question archive PHIL 100 7382 Introduction to Philosophy (2218) Week 2, Part 2, Online Discussions 0 % 0 of 1 topics complete Week 2, Part 2, Online Discussions Discussion Topic To receive full credit for Discussions, every week you must post : One (1) "Original Post" addressing one of the three question choices
Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3
PHIL 100 7382 Introduction to Philosophy (2218)
0 % 0 of 1 topics complete
Week 2, Part 2, Online Discussions
Discussion Topic
To receive full credit for Discussions, every week you must post :
One (1) "Original Post" addressing one of the three question choices. Minimum of 250 words. Due Sunday at 11:59PM ET. Your Original Post must answer the question fully in all its parts and address possible objections to your logical reasoning. You must also connect your Original Post to the course by having at least one full sentence quote from each Philosophical Text(s) that you are studying. The quote should be word for word and contained inside quotation marks and then followed by an inline citation. Please refer to the following resources for help on MLA citation.
MLA Citation:
MLA Citation Examples:
Two (2) "Response Posts" to classmates who answered the other two questions
(one each). Minimum of 100 words. Due Monday at 11:59PM ET. Your Response
Post needs to analyze and consider the reasoning of two of your classmate's Original Posts. In addition to your reaction to your classmate's Original Post, your Response Post must ask one or two questions of your classmate's Original Post. Consider how you might disagree with your classmate's Original Post, or ask your classmate to clarify some part of their Original Post that you didn't understand.
Two (2) "Reply Posts" answering the questions of two classmates who asked questions in their Response Posts to your Original Post. Minimum of 50 words. Due Tuesday at 11:59PM ET. In your Reply Posts, answer as best you can the questions raised by your classmates. It is in the interactions of Original, Response and Reply posts that you will achieve the learning goals of the week.
Do not cite or use internet sources other than those provided under the Readings and Learning Materials. In other words, use only the learning materials and links provided in this course.
No one can get full credit unless all three questions have an Original Post; since everyone is required to make one Original Post to answer one question and two Response Posts to the other two questions they did not answer, but that their classmates did. Thus, it is a group effort to make sure that all three questions have Original Posts, so please help us achieve this goal each week.
If no one, or only one person, posts a Response Post to your Original Post you will not be penalized for lacking two Reply Posts.
DISCUSSION QUESTION CHOICE #1: What does it mean to have knowledge by experience? Compare how at least two (2) philosophers / texts in part 2 address this question and explain how they compare to your own understanding of the question. Use what you have learned in the Required Readings on Epistemology, the hermeneutic circle of meaning in the texts you've selected, your own judgments and reasoning to make your case. Remember the requirement to quote from each Philosophical Text(s) in your Original
DISCUSSION QUESTION CHOICE #2: What does it mean to have knowledge by testimony? Compare how at least two (2) philosophers / texts in part 2 address this question and explain how they compare to your own understanding of the question. Use what you have learned in the Required Readings on Epistemology, the hermeneutic circle of meaning in the texts you've selected, your own judgments and reasoning to make your case. Remember the requirement to quote from each Philosophical Text(s) in your Original Post.
DISCUSSION QUESTION CHOICE #3: What does it mean to have knowledge by reason? Compare how at least two (2) philosophers / texts in part 2 address this question and explain how they compare to your own understanding of the question. Use what you have learned in the Required Readings on Epistemology, the hermeneutic circle of meaning in the texts you've selected, your own judgments and reasoning to make your case. Remember the requirement to quote from each Philosophical Text(s) in your Original Post.
Your Original Post is due by Sunday at 11:59PM ET. Two Response Posts to fellow classmates are due by Monday at 11:59 PM ET, and Two Reply Posts are due on Tuesday by 11:59PM ET.
Week 2, Part 1, Journal Activity
Week 2 Journal Entry Assignment
All written assignments for this class (unless otherwise specified) should be Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx). UMGC students have access to Microsoft's Office 365 applicati (which includes Word) at no added cost. For more information click here. |
The purpose of the Journal Entry Activity is to give you an opportunity to explore your thoughts and ideas on philosophical concepts and arguments that you may not completely understand, but which you are working out in your mind, without the pressure of having to present a more polished thought in the discussion forums for possible debate (and a grade!).
