question archive Ch 10 discussion For any of the projects you have discussed in earlier chapters, provide a brief overview to remind everyone of the project
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Ch 10 discussion For any of the projects you have discussed in earlier chapters, provide a brief overview to remind everyone of the project. After the overview, describe the project manager and critique his/her effectiveness as a leader. Additionally, describe what changes you would suggest to their leadership style. Ch 11 discussion For any of the projects you have discussed in earlier chapters, provide a brief overview to remind everyone of the project. After the overview, describe the project team that worked on the project. Critique how they functioned as a team. Ch 12 discussion Describe a situation where you had to engage in negotiations. It could be a business situation or a personal situation. Was the outcome what you expected? What changes would you make based on your readings from this chapter? 1 Chapter 7, 8, and 9 Discussions Name: Course: Institution: Professor: Date: 2 Chapter 7 For any of the projects you have discussed in earlier chapters, provide a brief overview to remind everyone of the project. After the overview, describe the major risks for the project. For each risk, describe a contingency plan. For the project discussed in the previous chapter, the company involved is Zippo, which makes gas lighters. The company's products have gained popularity globally for their ability to stay lit even in harsh weather. Besides, the gaslighters have an adequate fuel delivery rate and an excellent windscreen design that ensures they can light in harsh weather. The project was designed to overcome the challenge of building product catalogs and enhance organizational efficiency for the company to scale globally. While the new automated system for Zippo would make it easier to store materials and products for easier access, the project has various risks. First, it would make it difficult for the company to keep their data updated and correct on the various marketplaces and e-shops, thus increasing the challenge of mapping product information (Gladchenko, 2019). This risk can be curtailed by hiring a social media team to take the responsibility of updating the company’s product catalogs on social media accounts. The second risk would be the challenge with adjusting product catalogs to different marketplaces due to the multiple market specifications (Gladchenko, 2019). The contingency plan to mitigate this risk would be to have a team with diversified abilities in the different marketplaces to ensure the product catalogs are regularly updated on the multiple marketplaces. Lastly, these risks can be mitigated by ensuring a smooth transition to the new automated system and ensuring the company’s products are launched on time. Overall, this would help the company have a swift transition and gain customer loyalty. 3 References Gladchenko, A. (2019, 08 28). WHY DO RETAILERS NEED ECOMMERCE PRODUCT CATALOG MANAGEMENT TOOLS? Retrieved 09 07, 2021, from Gepard: 4 Chapter 8 For the Chapter 5 discussion, you developed time and cost estimates for a project. Provide a brief overview to remind everyone of the project. After the overview, develop a list of the major resources (mainly labor and equipment) to be used on the project. Develop a resource schedule and describe any potential resource constraint problems. Describe how these problems might be addressed. The project addressed in this case concerns Zippo, a gaslighter manufacturing company. The company wanted to develop an automated system to simplify product catalogs from traditional paper documents. In this light, the project aimed to enhance organization efficiency overall and facilitate the company to scale globally. The project is both resource- and laborintensive because it will require both for successful completion. The human resources needed for the project will include personnel from the three key departments, the sales department, the IT department, and the R&D department. Personnel from these departments will have to be trained and oriented on the needs of the project. Equipment needed for the project will include computers, software, communication systems, stable Internet, and storage devices. The following resource schedule will help the company organize and structure its employees to complete the assigned tasks based on availability and capability. Resource Importanc e Personnel Require d Amount 10 Computers 6 Crucial Crucial Allocated Work Packages Develop the new automated system Assist in system development Duration Cost Require d 6 months $200,00 0 Level of Risk 6 months Low &9000 Low 5 Software 1 Crucial Communicatio n systems 1 Crucial Internet 1 Crucial Storage devices 6 Crucial Assist in system development Facilitate flawless communicatio n between teams Provide a smooth workflow Facilitate storage of data and information 6 months $200 per month Low 6 months $100 per month Mediu m 6 months $100 per month Mediu m 6 months $3000 Low Some potential resource constraint problems include stand-alone software systems that could slow the project down, thus draining employee productivity and causing a time lag inaccurate data performance. This can be mitigated by consolidating and integrating project resource management software to consolidate information across multiple departments. Another constraint would be poor communication between employees and the departments leading to problems in resource planning (Hydra, n.d.). Therefore, this can be addressed by enhancing interdepartmental communication. References Hydra. (n.d.). 5 Common Resource Planning Problems and How to Solve Them. Retrieved 09 07, 2021, from Hydra: 6 Chapter 9 For the Chapter 5 discussion, you developed time and cost estimates for a project. Provide a brief overview to remind everyone of the project. After the overview, describe how the duration of the project might be reduced. For the duration reduction methods, you describe, analyze the cost and potential risks. As a reminder for this discussion, the selected project involves Zippo Corporation, which manufactures gas lighters for commercial sale. The project at Zippo was meant to combat the challenge of manual entry of product catalogs. The company's goal is to increase organizational efficiency and enhance global scalability. Therefore, it was estimated that the entire project could be completed in 6 months to cover all the crucial aspects highlighted for the project. However, the project's duration can be reduced to three months to pull closer to the achievement dates. This time reduction can be done in various ways. The first one is fast-tracking schedule compression, which helps shorten an already developed schedule for the project without changing the project's scope and program. This technique would help reduce the project's risks and ensure the project team takes advantage of various opportunities. However, this technique would require an increase in the resources for the project and increase the project’s costs because it will entail a re-planning of the project (AcqNotes, 2021). Another duration reduction method would be shortening lag time between tasks, especially those on the critical path. The advantage of this technique is that it would not have increased costs or additional resource requirements on the project. Besides, the risk is low by shortening lag time between tasks. However, the only challenge with using this method would be the dependency on other groups like stakeholders who have to approve various documents and procedures (Biafore, 2011). 7 References AcqNotes. (2021, 06 15). Schedule Compression. Retrieved 09 07, 2021, from AcqNotes: Biafore, B. (2011). Successful Project Management: Applying Best Practices, Proven Methods, and Real-World Techniques with Microsoft Project. Pearson Education.
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