question archive Administrative Introduction: NOTE: This Opening Round is valued at 10 points; it still will be rated based on the 5-point Discussion Rubric as noted below, but those Performance Ratings will each be doubled in value
Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3
Administrative Introduction:
NOTE: This Opening Round is valued at 10 points; it still will be rated based on the 5-point Discussion Rubric as noted below, but those Performance Ratings will each be doubled in value.
This Opening Round will follow our prior Discussion Rubric-oriented administrative approaches, including most of the regular protocols described below but without the “groups” protocol as noted below. As described in the Exam 3 Preview Announcement, this Opening Round will run from Thursday, December 9 through Tuesday, December 14. (Note both the opening and closing days are different than those used in our prior weekly discussions, with corresponding changes to the “incentive period” and “last 24 hours penalty” detailed below.)
The “official opening of the topic” for purposes of the Discussion Rubric’s incentive point award for Original Posts, or OPs (assuming a Strong/Excellent Performance Rating is achieved), will be at 12:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 9 and thereafter will end 96 hours later at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 12, with the “last 24 hours penalty” under the Rubric being in effect for OPs posted at any time on Tuesday, December 14.
The regular “users must post before seeing replies” and “no edits” protocols both apply. The expected number of Responsive Posts, or RPs, required for each Performance Rating level will be at the same levels listed in the Discussion Rubric. My expectations as to achievement of the Discussion Rubric’s Performance Criteria more generally is also consistent with that used in the majority of our recent weekly Discussions, i.e., a primary focus on course Skills Objectives.
We will not be using “Groups” in this Discussion, so that early OP posters should have other students’ relatively contemporaneous OP sources for RPs.
You will note that there are distinct background readings associated with each of the three levels of Prompts detailed under the “Topic” caption below. All three of such readings (the latter two of which are found within the same excerpted article in Appendix B) are described in a separate Word document captioned “Appendices A and B”) that I’ve linked within the Canvas Discussion’s instruction box.
And with those administrative matters now covered, it’s time to turn to the topic’s substance.
An “Effective” OP will respond to the following Prompt:
How does an employer’s fulfillment of its four Social Responsibilities to its traditional employees (i.e., its Economic, Legal, Ethical and Philanthropic Responsibilities as detailed in Chapter 8 of our textbook) change when that employer instead hires “independent contractors” (aka “gig workers”)?
Obviously you will need to better understand the distinctions between “traditional employees” and “independent contractors” in order to effectively respond to the Effective prompt. That’s where the information provided in Appendix A within the separately posted Word document named “Exam 3 Discussion Component Opening Round Appendices” comes in.
I don’t expect students to itemize all of the Chapter 8 content found within the Section entitled “Responsibilities to Employees”, but use of some key Chapter 8 concepts and terms (e.g., “psychological contract”) in a “quality, not quantity” approach will be rewarded.
NOTE: Additional Background Reading Required for Following Prompts: Your response to each of the following Strong and Excellent Prompts will require you to read two excerpted portions of a article that I have “cut-and-pasted” as Appendix B within that same separately posted Word document named “Exam 3 Discussion Component Opening Round Appendices”.
The title of this article is “Gig Workers As Employees: Why America Won’t Follow The U.K. Anytime Soon”
Note that I’ve identified within that excerpted article that roughly the first third of its content (essentially its introductory section) is the “Strong Prompt Background”, while the remaining two-thirds (under the caption “Worker Reclassification Efforts in California”) is identified as the “Excellent Prompt Background”.
Although I added a link to the full article below the excerpts, I don’t think you need to read any additional content to respond to the following two Prompts.
A “Strong” OP also will respond to the following Prompt:
To what extent does the U.K. Supreme Court’s ruling “that Uber drivers in the U.K. were ‘workers’ and not independent contractors” create “Global Issues” for Uber as it continues to expand internationally?
Note in particular this sentence from the excerpted article: “In the U.K., the term ‘worker’ can have a comparable legal meaning as the term ‘employee’ does here in the U.S.”
Note the “Global Issues” phrase I use above is a conscious reference to my nicknamed characterization of Chapter 13’s topic. I would expect that your response would address at a minimum concepts and terms discussed in Chapter 13’s first two Sections on “Cultural Intelligence” and “Global Stakeholders”, as well as my general “Global Issues” consideration of the challenges of “going global” as multinational corporations face significantly different governmental, legal and regulatory systems in different countries.
An “Excellent” OP also will respond to the following Prompt:
Based on the facts detailed in the article’s section captioned “Worker Reclassification Efforts in California”, did Uber effectively manage its various stakeholder relationships throughout the 2018 through 2020 period described in that section? At a minimum your response should address the following stakeholders: its owners; the government; drivers as employees (under the California Supreme Court decision and legislative act AB5) vs. independent contractors (as a result of the ballot initiative Proposition 22); as well as the customers and communities served by Uber’s drivers throughout the period.
The End of the Exam 3 Discussion Component’s Opening Round!