question archive 1)Which is best for macroeconomic news for students pursuing an MS in finance and planning to work in North America - The Economist or The Financial Times? 2)What would happen from a macroeconomic perspective if a country were to pass a law saying that only citizens are allowed to own property in that country?

1)Which is best for macroeconomic news for students pursuing an MS in finance and planning to work in North America - The Economist or The Financial Times? 2)What would happen from a macroeconomic perspective if a country were to pass a law saying that only citizens are allowed to own property in that country?

Subject:EconomicsPrice:2.88 Bought3

1)Which is best for macroeconomic news for students pursuing an MS in finance and planning to work in North America - The Economist or The Financial Times?

2)What would happen from a macroeconomic perspective if a country were to pass a law saying that only citizens are allowed to own property in that country?

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