question archive Principles of Macroeconomics Is the Federal Reserve considered to be independent in its development and implementation of monetary policy in the United States? Why? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success

Principles of Macroeconomics Is the Federal Reserve considered to be independent in its development and implementation of monetary policy in the United States? Why? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success

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  1. Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Is the Federal Reserve considered to be independent in its development and implementation of monetary policy in the United States? Why?

  • Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.

  1. Decision-Making

  • In this unit, we learned about the mythical fixed pie in negotiations. Do you feel that most negotiations really do have a fixed pie to work with, or do you believe the pie can be enlarged so that everyone gets a bigger piece? If you think it is fixed, why is it fixed? If you think it can be enlarged, how can it be enlarged?

  • Identify a decision-making task that you would need to perform in your current career or future career, and explain how you would apply some of the knowledge you have learned in this course to succeed at performing the task in a real-world scenario.

  1. Principles of Management

  • .   1.  Clearly define business ethics. Do so by starting, “Business ethics ”

2.  What specific items should be included in an organization’s ethics program? 

3.  Explain why these specific items should be included in the ethics program and how they ensure the organization is “doing the right thing”?  Ensure you address the two ideas.

4.  Please use class material to support your answer.




  1. US Government

  • The U.S. Constitution states that a president can be impeached (i.e., charged with a crime) and removed from office for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." Over the years, presidents have been impeached; however, no president has been removed from office. Given the potential for politicizing the impeachment process, except in cases of treason and capital crimes (e.g., first-degree murder), do you think that presidents should be immune from being removed from office? Explain why or why not.

  • How will you be able to apply what you learned in this course to your current or future work?

  1. Management Information System

  • Project management is essential for the operations in various industries such as information technology, hospitality, engineering, and others. Discuss a project you were involved in that was not successful. Explain why the project failed and what you think needed to be done to make it successful. This can be a project from work or a personal project.

  • Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success?

  1. English

  • As described in Unit VI and reinforced in Unit VII, the expository essay is instructional and educational in that the purpose of this essay is to confer information from the author to the reader. There are many different kinds of expository writing that surround us each day. In fact, you have more than likely written in an expository manner before. Any time you have written to a friend and described the process for cooking a favorite dish, explained the process for enrolling in a fantasy football league, or explained how to plan and then execute a quilt, you were writing in an expository manner.
    For this reflection, briefly introduce the topic of your expository essay to your course mates. This is not a formal disclosure. Instead, describe what you intend to write about in your Unit VII expository essay. Use the following questions as a guide:

  • What is your topic?

  • How are you approaching it?

  • What do you already know about the topic?

  • What do you want others to know about the topic?

  • What attracted you to this topic?

  • Do you have a personal interest in the topic?

  • What was the inspiration for writing about this topic?

  • What do you want to know about the topic?

  • What kinds of research are you doing already?

  • How do you feel about the drafting process so far?

You certainly should not feel as though you need to answer all of the questions above. Instead, in your description, picture your course mates as your audience. Imagine that we are all sitting in a classroom together, and the instructor has the class to go around the room and describe their projects.

  • You have completed EH 1010! In as much as reflection is a genre, it is also an action—one of the most important actions of the writing process. Writing a reflection does not mean that you focus on what you would have changed or what you may have failed at doing; instead, a reflection should be a holistic assessment of an experience so that you can apply those lessons to the next experience.
    You have written three essays for this course. Please reflect upon your experience in EH 1010 by addressing the following questions. You do not have to address all of them or address them in order.

  1. What was your most successful essay in this course? You may want to judge that based upon your instructor’s assessment, but it would be more beneficial for you to base this upon what you feel is your best work. What was it that made this essay so successful for you?

  2. What kinds of elements do you consider when thinking about what makes a successful essay? After listing some of those attributes, how does your "most successful" essay match up with these elements? In what ways does it fall short?

  3. What did you consider to be your least successful essay? Why do you think that it was not successful?

  4. What would you have done differently when writing that least successful essay? In thinking about what you would have changed, did you really have the opportunity to make that change at the time? Why, or why not?

  5. What have you learned about the writing process? What is your writing process? How has the emergence or, at least, definition of that process changed how you write, if at all?

  6. What was your favorite thing that we did in the course? Why? What was the least appealing thing we did in the course? Why?


  1. Learning Strategies

  • Have you ever heard a student say that APA is just too hard? What could have been the source of that frustration? What could be done to eliminate the typical barriers that are associated with APA writing?

  • This course covered many topics and provided several strategies, resources, and techniques to help you reach your academic and career goals. What was the most valuable lesson that you gained from this course, and how will you use this to assist you in your life?


  1. Principles of accounting

  • Part II: This lesson has suggested that accounting is considered the language of business. Do you agree? Why do you think accounting is the language of business over and above other business functions?

  • Assume you have been working for a small accounting firm, and you have been tasked with training a new intern. As you are trying to identify the intern's level of knowledge and understanding about debit and credit balances, the intern says, "I believe that debit balances are favorable and credit balances are unfavorable; if total debits equal total credits in a trial balance, then it is free of errors." Is the intern correct? Discuss how you would respond to the intern.

  1. Principles of Microeconomics

  • Accounting argues that opportunity costs should not be considered when evaluating alternatives. Economics believes that opportunity costs should always be considered. With which of these statements do you agree? Why?

  • Today, we live in a world that is changing at a rapid pace. What factors have caused your demand for technology to shift to the right (increase)?

  1. Healthcare Financial Management

  • Do you think the role of finance in the healthcare services industry has increased or decreased in importance in recent years? Why?

  • The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are three major financial statements that present varying snapshots of an organization's financial position. In your opinion, which financial statement offers the clearest snapshot of how the organization is doing? Why?



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