question archive MotorVehicle Module Design and code a class named MotorVehicle that holds information about a vehicle with an engine

MotorVehicle Module Design and code a class named MotorVehicle that holds information about a vehicle with an engine

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MotorVehicle Module

Design and code a class named MotorVehicle that holds information about a vehicle with an engine. Place your class definition in a header file named MotorVehicle.h and your function definitions in an implementation file named MotorVehicle.cpp.

Include in your solution all of the statements necessary for your code to compile under a standard C++ compiler and within the sdds namespace.


MotorVehicle Class

Design and code a class named MotorVehicle that holds information about a vehicle with an engine.


MotorVehicle Private Members

The class should be able to store the following data:

  • a license plate number as a statically allocated array of characters of size 9.
  • the address where the vehicle is at a given moment as a statically allocated array of characters of size 64.
  • the year when the vehicle was built.

You can add any other private members in the class, as required by your design.


MotorVehicle Public Members

  • a custom constructor that receives as parameters the license plate number and the year when the vehicle was built. Set the location of the vehicle at Factory. Assume all data is valid.
  • void moveTo(const char* address): moves the vehicle to the new address if the new address is different from the current address. Prints to the screen the message


  • where
  • the license plate is a field of 8 characters aligned to the right
  • current address is a field of 20 characters aligned to the right
  • new address is a field of 20 characters aligned to left
  • ostream& write(ostream& os): a query that inserts into os the content of the object in the format


  • istream& read(istream& in): a mutator that reads from the stream in the data for the current object

Built year: [USER TYPES HERE]

License plate: [USER TYPES HERE]

Current location: [USER TYPES HERE]


Helper Functions

  • overload the insertion and extraction operators to insert a MotorVehicle into a stream and extract a MotorVehicle from a stream. These operators should call the write/read member functions in the class MotorVehicle.


Truck Module

Design and code a class named Truck that holds information about a motor vehicle that can carry cargo. Place your class definition in a header file named Truck.h and your function definitions in an implementation file named Truck.cpp.

Include in your solution all of the statements necessary for your code to compile under a standard C++ compiler and within the sdds namespace.


Truck Class

Design and code a class named Truck that holds information about a motor vehicle that can carry cargo. This class should inherit from MotorVehicle class.


Truck Private Members

The class should be able to store the following data (on top of data coming from the parent class):

  • a capacity in kilograms as a floating-point number in double precision; this is the maximum weight of the cargo the truck can carry.
  • the current cargo load (in kilograms) is a floating-point number in double precision; the load cannot exceed the capacity.

You can add any other private members in the class, as required by your design. Do not duplicate members from the base class!


Truck Public Members

  • a custom constructor that receives as parameters the license plate number, the year when the truck was built, the capacity of the truck and the current address. Call the constructor from the base class and pass the license number and year to it. Set the current cargo to 0 and move the truck to the address specified in the last parameter.
  • bool addCargo(double cargo): a mutator that adds to the attribute that stores the current cargo load the weight specified as a parameter. Do not exceed the capacity! If the current load has been changed, return true, otherwise return false.
  • bool unloadCargo(): a mutator that unloads current cargo (sets the attribute to 0). If the current load has been changed, return true, otherwise, return false.
  • ostream& write(ostream& os): a query that inserts into os the content of the object in the format


  • istream& read(istream& in): a mutator that reads from the stream in the data for the current object

Built year: [USER TYPES HERE]

License plate: [USER TYPES HERE]

Current location: [USER TYPES HERE]




Helper Functions

  • overload the insertion and extraction operators to insert a Truck into a stream and extract a Truck from a stream. These operators should call the write/read member functions in the class Truck.


main Module (supplied)

Do not modify this module! Look at the code and make sure you understand it.


Sample Output


|> T1: Vehicle


| 2010 | VVV-111 | Factory


| VVV-111| |            Factory ---> Downtown Toronto   |

| VVV-111| |   Downtown Toronto ---> Mississauga        |

| VVV-111| |        Mississauga ---> North York         |


| 2010 | VVV-111 | North York



|> T2: Read/Write


Built year: 2020

License plate: abc-111

Current location: Toronto


| 2020 | abc-111 | Toronto



|> T3: Truck


| T-1111| |            Factory ---> Toronto HQ         |


| T-1111| |         Toronto HQ ---> Toronto Deposit    |

Cargo loaded!

| 2015 | T-1111 | Toronto Deposit | 2345/5432


| T-1111| |    Toronto Deposit ---> Montreal           |

Cargo loaded!

| 2015 | T-1111 | Montreal | 5432/5432


| T-1111| |           Montreal ---> New York           |

Adding cargo failed!

| 2015 | T-1111 | New York | 5432/5432


| T-1111| |           New York ---> New Jersey         |

Cargo unloaded!

| 2015 | T-1111 | New Jersey | 0/5432


| T-1111| |         New Jersey ---> Toronto            |

Unloading cargo failed!

| 2015 | T-1111 | Toronto | 0/5432



|> T4: Read/Write


Built year: 2019

License plate: def-222

Current location: Montreal

Capacity: 2345

Cargo: 1234


| 2019 | def-222 | Montreal

| 2019 | def-222 | Montreal | 1234/2345


The code that I have done so far;


