question archive Fall 2018 Project guideline Name: CWID: Identification of Problems/Tasks: · Understand the problems presented · Provide appropriate information with associated objective evidence Analysis: · Evaluate and provide relevant impact of the problems presented · Provide responses using information from quantitative measures as derived from software tool results Solutions and Recommendations: · Provide solution to task/problems presented along with any associated action plans   PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS       Use the project response Word document posted on D2L and begin to respond to all questions

Fall 2018 Project guideline Name: CWID: Identification of Problems/Tasks: · Understand the problems presented · Provide appropriate information with associated objective evidence Analysis: · Evaluate and provide relevant impact of the problems presented · Provide responses using information from quantitative measures as derived from software tool results Solutions and Recommendations: · Provide solution to task/problems presented along with any associated action plans   PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS       Use the project response Word document posted on D2L and begin to respond to all questions

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

Fall 2018 Project guideline Name: CWID:

Identification of Problems/Tasks:

· Understand the problems presented

· Provide appropriate information with associated objective evidence


· Evaluate and provide relevant impact of the problems presented

· Provide responses using information from quantitative measures as derived from software tool results

Solutions and Recommendations:

· Provide solution to task/problems presented along with any associated action plans






Use the project response Word document posted on D2L and begin to respond to all questions.

Be sure and address each question/request in detail providing emphasis on project objectives.

All graphs/charts/tables are to be produced in the native format (excel, project, etc.) and then copied into the response area of the Word document.

Post BOTH the Word document with all responses/graphs/charts/tables AND the objective evidence (the native documents from where you copied the charts/graphs/tables)

Project Start Date: September 4, 2018

Final Project Due Date: December 7, 2018






Cover all points in the response. Use the Word document posted as the template for all responses and task work. The Word document will be the formal response back to Astin Martin Graphics. All tables, graphics, and figures created by other tools should be copied and pasted in the Word document maintaining a professional appearance with appropriate labeling of all figures, diagrams, tables, artifacts pasted. As this is a professional document, do not leave template examples in your submission.

Where applicable, provide clear documentation, graphics, diagrams, and tables that help clarify any responses.




RFP awarded for specific web services which will be incorporated into a web graphics company (Astin Martin Graphics LLC). Topical level requirements for the software were provided. Deliverable products include:

· Systems Engineering to provide appropriate requirements decomposition

· Software Engineering to provide design/development/unit test of software

· System Test Engineering to provide component and enterprise level testing

· Quality Engineering to provide quality control through the entire development life cycle

· Management functions to include all primary functions (project management, finance, planning & scheduling, Overhead support (contracts, engineering matrix, etc.)

Award date of May 15 and required completion date (deliverables provided) of November 15.

Astin Martin Graphics request of planned deliverables, acceptance criteria, quality plan, and work breakdown structure. These items need to be provided in an acceptable time for Astin Martin to review and approve.

Astin Martin Graphics further requests other deliverables to include final software (source and binary) which meets all approved acceptance criteria, associated design documents (system and development level)

All project questions or request for project scope changes should be directed to the Astin Martin Graphic designee (course instructor).

There is no requirement relative to project tools used to generate the required data.

Topical requirements include:

· System Engineering: UML design appropriate graphic widgets to display aeronautical expanse gauges within the technical specs guidelines for twenty-five different visual aspects. Include appropriate level of peer review. Design should include graphical mock-up of gauges.

· System Engineering: Derive component level requirements for Software Engineering to design, code, and unit test and System Test can provide System and Enterprise level testing

· Software Engineering: Provide appropriate level design artifacts from System Engineering UML design artifacts. Include appropriate level of peer review.

· Software Engineering: Code and Unit Test software modules that execute the software which meets all topical and derived requirements

· System Test Engineering: Derive sell-off acceptance criteria. Include appropriate peer review (including System Engineering) and customer approval.

· System Test Engineering: Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases. Include appropriate level of peer review.

· System Test Engineering: Execute test cases as software modules become available

· Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks during the processes described for System Engineering, Software Engineering, and System Test Engineering as appropriate

· Include the following customer related reviews: Design Review (after System Engineering completes design artifacts), Pre-Ship Review (provided prior to Astin Martin Graphics acceptance of software), and Final Acceptance Test (software demonstration at customer facility showing software meets all requirements as installed)

Approved labor rates as follows:

· System Engineer I: 43.15

· System Engineer II: 48.37

· System Engineer III: 51.17

· Lead System Engineer: 58.91

· Software Engineer I: 41.38

· Software Engineer II: 47.62

· Software Engineer III: 51.01

· Lead Software Engineer: 59.83

· System Test Engineer I: 40.78

· System Test Engineer II: 43.79

· System Test Engineer III: 49.25

· Lead System Test Engineer: 51.25

· Quality Engineer I: 40.38

· Quality Engineer II: 47.55

· Quality Engineer III: 51.01

· Lead Quality Engineer: 59.83

· Project Manager: 91.22 (LOE – Level of Effort)

· Chief Engineer: 72.41 (LOE – Level of Effort)

Approved overhead rates as follows:

· Finance: 7.6% of total hours

· Planning & Scheduling: 6.2% of total hours

· Management (Contracts/Senior Management): 2.1% of total hours

· Facility: 1.3% of total hours

· HR/Staffing: 0.54% of total hours




2.1 Select Layout

System Engineering: Create outline of UML design.

