question archive 1) Write in a couple of sentences or more the major activities performed during the lab experience
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1) Write in a couple of sentences or more the major activities performed during the lab experience. Write in a couple of sentences or more the menu items that you prepared and methods of cooking. If you did not prepare a menu item, explain why not in a couple of sentences. Describe in a couple of sentences or more the equipment used, both small and large. (3 points) 2. Write in a couple of sentences or more what were the most important things you learned? (1 point) 3. As a result of your experience, write in a couple of sentences recommended changes to any procedures, recipes or use of equipment. If you do not recommend changes, write in a couple of sentences or more why not. (1 point) 3. COLD FOODS PRODUCTION LAB Student Last Name: Lab Section: Due Date: (Section 01) The following Tuesday by 11:59 pm (Section 02) The following Thursday by 11:59 pm Objectives: Upon completion of this lab, the student will be able to: 1. Identify efficient techniques used for preparing salads, sandwich fillings, garnishes and other cold food items. 2. Demonstrate operation and cleaning procedure for food slicer, food chopper and scales. 3. Demonstrate ability to prepare a variety of salads, sandwiches and garnishes in large quantities. 4. Show knowledge of standards for salads and sandwiches. Activities: 1. Learn correct procedures for operating and cleaning food slicer, food chopper, and scales 2. Utilize knife skills for preparing cool foods 3. Prepare one cold food item using a recipe. 4. Calculate AP/EP yields for raw food ingredients. 5. Conduct sensory evaluation of two prepared cold food items and complete Hedonic Rating Scales. 6. Prepare other salads, garnishes, sandwich fillings or dressings as assigned by the supervisor. 7. Complete written assignments. 8. List the brand names of the following pieces of equipment: If there were any pieces of equipment that were not at this site, please write "Not at this site". Food Slicer: ______________________________ Food Chopper: ____________________________ Scales _________________________________(May be multiple sets of scales. List all.) RECIPE PREPARATION EVALUATION Lab Date __________________________ Lab No. ____________________________ Name of Product _________________________________________________________ Total Yield Obtained (Volume/Count) – Required _____________________________________ Before starting the production activity, make sure you ask for the recipe for the item you prepare. If you do not acquire the recipe, the lab assignment cannot be completed. Follow the staff instructions and prepare a (or more) cold food item. You MUST prepare a cold food item. If a cold food item is not prepared, notify the lab instructor. Answer the following questions. Use the back of this document if you need further space to write responses. 1. Is this yield the same as stated in the recipe? Explain. 2. Were any changes in ingredients and/or procedures made? Explain. 3. For all ingredients where Edible Portions weights differed from As Purchased weights, list AP and EP weights and calculate the Percent Yield. (Show calculations.) Complete this question if it is applicable. Ingredient AP Weight EP Weight Percent Yield 4. How much time did it take you to prepare this cold food product? How much time would this be per serving? At $9.50 per hour, what is the labor cost per serving? (Show calculations) 5. What standards are followed regarding service temperatures of cold food products? What methods were used to keep this recipe product at the appropriate temperature for service? 6. Using the hedonic scale at the back of the lab report, evaluate the product(s) you prepared. 7. Select any two of the bulleted items below and calculate the difference in cost for a readyto-serve form and fresh produce form. Use the work-sheet table below. Use information from Food for Fifty to determine yields for the fresh form. You will need to find the price for 1 pound of the fresh form and approximately 1 pound for the ready-to-serve form at the local grocery store or on the internet. ? ? ? ? Carrots (fresh form), cut into sticks vs. ready-to-serve carrots sticks Celery (fresh form), cut into sticks vs. ready-to-serve celery sticks Lettuce, head (fresh form), shredded vs. ready-to-serve shredded lettuce Cabbage, head (fresh form, green), shredded vs. ready-to-serve shredded lettuce Estimate the amount of labor time required preparing 10 lbs of this product, use 20 min for the labor time. Calculate labor cost at $9.50 per hour. Underline the item description of the better value choice. (Show calculations). Use a separate page to show calculations. Item description Fresh produce Ready-to-serve Yield % (refer FFF) Example: 95% Cucumber Use this row for item 1. Use this row for item 2. Sliced Cucumber Cost /10 lb EP Fresh R-T-S AP# = $.79 $.79 / .95 = $.83 Cost x 10# = $8.30 EP# = $1.05 Cost x 10# = $10.50 Est. labor Cost (elc) $9.50 / 60 min = 0.158 x 20 min = $3.17 Total Cost/10 lb Fresh R-T-S $8.30 + $3.17 = $11.47 $10.50 8. Food Costing: Complete the food costing table below for the cold food item you prepared in lab. Use ingredient price information provided by the facility. Ask your supervisor for ingredients costs. When you cannot obtain the price information from the facility, use the Food Costing Sheet available in Canvas within the Resources Module. Calculate the per serving cost of the cold food recipe prepared. Use a separate page if needed to show all calculations (5 points). 0 calculations = 0 points. FOOD COSTING Ingredient Market Unit Market Unit Cost Amount Used Cost of Amount Used Total Cost ___ (1pt) Total Yield ___ (1 pt) Serving Size ____(1 pt) Number of Servings ____(1 pt) Food Cost per Serving __________(1 pt) HEDONIC RATING SCALE PRIOR TO LAB: Select five product quality characteristics that you feel are appropriate for evaluating each of your products. You may use characteristics from the following list or any others that you feel are appropriate. COLOR FLAVOR TEXTURE TEMPERATURE CONSISTENCY CRUMB APPEARANCE VOLUME PRODUCT 1 2 DISLIKE VERY MUCH 3 4 NEITHER LIKE OR DISLIKE 5 LIKE VERY MUCH CHARACTERISTIC ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: PRODUCT 1 DISLIKE VERY MUCH CHARACTERISTIC ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 2 3 NEITHER LIKE OR DISLIKE 4 5 LIKE VERY MUCH CALCULATIONS: (calculations required for Food Costing Tables above). Show all calculations for full credit.
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