// MotorVehicle.h

#ifndef SDDS_MotorVehicle_H

#define SDDS_MotorVehicle_H

namespace sdds {

class MotorVehicle


char m_licensePlate[8];

char m_address[64];

int m_year;


MotorVehicle(const char* plate, int year, const char* address = "Factory");

void moveTo(const char* address);

void licensePlate(const char* plate);

void address(const char* address);

void year(int year);


std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const;

std::istream& read(std::istream& in);



#endif // !SDDS_MotorVehicle_H


// MotorVehicle.cpp


#include <cstring>

#include <iomanip>

#include <iostream>

#include "MotorVehicle.h"

using namespace std;

namespace sdds {

MotorVehicle::MotorVehicle(const char* plate, int year, const char* address)








void MotorVehicle::moveTo(const char* address)


if (m_address != address)


cout << "|" << right << setw(8) << m_licensePlate;

cout << "| |" << right << setw(20) << m_address;

cout << "--->" << left << setw(20) << address << "|" << endl;

strcpy(m_address, address);




void MotorVehicle::licensePlate(const char* plate) {

strncpy(m_licensePlate, plate, 8);

m_licensePlate[8] = '';



void MotorVehicle::address(const char* address)


strncpy(m_address, address, 63);

m_address[63] = '';



void MotorVehicle::year(int year)


m_year = year;



std::ostream& MotorVehicle::write(std::ostream& os) const


// TODO: insert return statement here




// Truck.h

#ifndef SDDS_TRUCK_H

#define SDDS_TRUCK_H

#include <iostream>

#include "MotorVehicle.h"

namespace sdds {

class Truck : public MotorVehicle


float m_capacity;

float m_cargo;


Truck(const char* plate, const int year, float capacity, const char* address);

bool addCargo(double cargo);

bool unload();

std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const;



#endif // !SDDS_TRUCK_H


// Truck.cpp

#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

#include <iomanip>

#include "Truck.h"

using namespace std;

namespace sdds {

Truck::Truck(const char* plate, const int year, float capacity, const char* address)


m_capacity = capacity;

m_cargo = 0;



bool Truck::addCargo(double cargo)


bool add = false;

double newCargo = m_cargo + cargo;

if (m_cargo != m_capacity)


if (newCargo > m_capacity)


m_cargo = m_capacity;

add = true;




m_cargo = newCargo;

add = true;



return false;


bool Truck::unload()


bool unload = !(m_cargo == 0);

m_cargo = 0;

return unload;



std::ostream& Truck::write(std::ostream& os)const {


os << " | " << m_cargo << "/" << m_capacity;

return os;



std::istream& Truck::read(std::istream& in) {


std::cout << "Capacity: ";

in >> m_capacity;

std::cout << "Cargo: ";

in >> m_cargo;

return in;



std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostr, const Truck& righOper) {


return ostr;



std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& istr, Truck& rightOper) {;

return istr;





// Workshop 7: Inheritance

// Version: 1.0

// Date: 2021-03-15

// Author: Cornel

// Revised: Fardad




#include "Truck.h"

#include "Truck.h" // intentional

#include "MotorVehicle.h"

#include "MotorVehicle.h" // intentional


using namespace std;

using namespace sdds;


void printHeader(const char* title)


char oldFill = cout.fill('-');


cout << "" << endl;


cout << "|> " << title << endl;




cout << "" << endl;




void moveAndLoad(Truck& aTruck, const char* destination, double cargo)


//cout << aTruck << endl;


if (aTruck.addCargo(cargo))

cout << "Cargo loaded!n";


cout << "Adding cargo failed!n";

cout << aTruck << endl << endl;



void moveAndUnload(Truck& aTruck, const char* destination)


//cout << aTruck << endl;


if (aTruck.unloadCargo())

cout << "Cargo unloaded!n";


cout << "Unloading cargo failed!n";

cout << aTruck << endl << endl;



int main()



printHeader("T1: Vehicle");


MotorVehicle aVehicle("VVV-111", 2010);

cout << aVehicle << endl << endl;


aVehicle.moveTo("Downtown Toronto");


aVehicle.moveTo("North York");


cout << endl << aVehicle << endl << endl;


printHeader("T2: Read/Write");

cin >> aVehicle;

cout << endl << aVehicle << endl << endl;




printHeader("T3: Truck");


Truck aTruck("T-1111", 2015, 5432, "Toronto HQ");

cout << endl;


moveAndLoad(aTruck, "Toronto Deposit", 2345);


moveAndLoad(aTruck, "Montreal", 3456);


moveAndLoad(aTruck, "New York", 4567);


moveAndUnload(aTruck, "New Jersey");


moveAndUnload(aTruck, "Toronto");



printHeader("T4: Read/Write");

cin >> aTruck;

cout << endl << (MotorVehicle)aTruck;

cout << endl << aTruck << endl << endl;




Looking forward to learning from your approach to this code and have ideas in upcoming lectures. Thank you.

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