Software Engineering: Assist system engineering.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks


2.2 Design Graphics

System Engineering: Design appropriate graphic widgets to display aeronautical expanse gauges within the technical specs guidelines for twenty-five different visual aspects. Include appropriate level of peer review.


Software Engineering: Assist system engineering.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.


2.3 Approve design

System Engineering: Derive component level requirements for Software Engineering to design, code, and unit test and System Test can provide System and Enterprise level testing.

Software Engineering: Assist system engineering

System Test Engineering: Derive sell-off acceptance criteria. Include appropriate peer review (including System Engineering) and customer approval.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.


3.1 Write content

System Engineering: Assist software engineering

Software Engineering: Code and Unit Test software modules that execute the software which meets all topical and derived requirements.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.



3.2 Approve content

System Engineering: Assist software engineering

Software Engineering: Provide appropriate level design artifacts from System Engineering UML design artifacts. Include appropriate level of peer review.

System Test Engineering: Derive sell-off acceptance criteria. Include appropriate peer review (including System Engineering) and customer approval.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.


3.3 Insert content in pages

System Engineering: Assist software engineering

Software Engineering: Check the function

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.


4.1 Set up web service on test

System Engineering: Corporate with other engineers for opinion

Software Engineering: Corporate with other engineers for opinion

System Test Engineering: Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases. Include appropriate level of peer review.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.


4.2 Perform tests

System Engineering: Corporate with other engineers for opinion

Software Engineering: Corporate with other engineers for opinion

System Test Engineering: Execute test cases as software modules become available

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.


4.3 Approve web service

System Test Engineering: Assist Quality Engineering


Quality Engineering: Quality checks during the processes described for System Engineering, Software Engineering, and System Test Engineering as appropriate

Include the following customer related reviews: Design Review (after System Engineering completes design artifacts), Pre-Ship Review (provided prior to Astin Martin Graphics acceptance of software).


4.4 Set up web service on live environment

System Test Engineering: Assist Quality engineering

Quality Engineering: quality checks, and Final Acceptance Test (software demonstration at customer facility showing software meets all requirements as installed) installed)






Notional Activity estimated Duration

The estimated total elapsed time for how long an activity will take from starts to finish, including associated waiting time. Also referred to as activity resource estimated or estimated activity resources.














1. Provide a project objective associated with the Astin Martin Graphics project. Include a list of assumptions about the project.


2. What is a work breakdown structure? What is a responsibility matrix? Using the Astin Martin project activity list and activity duration schedule, create a WBS and RAM.


Copy your Work Breakdown Structure here.


Copy your Responsibility Assignment Matrix here.

(Example RAM Template)





3. Create a network diagram (graphical diagram) that shows the sequence and dependent relationships identified in the Astin Martin project activity list and activity duration schedule.



4. (Major) Using the project start time and the required completion date and the project activity list and activity duration schedule, calculate the ES, EF, LS, and LF times and total slack for each activity. Show results in table form. If your calculations result in a project schedule with negative total slack, revise the project scope, activity estimated durations, and/or sequence or dependent relationships among activities to arrive at an acceptable baseline schedule for completing the project within the required time line. Describe (including tables) the revisions you made.


(Example Template)


5. (Major) List all activity costs. From the project activity list and activity duration schedule, estimate the cost of each activity. Then, determine the Total Budgeted Cost (TBC) for the Astin Martin Graphics project. Provide the information in table format by month. Objective evidence of derived costs is required for credit. Use labor and overhead rates as provided in your derived calculations.


(Example Template)




6. Provide a cumulative budgeted cost curve for the Astin Martin Graphics project. Provide in appropriate graph format.


7. Astin Martin Graphics wants to know if you plan to use a management reserve for their project. Explain what the term reserve means and why you will use contingency reserve in the project or not. Be sure and consider the implications of using or not using the reserve. Provide appropriate detail in your response.


8. Astin Martin Graphics wants to know how JBB Software plans to employ cost management and earned value (EV) in their project. Define to them the following: TBC, CBC, CAC, CEV CPI, CV, FCAC, TCPI. In addition, explain to Astin Martin Graphics why it is necessary to calculate the earned value of work performed and how you plan to execute this task.


9. Astin Martin Graphics is concerned about how JBB Software will manage risks. Describe what JBB Software plans to do in order to manage risk on the Astin Martin Graphics project and if a risk assessment matrix will be employed and why. Provide appropriate level of detail in your response.






Select Layout

Design Graphics

Approve Design

Write Content

Approve Content

Insert content into page

Set up test web service

Perform tests

Approve web service

Go live

Plan DurationActual Start% Complete (beyond plan)

Baseline Schedule


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