question archive Sexual assault includes any sexual activity performed without consent

Sexual assault includes any sexual activity performed without consent

Subject:PsychologyPrice:2.85 Bought3

Sexual assault includes any sexual activity performed without consent.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

Victims are never to blame for sexual assault.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

A sexual act can become sexual assault even if the victim didn’t physically resist.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

Consent is generally NOT possible/present if:

Option 1:the victim was intoxicated

Option 2:the victim was drugged

Option 3:the victim was underage

Option 4:all of the above

Someone who believes they are experiencing harassment and/or bullying should:

Option 1:avoid telling the person harassing or bullying to stop

Option 2:wait to seek emotional support from friends, family or school until they have enough evidence of bullying

Option 3:avoid social events

Option 4:seek resolutions and put complaints on record

ACT is important to remember for bystander intervention. T refers to:

Option 1:Take action.

Option 2:Tell a friend or family member.

Option 3:Training is necessary.

Option 4:Tell the police.

Which of these traits should serve as a warning sign for potentially aggressive people in terms of their sexual behavior and/or approach to relationships?

Option 1:talks over partner

Option 2:argumentative

Option 3:doesn’t respect or follow rules

Option 4:all of the above

Which of the following can create a hostile environment that is considered sexual harassment?

Option 1:persistent jokes

Option 2:forming a social clique

Option 3:indecent gestures

Option 4:None of these acts can create a hostile environment that’s considered sexual harassment.

Consent can be withdrawn at any time during sex and sexual activity must stop immediately.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

Which of the items signify that someone might be experiencing dating violence?

Option 1:avoids spending time with friends

Option 2:changes political views

Option 3:seems uncharacteristically relaxed

Option 4:None of these are warning signs.

It’s up to the victim to resist sexual assault.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

The majority of sexual assaults involve force or threat of force.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

omeone who is sexually assaulted (whether it be you or a friend) should:


Option 1:question whether he/she is to blame for being assaulted

Option 2:take a shower

Option 3:seek medical attention

Option 4:avoid seeking counseling

ACT is important to remember for bystander intervention. C refers to:

Option 1:Communicate clearly.

Option 2:Counseling is essential.

Option 3:Choose your best action.

Option 4:Consent must be freely given.

Why might alcohol increase the likelihood of sexual assaults?

Option 1:It dampens inhibitions.

Option 2:It causes people to focus on limited information.

Option 3:It causes people to communicate less effectively.

Option 4:all of the above

A sexual act can become sexual assault even if the victim didn’t say "NO."

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

An intoxicated perpetrator can be charged with committing sexual assault.

Option 1:True

Option 2:

ACT is important to remember for bystander intervention. A refers to:

Option 1:Alcohol is dangerous.

Option 2:Ask for help.

Option 3:Assume “yes” unless you hear “no.”

Option 4:Assess the situation.

The majority of sexual assaults are committed by strangers.

Option 1:True

Option 2:False

Someone who believes they are experiencing stalking should:

Option 1:continue interactions with stalker

Option 2:avoid all social events

Option 3:limit social media usage accessible by stalker

Option 4:None of these are actions that should be taken.

Which of the following may be examples of bullying and/or cyberbullying?

Option 1:achieving better grades than someone else

Option 2:spreading rumors

Option 3:social inclusion

Option 4:None of these are examples of bullying and/or cyberbullying.

Option 1

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