question archive Managing Hospitality Service Experiences A2: Group Communication - Peer Evaluation & Self-Reflection Due dates: Peer evaluations: Week 9, Thurs 23th Sept, 2021 @12pm Self-reflection: Week 10, Thurs 30th Sept, 2021 @12pm Late penalties: Peer evaluations: you will receive a 50% deduction on your overall mark achieved for this assessment item (after any other applicable penalties are applied), as being late in providing feedback is evidence of unsatisfactory group communication skills, and it directly disadvantages the learning and assessment of your peers

Managing Hospitality Service Experiences A2: Group Communication - Peer Evaluation & Self-Reflection Due dates: Peer evaluations: Week 9, Thurs 23th Sept, 2021 @12pm Self-reflection: Week 10, Thurs 30th Sept, 2021 @12pm Late penalties: Peer evaluations: you will receive a 50% deduction on your overall mark achieved for this assessment item (after any other applicable penalties are applied), as being late in providing feedback is evidence of unsatisfactory group communication skills, and it directly disadvantages the learning and assessment of your peers

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Managing Hospitality Service Experiences A2: Group Communication - Peer Evaluation & Self-Reflection Due dates: Peer evaluations: Week 9, Thurs 23th Sept, 2021 @12pm Self-reflection: Week 10, Thurs 30th Sept, 2021 @12pm Late penalties: Peer evaluations: you will receive a 50% deduction on your overall mark achieved for this assessment item (after any other applicable penalties are applied), as being late in providing feedback is evidence of unsatisfactory group communication skills, and it directly disadvantages the learning and assessment of your peers. Self-reflection: standard late penalties apply as per universitypolicy. Submission: Online via Feedback Fruits – detailed submission instructions will be available in the Assessment folder on L@G. Weight: 20% of overall grade, marked out of 20 (partly based on ratings from your peers, partly based on quality of your evaluations and reflections). Mode: Individual. You must not collude with your peers on this assessment item. If collusion is suspected, you and your peers will be managed via the Academic Integrity Management System – where one of the outcomes could be receiving a zero mark for this assessment item. The Assessment Task Peer evaluations (open Week 9, Monday 20th September @9am) You will be evaluating your peers and yourself on selected aspects of group communication and contribution to group work, specifically as related to the group assignment in 3231THS (including your peers’ attendance and participation in workshops during Weeks 3 to 8). You will provide ratings and written feedback via an online program - “Feedback Fruits” (more information to be provided later about how to complete the evaluations online). You must rate each member of your group on three criteria: (1) active listening; (2) equity and (3) time management. You must also provide written feedback that is constructive for the receiver’s personal development. If you are selecting the best (top) rating for a group member, you must provide examples of things that the person did in order to deserve the best rating for any criteria. Those examples must be relevant to each criterion that you are providing an “excellent” rating for, e.g. if you are saying someone has excellent time management skills, you must specifically provide examples relevant to time management. Feedback that you provide must be constructive, such that your peers can use it for their own personal growth and development in the future. Feedback will not be anonymous – your peers will know what you wrote about them. Feedback can only pertain to the group members’ behaviour in the group assignment work for 3231THS in this trimester. If you have worked with that group member in another course – you must only evaluate their performance in this course – do not provide a ‘general’ evaluation of what they are ‘usually’ like. Feedback must be well written, highly understandable and professionally presented (pretend this as a work-based performance appraisal exercise that will be forever recorded on your colleague’s work record – it is not a casual conversation on social media – use full sentences – do not use emoticons). You must write individual and unique feedback for each group member. Copy-pasting of responses is not acceptable, either within or across groups. It will be quite noticeable to the marker who can analyse all feedback and reflections from all students at the same time. Self-reflection After peer evaluations are closed and complete, you will be invited to review the feedback that you received from your peers. You must review all feedback received, and then reflect on that feedback. You will then write a short self-reflection piece (submitted via L@G) where you incorporate your own self-evaluations with the feedback received from your peers in order to outline a very concise personal development plan aimed at improving the effectiveness of your group communication and group work skills inthe future. Your self-reflection will be no more than 200 words long. It needs to be a pithy