question archive DQ#3: Many times, the types and acuity of disorders often impact the counselor’s level of exhaustion

DQ#3: Many times, the types and acuity of disorders often impact the counselor’s level of exhaustion

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DQ#3: Many times, the types and acuity of disorders often impact the counselor’s level of exhaustion. How might the client population you see affect your stress level? Explain.

My response:




What I find interesting and instructive about the supervision is that the organization I am doing my internship see’s adolescents and adults and their focus is DBT and inner childhood theory. I also like the variety they have (Sex offender classes for adolescents and adults, DUI classes and relapse prevention. They also have two grants working with clients coming out of the federal prisons and Juveniles on probation or parole. The other that this organization does that most do not is accept all forms of payment even state insurance (which is a rarity). The devotion we all have is not refreshing but it is something we all can learn from one another, meaning each of our dedication is different and you can see the passion. They also will have you work with everyone they serve so if you have a certain population that you want to focus on this is not for you because the director here wants us to learn everything and learn to feel comfortable with the unfamiliarity. The Director is very involved with all the clinics they have in Phoenix and the surrounding areas and makes a point to know all of us.

One example I can think of is, I do not want to work with children, but I am running three adolescents’ groups and my supervisor and clinical director know that my passion is elsewhere. So, they compromise with me, I do groups and they are giving me the resources that I need to help me further my education and desired career as being a Sex Therapist.


My response:

Good afternoon Iva,




What do you find interesting and instructive about the supervision of your site? Describe some of the experiences you have had with the supervision (do not use any names of people from the site).

What I like about my site is that my supervisor is very down to earth and is open to fresh ideas. When I start my practicum there are some individuals I was unsure if there would ever be a connection. Then I started to question my ability as a new counselor, until I read my first counseling today magazine that was delivered to my house and the article I read was the pretend professional, that article changed everything for me this week. If you have not read it, it is the July 9 2019 issue. With some prayer I had to do a group topic in front of my supervisor, I had piggy back off another discussion on why we drank, and one of the questions was I drank to cope but invite death. Now these individuals sobriety range from 3 weeks to 10 months and average age 35, so my topic for them was healthy eating, I had props and ready to do this. Well, it started out good and then 30 minutes into my conversation and interactions with the group I started to lose them, omgosh, I was like no not today, my supervisor asked each member of group what was going some said tired, one said they were bored. What! I had to turn it around quickly, I started talking about hydration and telling them some funny stories, and how important it was to stay hydrated and geared it to each individual. Needless, to say I was excited that my supervisor was there to coach me along, and address each individual as to what their issue was and how it needed to be handled. I was thankful.

Another experience I had with one of the other facility we were going to speak on consequences of your actions. Well, it started out on the right track and the conversation got high jacked by a client at first I was we need to get this under control, but by the grace of God and his goodness we had a bible study only 2 individuals did not speak they just listened. It was awesome to hear the ones speaking how much they know about the bible, I had to double check a couple of things but they knew their bible, and as counselors we encouraged them to put what they know into action.

In opening up the client has been interesting getting the paperwork needed to get ACCHS, sitting down with the clinical director and observing and interview with a client, and inviting me into the conversation. I was excited about that because it made me feel that I was trusted by both parties and my input mattered.

Supervision for the most part is on point, if there were any issues they are dealt with.

My response:

Good afternoon Catherine




While working at the site I am currently at I really have enjoyed it so far. Since it is pretty much the same activities when I am there with reading daily affirmations then mediating and then a deeper discussion. Then in the afternoon it is a fun activity. My supervisor does a good job in teaching me how to write the notes and find my own therapy style and including me on the daily events with clients. And just get caught up of when I was not here. He really lets me help and work on the note which I love so much. Due to the fact I so much rather learn my practicing it then just sitting in the back and watching. My goal this week is to put more in the conversation during the deeper discussion. It is so nice to be able to add my own personal thought of how the client should handle a certain situation. Just to give advice and not self-disclosing at all. It has been a tough transition from being on the other side of the table to now the counselor. But it is also good to just listen to how my supervisor and even my other co worker does things. There has not been a negative experiences so far regarding a disagreement with him but I really feel like this is the perfect site for me. It is just to be in a place that allows you to slowly learn while having you practice things as well.


My response:

Good afternoon Lauren



DQ#2: In what ways have you interacted with other counselors on staff at your site (do not use any names of people from the site)? Explain. Name at least two clinical strategies you have learned from your peers/supervisor. How have they helped you in your practice?

My supervisor has been out of the office this week, so I have had the opportunity to shadow other counselors on the unit. It has been great experience to learn other styles and identify what will work well within my own personal style. I have also been able to sit in on different groups they lead. These groups include, “the road map to peace of mind” which is a CBT focused group and a DBT group. It’s been great to see what style I connect with most and would be interested in focusing on. I have learned different assessment styles. For instance, my supervisor does not like to look up information on the individual before speaking to them, where as some others like to review the file first to get a sense of what to expect.

My response:

Good afternoon Madison


I have interacted with staff in many ways. They teach me how to break down charts, breathalyze the clients, take up cellphones, start the education (which I do now in the mornings, I even lead a whole one) and one of the most in-depth experiences was learning how to give and orientation. I have sat in one a few of them and I have now been observed by staff as I gave 3 of them on my own. Lots of paper work and assessments but I am learning more as I go. They have been really helpful with preparing me because it can be a lot but it is needed so that I can get used to what will be expected and start to develop a routine of how I would give them myself

My response:

Good afternoon Patrick


The ways I have interacted with other counselors on my practicum site is by listening, questioning, and suggesting ways clients’ can move forward with their treatment process. I have also suggested organizations, such as Shelter Plus Care, for those completing the program, and needs housing. My day began with me signing arriving and signing in at 9a.m. I then begin the process of documenting progress notes as well as other paperwork from various other activities from the previous day. This Tuesday I was able to attend Drug Court. At this time, my understanding was a tad clearer as to its' purpose. Prior to the actual court session, the judge, court referral officer, court clerk and the site therapist review cases that are to be presented. By doing so, they decide who will go to jail for failed drug screens, who has not call in for color codes, and who have not paid toward fines. Unfortunately, there were several who went to jail. The positive side is there were several that the Judge referred to my site for therapy.  They presented their treatment strategies and relapse prevention plans. It was interesting to see how all came to encourage, approve a plan of action, and give advice to that person. The decision-making process of the team provides resources to better serve the clients’ (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 2019).

Clinical strategies learned from peers/supervisor is addressing the needs of criminal justice clients’, such as addressing their life skills, and finding new ways for them to manage their feelings, control impulses, and work toward positive goals. The process begins while the person is still incarcerated, and during their assessment while in jail/prison. The clinical strategies are helping me in the way of my beginning to learn the challenges the therapist at my site face when accepting those from the criminal justice system. They (clients’) require help in basic life needs, such as finding housing, or applying for jobs, which take time, understanding, and a thorough treatment process. As a counselor it is not my purpose to condone the offender’s past criminal activity, but I should be mindful and accept it as part of their past (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2005).


Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults in the Criminal Justice System. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2005. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 44.) 5 Major Treatment Issues and Approaches. Available from:

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2019). Psychosocial Treatments. Retrieved February 3, 2019 from


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