question archive BMGT380 Discussion W1 General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates    Create a new thread for each posting

BMGT380 Discussion W1 General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates    Create a new thread for each posting

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3


Discussion W1

General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates   

Create a new thread for each posting. 

Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed.

Use only assigned course materials to complete discussion responses.

Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used - an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding in-text citation.

Post responses here in public discussion forum. 

Put the following in the subject line:  Discussion + your name.

Address each classmate by name, and sign your name to each posting, please. 

Write in-depth, comprehensive responses that promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing - refer to the " Winning Discussion Responses"  module in Content for examples.


Review Content modules:

· Writing Introductory Sentences and Paragraphs

· Writing Concluding Paragraphs

· How to Support Arguments and Positions

Tips for Formatting and Structuring Parts 1 and 2:

· Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.

· Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials. 

· Label parts as appropriate.   

· Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.

· Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.  

· Concluding Sentence:  End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.

· Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, "How to Support Arguments and Positions". 

Part 1:  

Background/Facts:  Determining jurisdiction in the courts can be confusing and complicated, but it is an important legal doctrine that businesses cannot ignore.  Jurisdiction can affect business operations and determine business decisions, such as where the business is located and where and how to advertise and market the business.  Where there are questions about possible jurisdiction in the courts, companies should consult an attorney.

TLG's client, Clean, is facing other litigation and needs advice.  

Clean is located in Maryland, but it advertises aggressively in all Mid-Atlantic States of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia via the internet, social media, television, and mailings.

Recently Clean contracted with ABC Corporation (ABC), incorporated in Virginia, to clean ABC's offices in Norfolk, Virginia. ABC paid for the cleaning and sanitizing services but later was dissatisfied with the services and sued Clean in Virginia to recover the cleaning costs.  ABC is trying to decide whether it should file the case in Virginia or Maryland state court.


1. Applying the concept of personal jurisdiction to the scenario facts, discuss why you agree or disagree that the Virginia court has personal jurisdiction over Clean. 

2. Applying the concept of personal jurisdiction to the scenario facts, discuss whether the Maryland court has personal jurisdiction over Clean.


Discussion W2

General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates   

Create a new thread for each posting. 

Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed.

Use assigned course materials to complete discussion responses.

Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used - an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding in-text citation.

Post responses here in public discussion forum. 

Put the following in the subject line:  Discussion + your name.

Address each classmate by name, and sign your name to each posting, please. 

Write in-depth, comprehensive responses that promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing - refer to the " Winning Discussion Responses"  module in Content for examples.


Tips for Formatting and Structuring Parts 1 and 2:

· Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.

· Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.     

· Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.

· Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.  

· Concluding Sentence:  End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.

· Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, "How to Support Arguments and Positions". 

Part 1:  

Background/Facts:  During a meeting with Winnie and Ralph, the Viral ("Clean") owners, and you, the owners asked several questions about their potential liability for on-the-job accidents resulting in injuries to employees.  They particularly need an explanation about Maryland's workers' compensation law.

Winnie and Ralph asked you to respond to the following situation.

Clean secures a contract with the State of Maryland to be part of the distribution chain for PPE items.  Negotiations for the contract and conversations about the contract stressed that "speed is of the essence," especially in the critical transfer points like the warehouses and substations.  Clean hired Maryland Helpers, a licensed and insured provider of manual laborers to assist with the movement of PPE items and loading of delivery vehicles at both the warehouse and several distribution centers.  On Friday afternoon, one of the Clean supervisors was assisting with the loading of masks and respirators when the strappings on the pallet broke, and several respirators fell. The supervisor, Thomas Benson, suffered several broken bones in his foot that would require surgery and several weeks of physical therapy over approximately eight weeks of absence from work. One of the contract employees, Sarah Carter, severely sprained her ankle to get out of the way. She received several x-rays and stayed overnight at the hospital for observation. The treating physician said Sarah should attend physical therapy for four weeks but should otherwise reframe from walking (including work) for at least two weeks.

1.  Analyze whether Thomas can recover his medical expenses under Maryland's workers' compensation law.

2.  Analyze whether Sarah can recover her medical expenses under Maryland's workers' compensation law.



Winning Discussion Responses


Following are requirements and examples of "winning", proper assignment responses.


Requirements:  Substantive Critical Thinking Discussion Assignments


Written discussion assignments must:

· be in paragraph format, correct and clear in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation; 

· must respond directly to the question(s) asked and respond to all parts of the assignment;

· reflect substantive, thoughtful, in depth critical thinking;

· offer specific, clear, relevant examples as needed to clarify and justify positions;

· use APA citation style for attributions to print or electronic resources used in analyses.

Discussion responses typically require that you take a clear position on an issue, then explain, justify and support your position logically, comprehensively and in depth.

Examples of Written Discussion Assignment Analyses - re:  law and ethics


Hypothetical Scenario:  You are the CEO of Luck, Inc., a mid-size US home goods manufacturing corporation that earned profits of $8 million in 2017, an increase of 20% over 2016 profits.  $4 million of the increased profits will be invested in the company to cover increased operating costs for Luck in 2018.  You must decide what to do with the remaining $4 million and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.   You have 2 choices, and must choose one option below; the $4 million dollars cannot be divided between both options.

