question archive INSTRUCTIONS Please read the hypothetical case and respond as directed

INSTRUCTIONS Please read the hypothetical case and respond as directed

Subject:Health SciencePrice:12.99 Bought3


Please read the hypothetical case and respond as directed.
Your paper should be 600 words to a maximum of 1500 words.


In the past month, there have been 35 confirmed cases and 37 probable cases of mumps identified in the State of Healthacre. This is unusually high for a state that typically only has about a dozen mumps cases per year. Mumps is a virus-caused contagious disease that is spread among humans by such behavior as failing to cover one’s nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, failing to wash hands often, and drinking from the same glass or sharing the same eating utensils as another person. People such as school children and college students who live and work in close quarters are especially vulnerable. The most common symptoms are fever, headache, and swollen salivary glands. However, mumps can lead to more severe problems, such as hearing loss, meningitis, and sterility in men. A vaccine for mumps exists; it has few serious side effects and is relatively inexpensive, but it is effective in protecting the patient against mumps only 95% of the time.

You are working in, or providing consultation to, the Department of Health for the State of Kentuckiana (part of the United States), which borders Healthacre. No cases of mumps have been detected in Kentuckiana yet, but the Governor and state legislators are worried about a possible outbreak and want to “do something” to safeguard the citizens of Kentuckiana, both immediately and on a long-term basis. The Secretary of the Department of Health requests advice about actions the Department, working with the state legislature and with Kentuckiana’s United States Congressional delegation, can take to address this potential current and future public health problem. You are assigned the task of preparing a memorandum describing actions to be considered, along with an identification of the legal authority underlying those actions and potential legal objections that might be raised in opposition to those actions.

The only relevant current legislation in Kentuckiana states: “The legislature delegates to the Department of Health the authority to promulgate regulations designed to promote the good health of the people of Kentuckiana.”

Assignment: Produce the requested memorandum.

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