolan to hang out with them this weekend and meet some of their “brothers.” Nolan is nervous but is considering going along. On Friday night as Nolan is getting ready to leave, Nolan’s mother calls him with “good news.” Her husband is opening a coffee shop and has suggested that Nolan return home to their remote community to help him run it. She is excited about the idea of Nolan coming home. In the background, Nolan can hear his brothers playing and arguing over video games. At the same time, he receives a text message from his friend saying, “Where R U?” In front of him, community college brochures sit open on his kitchen table. 10:23 Case Analysis: Applying Ideology Grade: 20% of final grade Due date: Week 6 Length: 5-7 pages, APA style Late Marks: 5% deducted per day. No assignments will be accepted after one week past the due date. Assignment Goals To demonstrate that you can: 1. Understand the three main ideologies presented in this course (Conservative, Liberal, and Social Democratic paradigms); 2. Apply your understanding of the ideologies to Social Work practice, as illustrated by your response to a case study; 3. Demonstrate critical thinking in relation to the benefits and limitations of each ideological approach; 4. Critically examine how each ideology fits with the social work values and the Code of Ethics. Instructions 1. Read the two case studies posted on Moodle. Choose one of the case studies to be the focus of your paper. 2. Provide a very brief summary of each of Conservatism, Liberalism, and Social Democracy (max one paragraph, 300 words each). The intention of this section is to frame your essay with a clear understanding of the basic tenets of each perspective. You do not need to go into great detail here. 3. Next, imagine you are taking on the role of a Social Worker from each of the three main ideologies. (You are "trying on the hat," so to speak.) Provide an analysis in your paper of how each ideological perspective would approach the client and their current challenge. Do not write a question and answer list, but aim to address the following within your essay. If it helps, as you ask yourself each question, preface it with: "From the ideology, ...: would a Social Worker view this client's presenting problem? b....what individual characteristics of this person have contributed to the problem (if any)? C....what structural factors of our society have contributed to the problem (if any)? d....what responsibility does society have to this person? e....what responsibility does government have to this person? does the economy relate to this person's challenges? does your view of human nature, within this ideology, relate to your perspective on the client and his/her current issues? h....what will your Social Work intervention be? 4. Review the CASW Code of Ethics and Social Work values. Which ideological approach do you think best fits Social Work values and ethics for this case? Defend your assertion. Which ideological approach (if any) go against Social Work values and ethics? Again state your evidence. 5. Write a conclusion stating which ideological annroach you 10:23 one of the case studies to be the focus of your paper. 2. Provide a very brief summary of each of Conservatism, Liberalism, and Social Democracy (max one paragraph, 300 words each). The intention of this section is to frame your essay with a clear understanding of the basic tenets of each perspective. You do not need to go into great detail here. 3. Next, imagine you are taking on the role of a Social Worker from each of the three main ideologies. (You are "trying on the hat," so to speak.) Provide an analysis in your paper of how each ideological perspective would approach the client and their current challenge. Do not write a question and answer list, but aim to address the following within your essay. If it helps, as you ask yourself each question, preface it with: "From the ideology, would a Social Worker view this client's presenting problem? b....what individual characteristics of this person have contributed to the problem (if any)? C....what structural factors of our society have contributed to the problem (if any)? d....what responsibility does society have to this person? e....what responsibility does government have to this person? does the economy relate to this person's challenges? does your view of human nature, within this ideology, relate to your perspective on the client and his/her current issues? h....what will your Social Work intervention be? 4. Review the CASW Code of Ethics and Social Work values. Which ideological approach do you think best fits Social Work values and ethics for this case? Defend your assertion. Which ideological approach (if any) go against Social Work values and ethics? Again, state your evidence. 5.Write a conclusion stating which ideological approach you believe presents the best, most ethical approach to helping the client within your case study. While this may sound like a statement of opinion, it will hold more weight backed up by evidence from your readings. 6. You will need to use both the Mullaly and Chappell texts to write this essay. In addition to these two course texts, cite at least two additional sources that help you determine the best ideological approach for your case. Grading Criteria . Content: /15 • Accurate and clear summary of each ideology. Thorough, thoughtful, and evidence-based examination of case study from each perspective. • Demonstrated critical thinking. Application of values and ethics. Writing ability, APA style, and use of sources: /5 . . Midterm, Reading Quiz & Final Exams The midterm, reading quiz ang ina exams will be released

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