question archive Response 1 How does acute stress differ from chronic stress? Acute and chronic stress is a disorder or disease that can be developed through the central nervous system of the brain

Response 1 How does acute stress differ from chronic stress? Acute and chronic stress is a disorder or disease that can be developed through the central nervous system of the brain

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Response 1

  1. How does acute stress differ from chronic stress?

Acute and chronic stress is a disorder or disease that can be developed through the central nervous system of the brain. According to (Barker et al., 2018) acute and chronic presents different sets of challenges however, they are both neurodegenerative disorders characterized by an internal related reaction that involves changes in the extracellular matrix and/or alterations in the blood–brain barrier.

While acute stress in known as a short-term stress, Chronic stress has a long-term affect which can create a huge negative impact on a person’s health. This kind of stress can stem from a toxic environment.

  1. It’s clear that people differ in their exposure to stressors. How do they differ in resilience as well?

Resilience is about how a person bounces back from their situation or circumstances. In other words, elasticity. It is the ability to cope with a crisis mentally and emotionally. People can differ in resilience by how they chose to respond to negative stressor. Everyone has a choice to decide if they are going to allow their impairment to take a toll on them. As in exposure to stressors, people can decide what they expose themselves to just as they can decide how they will deal with the negative exposure that is in their life. As stated above, people can choose to remain in a toxic environment or remove themselves from the environment. Choosing to avail beyond a negative situation is a choice that people must consider to be resilient.


Barker, R., Götz, M., & Parmar, M. (2018). New approaches for brain repair—from rescue to reprogramming. Nature557(7705), 329-334.


1. How does acute stress differ from chronic stress?

Acute stress can be described as short-term stress and chronic stress can be described as long-term stress. Acute stress can be a fight with your spouse, a bad day at work, or even someone breaking into your car and stealing your wallet. Some symptoms of short-term stress include anxiety, irritability and even mood swings. This kind of stress is easier on your body and goes away quickly. Chronic stress on the other hand seems to be never ending and can have a negative impact on your stress. Depression, anger, loneliness and anxiety are some of the major symptoms. 

2. It’s clear that people differ in their exposure to stressors. How do they differ in resilience as well?

Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or the ability to bounce back. Resilience shows differently in every individual. Some people may only experience acute stress versus others that struggle everyday with chronic stress. Some individuals have the ability not have a stressful situation even impact them. Something small that would stress me out, like getting yelled at by a supervisor would have me stressed out for days, likely give me anxiety but would have no effect on my husband. He would bounce right back from that like nothing even happened.

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