question archive Community Analysis The community analysis assignment is designed to introduce students to the process of community involvement and how to identify stakeholders, conduct a needs assessment, and plan of action

Community Analysis The community analysis assignment is designed to introduce students to the process of community involvement and how to identify stakeholders, conduct a needs assessment, and plan of action

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Community Analysis

The community analysis assignment is designed to introduce students to the process of community involvement and how to identify stakeholders, conduct a needs assessment, and plan of action. 

1. Article entitled: Model of Neighborhood Change" 1983-Schwirian-Models-of-Neighborhood-Change.pdf 

2. Read the article

3. Summarize the article according to the following instructions:

  • Introduction
  •  Basic Concepts (neighborhood defined)
  • Neighborhood as Natural Areas
  • Neighborhood as Social Areas
  • Neighborhoods as Interaction Systems
  • Recent Themes in Neighborhood Research
  • Classic Models of Neighborhood Change
    • Invasion-Succession
    • Neighborhood Life Cycle
  • Current Perspectives on Neighborhood Change
    • Demographic Ecological
    • Socio-Cultural/Organizational
    • Political-Economy
    • Social-Movements
  • Revitalization and Gentrification
  • Closing Remarks


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