question archive Complete the Riddle class below and complete the main method to construct 2 Riddle objects and call their printQuestion() and printAnswer() methods

Complete the Riddle class below and complete the main method to construct 2 Riddle objects and call their printQuestion() and printAnswer() methods

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Complete the Riddle class below and complete the main method to construct 2 Riddle objects and call their printQuestion() and printAnswer() methods.


public class Riddle


  // write 2 instance variables for Riddle's question and answer: private type variableName;



  // constructor

  public Riddle(String initQuestion, String initAnswer)


   // set the instance variables to the init parameter variables




  // Print riddle question

  public void printQuestion()


   // print out the riddle question with System.out.println




  // Print riddle answer

  public void printAnswer()


   // print out the riddle answer with System.out.println




  // main method for testing

  public static void main(String[] args)


   // call the constructor to create 2 new Riddle objects


   // call their printQuestion() and printAnswer methods




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