question archive Homework 3 – Method Section Use the following as a template to format this assignment: Homework 3 Method Participants Replace this text with a description of all information about Sniffy (virtual rat - how many)
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Homework 3 – Method Section Use the following as a template to format this assignment: Homework 3 Method Participants Replace this text with a description of all information about Sniffy (virtual rat - how many). Be sure to indent the paragraph and write in full sentences. Materials Replace this text with a description of all materials used in the experiment. The program used to condition Sniffy is called Sniffy Lite. Be sure to indent the paragraph. Procedure Replace this text with a description of the procedure of the experiment. Describe the Pre-trail, Acquisition Trials, Post-trial, Extinction Trials, and Spontaneous Recovery Trials. Be sure to tell how many of each, what was presented to Sniffy (light and/or shock) for each kind of trial, and the timing (how long did the light last? When was the shock presented, How long between trials?). This should be a thorough enough of a description of the experimental procedure that someone could replicate the experiment. Data Analysis Replace this paragraph with a description of the analyses used to analyze the data (paired sample ttests – then state what was compared for each). You should list every paired samples t-test completed (six total). Just state the test. DO NOT give any statistical values or interpret results. Requirement Participants Homework 3 – Method Section Points Criteria Points earned Described number and type of participants 3 Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, or 2 inaccurate Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, 1 or inaccurate Missing relevant information 0 Described all materials used (computer, program, details about virtual conditioning chamber) Materials Procedure Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate Missing relevant information 2 1 0 Listed all information about the pre- and postacquisition trials, the acquisition trials, the extinction trials, and the spontaneous recovery trials (including number of each type of trial, stimulus presented, timing/duration of the stimulus, and behavior measured) 3 Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate 2 Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate Missing relevant information Data Analysis 3 1 0 Listed the six analyses conducted - providing the type of analysis and the variables/trials compared 3 Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate 2 Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate 1 Missing relevant information Continued on next page. 0 Homework 3 – Method Section All formatting correct (spacing, alignment, font size and type…) Minor formatting errors Formatting Overall quality of Method Section 4 3 Moderate formatting errors 2 Significant formatting errors 1 Unformatted 0 High 4 Good 3 Fair 2 Below average 1 Poor 0 TOTAL OUT OF 20 Classical Conditioning Part 2 - Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery Classical Conditioning with Sniffy Part 2 – Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery Extinction Once a classically conditioned response has been acquired, it can be eliminated by repeatedly presenting the CS (light) alone, without the US (shock). Now that Sniffy has learned to associate the light with a shock, he will show an increased amount of freezing behavior when the light is turned on. However, if the shock doesn’t come, he will gradually let down his guard and cease the freezing behavior. In this part of the experiment a CS of light will be presented for 30 seconds, without the delivery of a shock, for 20 trials. Observe Sniffy to see if his freezing behavior is extinguished over the 20 trials. Extinction Experimental Procedure Because we used the maximum number of stages allowed by the Sniffy Lite program, we will open a NEW Sniffy and precondition the freezing response before running the extinction trials. Stage 1 – Acquisition 1. Close the previous Sniffy. A message will appear asking if you want to save the current Sniffy before closing, answer “NO” 2. Open a NEW Sniffy by clicking on the Sniffy Lite Icon on your desktop 3. Click on “Experiment” at the top of the Sniffy program. 4. Click on “Design Classical Conditioning Experiment” 5. Leave the Interval Between Trials set at 5 minutes 6. Change the Number of Trials from 1 to 10 7. Leave Second Stimulus set at “Shock” 8. DO NOT remove the checkmark in front of “isolate Sniffy” – Click RUN. This will condition Sniffy in the accelerated mode. Stage 2 – Extinction Once these acquisition trials reach the end, set Stage 2 to run the extinction trials. 1. Click on “Experiment” at the top 2. Click on “Design Classical Conditioning Experiment” 3. Notice that Stage 1 is still set-up as the acquisition phase. 4. Click on “New Stage” to set up Stage 2 (the extinction phase) A. Change 5 Minutes to 2 Minutes B. Change 1 Trial to 20 Trials C. Change Second Stimulus from “Shock” to “None” 5. ***IMPORTANT*** - REMOVE THE CHECK MARK FROM THE BOX IN FRONT OF ISOLATE SNIFFY 6. Click Run, then observe Sniffy’s behavior. After observing the behavior for about 15 minutes, run the rest of the extinction trials in accelerated mode (Experiment → Isolate Sniffy). 