and critical reflection on your group communication and group work skills, with a focus on how you will use the learning from this evaluation exercise to improve your performance the next time you participate in group work. Other important information Penalties will apply for not providing sufficiently constructive feedback and/or for overinflating the ratings of your peers (e.g. not adequately explaining why their performance deserved the best rating on any or all criteria). These penalties will be detailed in the marking criteria document for this assessment item. Detailed marking criteria will be provided via L@G, as well as instructions for completing the evaluations and reflection in Feedback Fruits. Read the marking criteria closely. It is what you are evaluating your peers on, and what you are being evaluated on. Note that you are also being evaluated on the quality of your written English in providing feedback to your peers – effective provision of feedback is also an essential part of group communication. Do polish your feedback to your peers before you submit it for their review. If you receive an overall “unsatisfactory” rating from your peers (i.e. less than 4.5 marks out of 9 for the peer evaluation elements of the marking criteria), then you will also have your individual mark for the group assignment reduced by a factor of 50% - as performing so poorly on this assessment item as rated by your peers is evidence that your contribution tothe group assignment was not valid. In workshops, we will discuss providing quality feedback to your peers, and self-reflection for personal development. Feedback Fruits will become available for you to enter your peer evaluations on the Monday of Week 9. You might choose to wait till after the workshop that week to complete them. MWL101 – Professional Insight - Trimester 2 2021 Assessment Task 3 – My Application – Individual Assignment DUE DATE AND TIME: 1. Report: 2. Interview: PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: WORD COUNT: Wednesday 29 September 2021, by 8:00pm (AEST) 30 September, 1 October, 4-5 October 2021 50 % (mock interview 10% + report 40%) 2,000 words + mock interview Description A dynamic, global and technology driven business environment means the way organisations recruit is undergoing significant change. Trends in recruitment include; increased automation of the recruitment process, increase demand for a diverse range of candidates and more emphasis on transferrable skills, amongst others 1 (Schidman et al. 2017). Using the knowledge and skills developed through Assessments 1 and 2, you will source a role that matches your desired career path, research the organisation you are applying to, write an application for that position and prepare for and participate in a mock interview. During this process of applying for a job you will need to reflect on your current learnings, activities and skill development, and on the skills and knowledge you still need to develop to be career ready. All three assessments in this unit are designed to help you develop the skills needed to be career ready in a dynamic employment market. This is consistent with the Unit Learning Outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes. Schidman A, Hester L, Plunkte P, Abbot L, Ignatova M, Prior I,. Australian Recruiting Trends 2017,, accessed 8 June 2018 1 Specific Requirements Task 1: Mock Interview Each student will participate in a mock interview and all interviews will be conducted via Zoom. Please note the following important dates: Requirement Bookings Open Date Monday 20 September @ 9am AEST Notes All interview bookings to be made via MS Bookings. A link to MS Bookings will be provided with the announcements on the MWL101 Cloud Site. Bookings must be made with your Deakin email address only. The zoom link for the interview will be sent to your Deakin email address with your booking. It is important that you check that you have received this email as you will not be able to participate in the interview without it. Bookings Close Tuesday No interview bookings will be allowed after this date. 28 September @5pm Upload Materials Wednesday Upload a copy of the job you are applying for and your resume 29 September @8pm to Mock Interview Assignment Dropbox Please highlight the key selection criteria. Your interviewer will base their questions on the key selection criteria in your job ad. If you do not upload these documents, the questions you will be asked will be selected randomly, which will affect your ability to answer them well. Interviews 30 September, 1 October and 4-5 October Interviews will run across the four days and will include evening sessions. Students will have a 15 minute time slot for the interview. This includes a 10 minute interview and 5 minutes for feedback and entering/exiting the virtual room. If you miss your mock interview, we cannot arrange an alternative time except in exceptional circumstances. Page 2 of 19 To prepare for your interview please follow the instructions below: Interview Preparation Check that your equipment is working (microphone and camera) and that you have a quiet place to undertake the interview. Your interview will be a mix of behavioural (including a question about your weaknesses) and organisational questions. Use the mock interview sample questions (with week 10 resources) to prepare answers and practice your answers with a friend or family. Make sure you use a wide range of examples from your experiences. At the end of the interview (as in a typical interview) you will be asked if you have any questions. You should prepare a question(s) to ask the interviewer. The interviewer will not answer the question but give you feedback on the appropriateness of the question. Attend the week 10 seminar and read the week 10 resources on interview skills. There will be an opportunity at the week 10 seminar to check your equipment. Performance on the You must arrive 10 minutes early for the interview. Please wait in the virtual waiting room. You will be invited into the room when the interviewer is ready day to start, as in a real interview. Remember you are being assessed from the moment you enter the room so: • • • • • • • • • Dress professionally Think about what is behind you. For example, if you are in your bedroom, is your bed made, what is on the wall? Try to appear confident and relaxed – preparation will help. Try to make eye contact with your interviewer. Do not read from notes when you are being interviewed. Even though interviews are fairly formal, try to communicate your enthusiasm and let your personality shine through. It is quite acceptable to ask for questions to be repeated if you did not hear or understand them. Think about responses carefully without having overly long pauses. Avoid ‘yes’ ‘no’ answers. Be polite, avoid interrupting and thank the interviewer at the end of the interview. If you are late (as in a real interview situation) you will miss your interview and will be unable to reschedule (except in exceptional circumstances). Page 3 of 19 Task 2: My Application (Report) The written part of Assessment 3 is comprised of four (4) key sections of content that must be addressed. In addition, this is a business report and therefore must be formatted according to the criteria set out in the presentation and formatting section of this report. Title Page, Table of Contents A title page, and table of contents must be included in this report. Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusion (not required) Section 1: My Role and Organisation 1a. My Role Suggested word count: 100 words (approximately). Find an internship or job opportunity that closely matches your desired employment path in your selected industry. Please include a screenshot of your job advertisement in this section. If you are in first year or closer to the start of your degree, please choose an internship or work experience role. If you are close to graduating please choose a graduate role. Explain why you have chosen this role and how it aligns with your desired career path Please note: Suitable positions to apply for will be discussed in the Week 8 seminar and with the Week 8 resources. 1b. Why this role and organisation Suggested word count: 400 words (approximately). A minimum of 3 (three) references are required for the ‘why do you want to work for us’ answer. Potential employers want to know that you are the right person for the role, that you are enthusiastic about the role and that you want to work for their organisation over all other organisations. That is why the first question in any interview is often along the lines of ‘why do you want to work for us’, or ‘why should we hire you’. Your answers to these questions can have a strong impact on both the rest of the interview and your likelihood of getting to the next round. To help you prepare for these style of questions you must answer the following two questions: 1. Why are you the best person for this role? In preparing this answer you must convey to the interviewer that they should hire you over all other applicants. To do this you need to identify why you have the required knowledge, skills and experience to perform the role. Use examples to support your answer. Page 4 of 19 2. Why do you want to work for us? When answering this question, you need to explain why you want to work for this organisation over all other organisations. You must show evidence that you have researched the organisation and understand the industry the organisation operates in. You must consider (minimum 3 references required): i) The organisation’s market offering, location of operations, plans for the future and the relevant leaders of the organisation as well as the position you are applying for. ii) The organisation’s culture and values, for example, their mission/vision, corporate culture and values (internal), their reputation (external) iii) Any notable industry changes that will impact the organisation’s operations e.g. regulatory changes, Royal Commissions, trade agreements iv) You should relate your answer to you, for example how does the organisations values and culture and industry changes align with you values, strengths (Professional Dashboard) and desired career path? Please note: Suggestions on where to find this information will be discussed in the Week 8 seminar and with the Week 8 resources. Section 2: My Application Suggested word count: 