question archive This requires reading a book and the book is called Daly, How Europe Made the Modern World: Creating the Great Divergence This can be accessed through perlego

This requires reading a book and the book is called Daly, How Europe Made the Modern World: Creating the Great Divergence This can be accessed through perlego

Subject:HistoryPrice:0 Bought3

This requires reading a book and the book is called Daly, How Europe Made the Modern World: Creating the Great Divergence This can be accessed through for a 14-day free trial.

HIST                                           181     First  Essay:                                                                                                                                     Fall     2021        


  1. Please submit your     paper  in          Canvas              no       later     than     midnight          Sunday             Nov      28        
  2. Type    single-spaced,              font      size      12,        with       paragraph       indents,             using   MS        Word.               
  3. Evidence          used     to          support             your     claims       must    be         cited    with     footnotes.        I             will       deduct points  for        incorrect          citations.          (“Insert       Footnotes”      in          MS        Word)[1]              4. See       documents      in          Canvas/Announcements       for       guidance          in          writing              essays.              
  1. See       the        syllabus            for        notes   on plagiarism.      Turnitin            will      catch   copied work. 
  2. This      paper  is           worth  15%     of          your     overall grade.               
  3. Choose              one       prompt.            Be         sure     to incorporate    Daly     into      your     paper.
  4. You       can       submit the        paper  any       time     between now     and       the        due       date.    Too      soon     and you       may      not        have     learned             enough; too        late       and       well,    it           will      be         rushed. Suit      your     schedule           but        do         the        work, revising            often.  
  5. It           is           best      to          start     a            scratch document        early,   and       write   frequently       over time.   
  6. No         late       papers will      be         accepted          for this       assignment.    No         late       papers.             


PROMPT        A          


  • Make   a            historical         argument         answering the        following         prompt,            using   2-5        primary sources             from    the        text,     the        Daly     book, DVC     library resources,        or          academic         online source sites:   


  • Consider         our       readings,        discussions   and the       years  covered           in          the       course, then    choose             any      one      theme or         subject that     interests         you      most.  (ie.       Nation, empire,            technology,   ideas, ethnicity,        gender, power,             class,   race,    love,    hate,   wealth, nature,             urban,              rural,  region,             religion etc.).   Ask      yourself           how     this      theme has shaped             history             in          our       class    period. Then   make  an         argument       on         how     that theme/subject           might have    impacted        one      or more   different         social  or         ethnic groups             in history.                          (A         social  group can       be almost              any      group in          society!)         Be sure     to          place   your    theme in          context            of the       broader           historical        story.               




Or       PROMPT         B          

Make   a            historical         argument,        answering              the        following         prompt,            using   2-5              primary            sources             from    the        text,              the        Daly     book,   DVC     library resources,        or              academic         online source sites:    How    do              you      think  the       attitudes,        actions             or              inaction          of          elites  and      rulers              impacted        their   societies’        historical              path    between          1500   and      1950? Choose              1,          2            or         3            different         political              entities.         







  • Read    the        sources,            and       underline         or take     notes.  Then    write   a            1500-2000      word, single-spaced paper, presenting       a            nuanced, objective          argument.        You      may      argue   any point    you       wish,    as          long     as          it           is plausible          and       supportable    from    the        sources available.         Don’t   make   things  up.        Aim      for        a clear    thesis  statement.       What   is           your argument?       Is           it           feasible?           Do         the sources             suggest             this       is           credible?         


  • With     regard to          primary            sources,            consider: What   do         they     seem    to          say?      What   is the        main    content             or          substance?      What meaning           may      we        derive from    them?  What are        their    limitations?    What   biases  might  be apparent?        What   don’t    they     say?     


  • Tie        your     source-based essay   into      the        text’s chapters,          which  provide             the        main    historical narrative.         Papers should refer    to          history              or historical         processes/events       from    the        text.    


  • You       are        expected          to          edit,     fix grammatical   errors, cite       properly,          and       resist the        urge     to          make   excessive,        subjective claims that      can’t     be         supported        by         the sources             or          the        text.     Aim      to          write nothing             evidence          doesn’t              support.           

[1] Perry,             Marvin.             Sources             of           the        Western              Tradition,        Voltaire,            (Wadsworth,  2015), p142.  


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