question archive Macroeconomics final assignment Written assignment (report) Activity brief BCO124 – Macroeconomics Online campus Professor: Vasileios Myrthianos Ph

Macroeconomics final assignment Written assignment (report) Activity brief BCO124 – Macroeconomics Online campus Professor: Vasileios Myrthianos Ph

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Macroeconomics final assignment Written assignment (report) Activity brief BCO124 – Macroeconomics Online campus Professor: Vasileios Myrthianos Ph.D. | Description Write a report that assesses how the Eurozone countries have so far been affected by the coronavirus crisis. The report should include the following sections: - Section 1. Eurozone macroeconomic situation Include charts with the following indicators during 2010-2020: - Total Real GDP - Real GDP growth rate - Inflation rate - Unemployment rate - Trade Balance (Exports - Imports) - Section 2. Effect of the covid crisis on the Eurozone economy Analyzing the previous indicators, explain how the crisis has affected the Eurozone economies. - Section 3. Eurozone macroeconomic policies - In the Eurozone, which institution oversees monetary policy, and which one controls fiscal policy? - Provide information on both fiscal and monetary policies that are being (or are planned to be) implemented by Eurozone officials as a response to the coronavirus crisis. - Section 4. Conclusions Is the Eurozone well prepared to offset the negative impact of the covid crisis? Add your own opinion! Format This activity must meet the following formatting requirements: • • • • • Font size 12 Double-spaced 1,500 words Harvard Referencing System pdf only Goal(s) Learning outcomes To assess theoretical and practical knowledge acquired throughout the whole course. It assesses the following learning outcomes: • • • Understand the forces determining macroeconomic variables such as national output, inflation, unemployment, and interest rates. Apply macroeconomic terminology and assess macroeconomic policy suggestions. Evaluate real life situations with a practical application of the acquired tools and knowledge. Due date Date: Friday, 17 September 2021 Time: 17:00 CEST Weight towards final grade This activity has a weight of 60% towards the final grade. Assessment criteria Please find below grading rubrics. Rubric: written assignment Criteria Accomplished (A) Proficient (B) Partially proficient (C) Borderline (D) Fail (F) Problem identification The business issue has been correctly identified, with a competent and comprehensive explanation of key driving forces and considerations. Impact on company operations has been correctly identified. Thorough analysis of the issue is presented. The student correctly identified the issue(s), taking into account a variety of environmental and contextual drivers. Key case information has been identified and analyzed. The student correctly identified the case (issues), considering obvious environmental/contextual drivers. There is evidence of analysis, but it lacks depth. The student correctly identified the issue(s) but analysis was weak. An absence of context – the work is basically descriptive with little analysis. The student failed to correctly identify the issue(s); analysis was incorrect or too superficial to be of use; information was misinterpreted. Information gathering The student showed skill in gathering information and analyzing it for the purposes of filling the information gaps identified. Comprehensive and relevant. Relevant information gaps were identified and additional relevant information was found to fill them. At least two different types of sources were used. The student demonstrates coherent criteria for selecting information but needs greater depth. The student correctly identified at least one information gap and found relevant information, but which was limited in scope. Some evidence of sound criteria for selecting information but not consistent throughout. Needs expansion. An information gap was identified and the student found additional information to fill it. However, this was limited in scope. Weak criteria for the selection of necessary information. Information was taken at face value with no questioning of its relevance or value. Gaps in the information were not identified or were incorrect. Conclusions The student evaluated, analyzed, synthesized all information provided to create a perceptive set of conclusions to support the decisions and solutions. The student evaluated, analyzed and synthesized to create a conclusion(s) which support decisions and solutions. The student reached conclusions, but they were limited and provided minimal direction for decision-making and solutions. The conclusion was reasonable but lacked depth and would not be a basis for suitable strategy development. The student formed a conclusion, but it was not reasonable. It was either unjustified, incorrect or unrelated to the case in hand. Solutions The student used problem solving techniques to make thoughtful, justified decisions about difficult and conflicting issues. A realistic solution was chosen which would provide maximum benefit to the company. Alternative solutions were explored and ruled out. The student used problem solving techniques to make appropriate decisions about complex issues. Relevant questions were asked and answered. A realistic solution was chosen. Alternatives were identified, explored and ruled out. The student used problemsolving techniques to make appropriate decisions about simpler issues. The solution has limited benefit but does show understanding of implications of the decision. Alternatives were mentioned but not explored. The student used problem solving techniques to make decisions about simpler issues but disregarded more complex issues. Implications of the decision were not considered. Alternatives were not offered. The student formed a conclusion, but it was not reasonable. It was either unjustified, incorrect or unrelated to the case in hand.

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