question archive Visit the company website: BostonDynamicsLinks to an external site

Visit the company website: BostonDynamicsLinks to an external site

Subject:BusinessPrice:15.89 Bought3

Visit the company website: BostonDynamicsLinks to an external site..

Familiarize yourself with the company and the goods and services it provides.

Answer the following 2-parts question:

  • To which industry(ies) does Boston Dynamics belong to? Why? 
  • Identify and explain at least three separate Target Markets and 2-3 Competitors for any of their products.

Pick one of the numerous robotsLinks to an external site. offered by Boston Dynamics.

  • Who is/are the Target Market(s)? Provide a  comprehensive list of the Functional Benefits and Value the 'bot provides to its intended Target Market.
  • What are the strategic, competitive advantages of this Product, compared to its direct competition? Does it even have direct competitive alternatives? 

Conduct a proper SWOT Analysis on Boston Dynamics. The analysis should be based on Internal information from their Corporate website and Corporate NewsLinks to an external site., as well as External information from other sources/references.

  • STRENGTHS: list the strategic and/or unique competitive advantages Boston Dynamics has over its direct competitors. 
  • WEAKNESSES: list any Internal struggles Boston Dynamics may be currently facing (lack of profits? Lack of growth? Layoffs or furloughs? etc...). 
  • OPPORTUNITIES: list External opportunities for Boston Dynamics. Check out their corporate NewsLinks to an external site. section, as well as other External references. Are they expanding into other markets? Are they investing into other companies or technologies? Strategic alliances or acquisitions? ....and so forth
  • THREATS: list External threats for Boston Dynamics, from competitors, regulations, and other External Factors. This will require some good research. 

Answer the following 2-part question:

  • At what stage of the Product Segment Life Cycle  is Boston Dynamics? Why? 
  • Discuss Boston Dynamics' current Promotional/Communications Strategy. How do they promote their products? What multiple media outlets do they (or should they) use (both traditional and digital, if any)?

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