question archive In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions

In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions

Subject:PsychologyPrice:15.86 Bought3

In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions. Up to 10 points can be earned for a completed assignment, with partial credit available for incomplete responses.

  • Define the term social influence and explain how each of the following forms of social influence occur: conformity; compliance; symbolic social influence; obedience
  • Define the term conformity, explain what took place during the Asch experiments conducted in the 1950's, and discuss the results and implications of this famous study on our understanding of social pressures
  • Discuss the factors that are likely to result in an increase in conformity such as cohesiveness, group size, gender and culture
  • Define the terms social norms and social roles. Discuss what took place during the Stanford prison experiment in 1971, and discuss the results and implications of this famous study on our understanding of social pressures
  • Discuss your opinion on why the majority of us are likely to succumb to social pressures, yet most of us claim that we would be unlikely to fall victim to these pressures. Support your response
  • Define the term compliance and describe the following underlying principles of compliance: friendship/liking; commitment; scarcity; reciprocity; social validation; authority
  • Describe each of the following tactics for compliance: foot-in-the-door; door-in-the-face; low ball; that's-not-all; deadline; playing hard to get. Which tactic do think would result in the highest level of success and why? Support your response
  • Define the term obedience, explain what took place during the Milgram obedience studies in the 1960's, and discuss the results and implications of these famous studies on our understanding of social influence. Why were these studies considered highly unethical, and how were more contemporary researchers able to demonstrate similar results without violating ethical guidelines?
  • Define the term modeling and how it relates to the process of observational learning. How was this form of learning discovered, and what does it demonstrate to us about the power of social media? Support your response


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