1 Classical Conditioning Part 2 - Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery Remove Sniffy for a Time Out ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Before beginning the Spontaneous Recovery phase of the experiment, it is important to remove Sniffy from the experimental environment. To do this, click on “Experiment” and choose “Remove Sniffy for Time-Out”. A window will appear letting you know that Sniffy has left the conditioning chamber. Clicking on “OK” will return Sniffy after a simulated 24 hour absence. Stage 3 – Spontaneous Recovery Even after a classically conditioned response has been extinguished, it may appear again after the animal has been removed from the experimental environment for a day or so. Upon returning the animal to the experimental environment and running through a second set of extinction trials, it is likely that the CR (freezing when the light comes on) will occur again for the first few trials. First, Sniffy learned to associate the light with a shock and displayed freezing behavior when the light turned on. After repeated trials of the light without the shock, Sniffy started to let his guard down as evident by less freezing behavior when the light appeared. After being removed from and then returned to the experimental environment, Sniffy may be unsure of what to expect. His learned behavior of freezing to the light may return until he determines whether or not he will be shocked. This reappearance of a previously extinguished CR is referred to as Spontaneous Recovery. In this experiment a CS of light will be presented for 30 seconds, without the delivery of a shock, for 15 trials. Observe Sniffy to see if his freezing behavior reappears for some of the trials. 1. To set up this phase of the experiment, click on “Experiment” at the top 2. Notice Stages 1 and 2 are still set-up as the acquisition and extinction phases. 3. Click on “Next Stage” to set up Stage 3 (the extinction phase) a. Change 5 Minutes to 2 Minutes b. Change 1 Trial to 15 Trials c. Change Second Stimulus from “Shock” to “None” 4. ***IMPORTANT*** - REMOVE THE CHECK MARK FROM THE BOX IN FRONT OF ISOLATE SNIFFY 5. Click Run 6. Observe Sniffy’s behavior for the next 15 minutes, then run in accelerated mode (Experiment → Isolate Sniffy). 7. Once the trials have finished, SAVE THIS DATA – Click on the Response Strength box under the virtual conditioning chamber (the box will turn blue), go under File at the top of the Sniffy window, and select Export Data. Select Desktop from the list on the left side, change the file name to Extinction, then click on Save. 8. EXIT Sniffy – no need to save the file. NOTE: We will take a quick look at the data files to see the pattern of freezing behavior across the different trials, however all analyses will be completed on data that was entered during previous semesters. This is to save the time it would take for each person to enter their individual Sniffy data into the Master file. 2 Classical Conditioning Part 1 - Acquisition Classical Conditioning with Sniffy Part 1 – Acquisition Conditioning Sniffy: Acquisition of a Conditioned Response In this experiment a CS of light will be paired with the US of shock to see if Sniffy learns to associate the light with the shock. The shock leads to an UR of a fear related behavior, namely freezing. Sniffy will freeze or remain still for a brief period of time and then resume his behavior. We will present a light for 30 seconds with a shock being delivered during the last second. Over the course of 10 trials, we will measure how much freezing behavior Sniffy displays while the light is on to see if Sniffy learns to associate the light with the shock. Display of fear while the light is on would be the CR. Experimental Procedure: Open the Sniffy program by clicking on the icon on the desktop of your computer. Next, you will design the experiment. To verify that the light is in fact neutral, our first trial will involve presenting the light for 30 seconds to see if Sniffy shows any sign of fear. After that, we will pair 30 seconds of light with a shock delivered during the final second in hopes of observing fear and fear related behaviors (UR) across a number of trials. To end of the experiment you will present the light in the absence of the shock and observe the degree of fear related responses. 1. Click on “Experiment” at the top of the Sniffy program. 2. Click on “Design Classical Conditioning Experiment” 3. Set Stage 1 – to verify CS is neutral A. Leave the Interval Between Trials set at 5 minutes B. Leave the Number of Trials set at 1 C. Change Second Stimulus from “Shock” to “None” D. Click on “New Stage” 4. Set Stage 2 – to condition Sniffy A. Leave the Interval Between Trials set at 5 minutes B. Change the Number of Trials from 1 to 10 C. Leave Second Stimulus set at “Shock” D. Click on “New Stage” 5. Set Stage 3 – to see if conditioning occurred A. Leave the Interval Between Trials set at 5 minutes B. Leave the Number of Trials set at 1 C. Change Second Stimulus from “Shock” to “None” 6. ***IMPORTANT*** - REMOVE THE CHECK MARK FROM THE BOX IN FRONT OF ISOLATE SNIFFY 7. Click Run 8. Observe Sniffy’s behavior for the next 30 minutes 9. Run the remaining trials in accelerated mode. Go under “Experiment” at the top of the Sniffy Window and select “Isolate Sniffy” 10. SAVE THIS DATA – Click on the Response Strength box under the virtual conditioning chamber (the box will turn blue), go under File at the top of the Sniffy window, and select Export Data. Select Desktop from the list on the left side, change the file name to Acquisition, then click on Save.
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