question archive 2D Motion First review the lecture notes posted to Canvas, this should help you with the following inquiry
Subject:PhysicsPrice:12.86 Bought3
2D Motion First review the lecture notes posted to Canvas, this should help you with the following inquiry. Go to this river boat simulator and do the following investigation. Note: If I ask you to report data, do so in a way that is easy to read and understand. Tables may be useful at times. If you prefer to record data by hand, then take clear picture(s) and paste them in the appropriate places. 1. Play around with all variables in the simulator to determine which one(s) affect the time it takes the boat to reach the other side. You should also include data to support your claim. 2. Repeat the procedure from the previous problem, but this time identify the variable(s) that affect the boat’s vertical displacement along the river. 3. Pick a river speed, river width, and boat speed and set the boat direction due east. Run the simulation and record the time it takes the boat to cross. What’s the relationship between the boat speed, river width, and time to cross? Can you write it in the form of an equation? 4. If you keep all variables from problem three the same but change the river speed, does it affect the time to cross? In other words, does the vertical motion of the boat influence its horizontal motion? 5. Using the same initial conditions from question 3, find the relationship between river speed, vertical displacement of the boat, and time of the motion. Put this relationship in the form of an equation. 6. Are the equations you found in the previous two questions consistent with the kinematic equations that relate distances, times, velocities, and accelerations? If so, identify the kinematic equation(s) that you just re-derived with real data from the simulation. 7. Pick a river speed, river width, and boat speed and set the boat direction to 45 degrees N of E. Run the simulation. Does the relationship you found in problem three between boat speed, river width, and time to cross still hold? Calculating in two dimensions: 1. Use the kinematic equations to calculate the time it should take a ball to fall one meter under the following conditions (ignore air resistance in all cases): a. Dropped from rest. b. Thrown downward with a velocity of 2 m/s. c. Thrown horizontally with a velocity of 2 m/s. Hint: Did changing river speed affect time to cross in the river simulator? 2. In the absence of air resistance, are there any forces acting horizontally on an object in free fall? If so, identify the force(s). 3. How far should a racquetball travel horizontally if you push it off a table that is one meter tall, assuming its initial velocity is 3 m/s? Ignore air resistance in your calculation. Hint: This is a 2-part problem that will require analyzing the vertical motion of the ball first. 4. If you drop a bullet and shoot a bullet perfectly horizontally, will the two bullets hit the ground at the same time? Again, ignore air resistance.
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