question archive Think of this assignment as a follow-up for your proposal

Think of this assignment as a follow-up for your proposal

Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3

Think of this assignment as a follow-up for your proposal.  Your proposal has been approved.  A
contract has been awarded to your organization.  You are now approaching the half way point of
the proposed program.
Write a progress report in which you give a clear and complete assessment of the program up to
this point.  In your report, provide accurate and specific information on the completed tasks, the
problems you encountered and solved, the plan to solve further problems, and the remaining
tasks to be completed.
Your progress report must include the following sections:
Provide an overview of the progress so far.
Provide the basic information of the proposed program.  (You can copy necessary information
from your proposal.)
Give an overall assessment of the completed tasks.
Explain what possible adjustments will be made.
Give a clear and complete account of the tasks completed.
Identify what problems occurred and describe how they were solved.
Explain how the changes will affect the overall program.
Identify what possible problems you anticipate and provide a problem-solving plan.
Describe what remaining tasks are to be completed.
Revise you budget.  Identify and explain the changes made.  
Provide an honest evaluation of the progress so far and your expectations of the completion of
the program 


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