question archive Write 300 words on discussion and respond to two articles with 200 words each   1)Write 300 words for discussion with 3 peer reviewed references   Although e-mail is effective for both internal and external communication, many important messages still call for letters

Write 300 words on discussion and respond to two articles with 200 words each   1)Write 300 words for discussion with 3 peer reviewed references   Although e-mail is effective for both internal and external communication, many important messages still call for letters

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Write 300 words on discussion and respond to two articles with 200 words each


1)Write 300 words for discussion with 3 peer reviewed references


Although e-mail is effective for both internal and external communication, many important messages still call for letters. Identify the four situations calling for business letters and describe a work-related example of each of these situations.

2) Respond to two articles with 200 words each


Article 1

Many organizations today use email as a method of correspondence. Messages are viable for inward and outer correspondence. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, numerous associations like to utilize electronic sends rather than composed letters. Numerous organizations are likewise utilizing sends in showcasing techniques. Notwithstanding, notes are as yet important and appropriate in numerous methods of correspondence (Fawdry, 2015). Letters can be utilized in business exercises and various circumstances.


Super durable records

In some cases associations need extremely durable records for more open references. Messages can rapidly be erased and may not be appropriate when workplaces need printed copy proof (Perry, 2004). For instance, when organizations concur, they will require a business letter that presents the understanding and focuses the choices for the agreement.


Classified data

Letters are fundamental when conveying or trading classified data. For example, letters of proposal are confidential (Perry, 2004). A business letter is along these lines essential when sharing proposal letters.


Affectability and custom

A few substance are touchy to send over the mail. At the point when they are sent through letters, they have contact and worth (Perry, 2004). For example, when sending a sympathy message, business letters convey non-verbal correspondence and show the meaning of the message.



Letters can likewise be utilized in influence can convey weight contrasted with messages (Perry, 2004). For instance, when organizations utilize direct sends to advance their items, it is more powerful than messages. Shoppers and clients will feel connected to the letter than the mail. Hence, they can be convinced to purchase items or administrations of the organization.



Fawdry, R. D. (2015). Letters and emails.

Perry, S. (2004). Making Letters Talk Business; Covering Points of Vital Importance to the Correspondent and the Stenographer in the Development of Teamwork to the End that Their Letters May Become More Resultful. American rolling mill Company.


Article 2



Clear & effective writing represents the  logical thinking such as writing facilitates business action. Communication is essential in any business transactions, whether it be through emails or letters (Baran & Sypniewska, 2020). Misunderstandings and unclear communication between people cause difficulties in the business environment. Because effective writing eliminates misunderstandings, many organizations and corporations have used electronic emails & mail systems to their customers in order to improve internal communication. Among the company's external communications are emails that include information about its goods and promotions, as well as offers, discounts & vouchers that are delivered straight to the address or even to the email.

Business letters are no different; they are intended to notify or alert the recipient of a condition. For instance, a business such as Comcast may send a bill for month, along with a description of a past due date. Company letters are used in situations when the writer need to seem professional and formal, and each small business manager should be familiar with the structure of an professional business letter in order to be successful. Cover letters, complaint letters, thank you letters, sales letters, as well as adjustment letters are just a few of several different kinds of business letters available to you.

Describe the contents of the package in a cover letter. The aim of a cover letter is to give a description of a package.

Thank you letters: In addition to helping companies establish relationships with their customers, thank you letters may also help them communicate with their valued customers or clients.

Complaint letters: In the case of complaint letters, they are used to illustrate the issue without getting too upset about it. It is a letter-writing situation in which the recipient corrects the issue without causing harm to the complaint.

Sales Letters: A sales letter is a written communication to customers that is sent at the start of a product launch or during the process of marketing a particular product. It provides an explanation of the product's advantages and characteristics in order for customers to get familiar with the product.

Adjustment letters: An adjustment letter is a response to a complaint letter; the letter should be modest and provide a possible solution to the complainant. It is a delicate scenario in which it is preferable not to burn bridges but rather to utilize reaction to create a tool for an business relationship building (Sanina et al., 2017).

Congratulatory Letter: The purpose of this letter is to encourage and inspire the employee and other individual who receives it by giving positive comments in a succinct manner regarding his or her performance.


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