question archive Reply Instruction   All written assignment submissions will be assessed according to APA guidelines (see APA manual)

Reply Instruction   All written assignment submissions will be assessed according to APA guidelines (see APA manual)

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Reply Instruction


All written assignment submissions will be assessed according to APA guidelines (see

APA manual). These include, but are not limited to:

Refrain from using first person pronouns, clichés, and colloquies.

Need references

• All research and statements should be cited appropriately.

• Opinions are only permitted in the recommendations section.

• Proper grammar, punctuation, word use, and sentence structure are essential.

Maintain a professional tone.

More than 250 words





As a marketer, persuasion is a part of my everyday responsibility - whether it is persuading a customer, potential client, a co-worker or my team. Persuasion comes in various forms, from a parent, a partner, media platforms especially social media, TV and popular culture. There are positive forms of persuasion such as encouraging someone to take care of their health, focus at their job, work hard etc and negative forms of persuasion such as peer pressure and social pressure to do something one might not want to do or may be outside of his/her comfort zone or is simply harmful to them.



A recent incident was when I was marketing online courses to customers. Many customers in our focus groups were skeptical about learning online as they believed that the courses (which were geared towards changing your career or starting one’s first job) did not have any real impact. To combat this, I focused my marketing materials on using persuasive language, specifically “even if” to help people understand that the program was for them, even if they were satisfied with their jobs, as it would help them to move up the corporate ladder. Another technique that I employed was bringing in youtubers and other famous vloggers and celebrities to vouch for the product. These influencers had actually tried out the courses and could genuinely vouch for their worth. This method of authenticity and social proof was very useful. Another example was using customer reviews in all our marketing materials. This helped people relate to the stories of the people we told and identify with them. We ensured that the people in our marketing collateral and testimonials reflected the people we were trying to target.



Curiosity gap was a technique I used to get people to click on the link to learn more. Phrases like ‘x managed to move from design to engineering in 3 months. Find out how” really worked well to make people curious about the entire story and pause to check it out. Once we managed to get customers to get their foot in the door, we were able to sell them on other online education programs we offered. Scarcity including “only 5 seats left” or urgency such as ``start today and get a 20% discount” worked in our favor too. These techniques were extremely successful and we managed to increase our customer base for our programs by 35% year over year. I think these techniques are very successful in marketing communications as depicted above. There are also several others that can take advantage of such as using language like “you” and speaking directly to the audience and quite a few others, depending on what the marketer is trying to market and sell.






Elias, B. (2021, August 16). 23 persuasion techniques to boost your marketing with psychology. 23 Persuasion Techniques to Boost Your Marketing With Psychology. Retrieved October 27, 2021, from


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