question archive Project Outcomes 1

Project Outcomes 1

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Project Outcomes

1. Use the Java selection constructs (if and if else).

2. Use the Java iteration constructs (while, do, for).

3. Use Boolean variables and expressions to control iterations.

4. Use arrays or ArrayList for storing objects.

5. Proper design techniques.

Project Requirements

Your job is to implement a simple amusement park information system that

keeps track of admission tickets and merchandise in the gift shop. The

information system consists of three classes including a class to model tickets, a

class to model gift shop merchandise, the amusement park, and the amusement

park tester. The gift shop supports access to specific merchandise in the park's

gift shop and to purchase the merchandise or to order new merchandise for the

gift shop. The UML diagram for each class (except the tester class) is given


Develop a simple class that models merchandise available in the gift shop

such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, and stuffed animals. The class has several

instance fields:

a. An ID as a long integer to identify the specific merchandise item,

b. A category as a String to store the specific type of merchandise,

c. A description as a String to store the description of the merchandise,

d. A price represented as a double to store the price of the merchandise,

e. An instock as a boolean to indicate if the merchandise is instock or onorder.

Valid values for category include "T-Shirt", "Sweatshirt", and "Stuffed Animal",

as well as any additional category you choose to support. If invalid values are

entered, an error message must be printed and the category instance field

must be set to "UNKNOWN".

In addition to these attributes, the class has the following constructors and


f. A parameterized constructor that initializes the attributes of a

merchandise item.

g. setPrice(double price) to change the price of the merchandise.

h. setInstock(boolean newStatus) to change the status of the

merchandise item.

i. Accessor methods for all instance fields.

j. toString() to return a neatly formatted string that contains all the

information stored in the instance fields.



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