800-1000 words (approximately). As application requirements vary across jobs, we allow flexibility in the word count in this section. Please note: you must write succinctly and will be penalised if you do not do so and you must not exceed the page length requirements. Prepare a tailored application for your role that includes the following elements: Cover Letter Length Notes 1 Page (maximum) Start on a new page, must fit to one page. Word count flexible (see above). Template available with assessment resources. Please do not include your personal details (address/phone number) with submission. Due to privacy, please ensure your address/contact details are mock/fake details. Resume 3 Pages (maximum) Start on a new page, three (3) pages maximum. Word count flexible (see above) Template available with assessment resources. Please do not include your personal details or your referees personal details with submission. Due to privacy, please ensure your address/contact details and your referees’ details are mock/fake details. Your application must: Page 5 of 19 • • • Address the selection criteria. Fulfil the application process requirements. Be free from spelling and grammatical errors. Applications will not be considered for the next round in the application process if they have errors. We recommend that you use the resume template provided with the assessment (and week 8) resources. This template has been designed in conjunction with DeakinTalent and industry experts. It has also been designed to optimise its effectiveness with Applicant Tracking Software. Many large graduate employers use Applicant Tracking Software (artificial intelligence scanners) when processing applications and resumes with pictures, borders, graphics and/or unusual fonts may be rejected by this software and therefore do not progress to the next round. To test and improve your resume, we recommend you run your resume through the VMOCK software which gives you feedback on its formatting and line-by-line feedback on the information you have included. A link to VMOCK can be found with the Week 9 Resume resources. Please note you only have 10 resume review attempts with VMOCK for your Deakin lifetime and therefore we recommend you finalise your resume before using the software and only use it once for feedback. Please note: Applications will be discussed in the Weeks 8 and 9 seminars and with the Week 8 and 9 resources. Please refer to the Week 9 resources for templates and resources to demonstrate how to best showcase your skills. Section 3: My Interview Preparation Suggested word count: 200 words (approximately). Focusing on the transferrable skills in the key selection criteria of your job role, highlight the criteria that you see as the most important. Using the mock interview suggested question guide (see week 10 resources), identify a behavioural question that could be asked about this selection criteria and prepare an answer to this question using the STAR framework. Set out your answer using the format in the box below: Transferrable Skill: [Identify the skill that you are highlighting from your job ad here e.g. Communication Skills] Behavioural Question: [Provide the question you will be answering here e.g. Describe a situation where you have used your communication skills to get a message across] Situation (Briefly) describe a challenge you were faced with. Task What were you tasked to do to overcome this challenge? Action What did you do? Logically explain the steps you took. Result What was the result? How did you achieve? What did you learn? What would you do differently in the future? Page 6 of 19 Please note: Interviews will be discussed in the Week 10 seminar and with the Week 10 resources. Section 4: Reflection – My Professional Insight Journey Suggested word count: 300 words Reflect on this unit and what you have learned about yourself through the course of this trimester and how this has influenced your career planning. To do this: 1. Use your time capsule answers from Seminar 1 to reflect on what has changed since the start of the trimester. What did you learn? Have your views changed? 2. Reflect on whether you are missing skills required for your desired career 3. What will you do towards becoming job or career ready as a result of this unit? Include a screen shot of your time capsule answers in your appendices. Please note: Reflective writing is covered with the Week 7 Resources. Conclusion Not required This is the end of the written part of this assessment item. The information you have gathered and analysed in this report will form the basis for Assessment 3, My Application. Please see Section 5 for important presentation and formatting instructions. Learning Outcomes This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit learning outcomes. The ULOs are aligned with specific graduate learning outcomes – that is, the skills and knowledge graduates are expected to have upon completion of their studies – and this assessment task is an important tool in determining achievement of those outcomes. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the unit learning outcomes, you will not be successful i...

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