A Journal Entry Activity is expected to be completed in weeks 2, 4, and 6. They are intended to cover the previous weeks material as well, so you will be completing two activities, one for each week. In the gradebook , journal entries will be noted as Pass for ones that have been handed in, Fail for ones that haven't. Each Journal Activity contains several prompts (in the form of questions) to think about for your entry. Please ruminate over these prompts and choose at least one from each list (A and B) to complete. Keep your thoughts in the first-person singular “I”. A good written journal entry will be at least 250 words, but they may be longer depending on the prompt and your writing. A good audio or video recording will be at least a minute in length, but, again, they may be
longer. You can submit voice recordings and video recordings for your journal entry instead of a written document. (Directions Below). Most of the prompts relate to the ( ) p p
required readings and subject of the week.
Example of a Journal Entry from the prompt “What does it mean to judge someone?”
I seem to belong to a highly judgmental species, and it is hard to refrain from judging and evaluating, praising and blaming. All around me, people are rating, reviewing, giving stars, thumbs up and down to films, hotels, household appliances, and life events. They write restaurant reviews that say ‘The fish was underdone and the staff were rude,’ as though the fish and the staff actually had those qualities, and they expect others to make use of the ‘information.’ They gossip about one another’s personal lives and decisions, admiring and disapproving of their friends’ actions. Human beings slap fines on one another and cart others of their species off to jail. They also award them medals, badges, and diplomas for achievements deemed meritorious. I find myself constantly judging my food and drink for its tastiness and value for money. I cannot seem to help judging some kinds of people for what I take to be their moral qualities, as well as for their non-moral qualities of being politically savvy or hilarious, or displaying athletic prowess or artistic ability.
Complete journal activities in weeks 2, 4, and 6 and upload the results to the proper assignment folder as either document files (.docx), audio files(.mp3) or video files (.mp4), or any combination. Please submit two (2) files every time the Journal Entries are due. You are welcome to complete and submit Journal Entries before they are due.
Document files must be Microsoft Word .docx, be at least 250 words, double spaced 12 pt font.
Audio files must be .mp3 and be at least a minute in length
Video files must be .mp4 and be at least a minute in length.**
(**To greatly reduce the video file size make sure to record at the lowest possible resolution on your camera, 480p or 640x480, and NOT at 4k!! A 1 minute video recording at 480p will only be around 2MB.)
Now that you have become familiar with some of the concepts and concerns in world philosophy and epistemology, complete two (2) Journal Activities (topics in weeks 1 &
2) one each from list A and B. Record your thoughts in writing, or audio, or video, and submit the files to the assignment folder. Submit A and B Journal Activities as separate g p
A. Journal Activities - What is Philosophy? (Choose one)
Activity A1: Record your thoughts. What does Philosophy mean to me, personally?
How can I use Philosophy in everyday life? What is the value of Philosophy?
Activity A2: Record your thoughts. If I could visually represent what Philosophy means to me, what would it look like? How would someone interpret my visual representation?
Activity A3: Have a conversation with a friend or family member on the meaning and value of Philosophy. Reflect on this conversation for your Journal Entry.
Activity A4: Record your thoughts: What does it mean to be part of a culture? How open am I to understand perspectives from different cultures? Am I willing to change my life to accommodate another culture's beliefs?
Activity A5: Record Your Thoughts: Which philosopher/thinker discussed this week (week 1) intrigued me? why?
B. Journal Activities - Epistemology: How Do We Know What We Know? (Choose One)
Activity B1: Record your thoughts. This week, we saw that the sources of where knowledge can come from differ widely (experience, reason, and testimony). Each of them can give knowledge about the world. In your own experience, which of these three sources has given you the greatest confidence of having true knowledge? Does the answer to some questions depend on the source from which it came?
Activity B2: Record your thoughts. What does truth mean to me, personally? Do I believe that others value truth in the same way that I do? How do I distinguish between truth and belief?
Activity B3: Have a conversation with a friend or family member, or a priest, prophetess, or pastor, on the meaning of knowledge. Reflect on this conversation for your Journal Entry.
Activity B4: Record your thoughts: Do other cultures arrive at knowledge in a different way than my culture? Do other cultures value truth and belief differently?
How open am I to adopt another culture's way of arriving at knowledge?
Activity B5: Record your thoughts: Which philosopher/thinker discussed this week (week 2) intrigued me? why?
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The Week 2 Journal Entry Assignment is due on Tuesday at 11:59PM of the second week