question archive Select any business operation: brick & mortar, online or hybrid

Select any business operation: brick & mortar, online or hybrid

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

  • Select any business operation: brick & mortar, online or hybrid.
  • Analyze and document the key business operations involving IT.
  • Analyze the current IT system: hardware, software, and applications supporting the business.
  • Draw the existing network framework and design.
  • Document the intended expansion or improvement in the business operations.
    • Draw a list of the proposed IT changes (hardware, software, processes, and network) to achieve the goal.
    • Prepare employees for the changes through education such as workshops, presentations, personal meetings, conference calls, etc., highlighting the benefits of the proposed IT change. Prepare a schedule of such activities and infrastructural arrangements.
    • Implement the change using the Project Management approach and tools, namely Microsoft Project and Gantt chart.
    • Review the IT changes and change management process with respect to its success and pitfalls.
    • Based on the lessons learnt, frame recommendations for the future IT project implementations.
    • Prepare a 10-12 PowerPoint slides presentation for the organizational management.


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