1.  use the increased profits to develop a new and comprehensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, or

2. invest the increased profits in new research and development for the company


A.  Which option would you recommend to the Board and why? Explain, justify your answer comprehensively.

B.  Discuss the legal implications, if any, of establishing a "green" CSR program.  Explain, justify your answer comprehensively.

Superior Example:  Substantive, justified, comprehensive, in depth analysis using APA citation style:

I believe that CSR programs can be profitable for contemporary businesses, and for Luck, Inc., thus I would recommend that Luck invest the $4 million in a CSR program.   In the book, Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Pay, the author makes a strong argument that CSR is not profitable for most companies.  (Nelling, 2009).   However, I believe that if Luck carefully researches, plans and implements a CSR program that is closely identified with its products, the CSR program will enhance its public image and brand recognition and therefore, increase profitability.

Specifically, I recommend that Luck develop and implement a “green” program.   Society and consumers are increasingly focused on solutions to environmental problems and participating in green programs.   More specifically, in her article, “Going Green in Today’s Marketplace”, author Nora Black states, “ … green building is forecast to grow from a $7.4 billion market last year to $38 billion by 2019.”  (Black, 2017, p.10).  These figures are a great incentive for companies in the home goods market to invest dollars now to become a part of a new and growing market that seems to be of benefit not only to society but to the bottom line of any forwarding thinking business.   

A green CSR program for Luck could include a corporate program to sponsor and donate funds to reforesting programs that replace depleted resources, and donate in-store wood scraps to schools and senior centers.   These components of the Luck CSR program are directly related to its product and thus, feasible and closely associated and recognizable with its public image and brand.   The CSR program could also include company recycling, in-store energy conservation, reduction of hazardous waste materials by using responsible, safe disposal processes, and use of sustainable products as much as possible.  Also, Luck could increase public awareness of its CSR programs by sponsoring green education programs in the community and local schools, and sponsoring semi-annual community “clean-up and recycle” programs.

Since many companies are going green and they use that information in their advertising and promotion it has become a deciding factor that many environmentally conscious customers take into account when choosing where to spend their money.  According to Will Beck, in his article “Do Businesses Need to be Green?” there has been an upswing in customer demand for green and environmentally friendly products and services so that  signs point to a profitable future for those companies willing to responsibly expend funds now via CSR programs to increase profits later.  (Beck, 2012, p.7) 

Also, a green program likely would exceed Luck's compliance with any existing state and federal environmental regulations, and possibly position Luck to easily comply with any future more extensive state and federal environmental regulations.  For example, EPA regulations are increasing more rapidly than regulations for any other federal regulatory agency, with business regulations increasing at 10-12% annually at both the state and federal levels. (Barton, 2012, p. 33).  Thus, Luck could be well-positioned to comply with future regulations without undue additional cost. 

Reference List:  


Black....., etc


Poor Example:  Analysis that lacks substance, justification and support, depth, and is not comprehensive – would not earn points:

 As our readings told us, CSR programs are not profitable for businesses, so it does not make sense to invest the $4 million in a CSR program.  Most consumers are not very aware of a company’s CSR programs and it could require a big investment to advertise the CSR program to increase awareness and so a CSR program would not be cost effective.

Luck should invest the $4 million in research and development for new products.   This will increase business, and thus profitability.  CSR programs are not illegal.


Requirements:  Substantive Interactive Discussion with Classmates

Discussion responses to others  should:

· provides additional information to add value to the discussion

· contain citations or an explanation of your source of knowledge from the text or your professional/personal experience

· expand on, or clarify, previous comments from others 

· support your position with concepts, or an explanation of your source of knowledge from the text or your professional/personal experience

· explain specific reasons for agreeing/disagreeing with another's posting in a persuasive, respective fashion

· promote further interactive discussion by asking provocative questions

Examples of interactive discussion with classmates 

Hypothetical Scenario:  Review the memorandum, “International vs. Domestic Hiring and Recruitment” that discusses Company A’s new international hiring and recruitment policy that replaces its domestic hiring and recruitment policy.  Do you believe the new international hiring and recruitment policy is beneficial or detrimental to Company A?  Why or why not?

Superior Example:  Substantive, comprehensive, justified Interactive response that promotes further discussion:

Hi, Susie and Classmates:  You clearly explained why you believe Company A's international hiring and recruitment policy is detrimental to the company. However, I disagree with this position.  Yes, A's new hiring policy is more costly in the short term, but I believe it is positive for the company and, in the long term, financially efficient.    

The company I work for is not an international one, but 5 years ago it changed from a regional recruitment policy to a national one.  This enabled the company to cast the net more widely to hire more qualified, experienced personnel which saved on training costs. Also, according to a 2016 internal study, employee retention in my company increased 25% under the new national hiring policy as my company was able to hire employees who were a better fit in skills, expertise, professional goals and work style.  Hiring and training are costly for any company, so increasing employee retention is inevitably a cost savings for businesses.

I believe similar beneficial changes in reduced training costs and savings resulting from employee retention could apply to A’s new international hiring policy.  What do you think?

 Poor Example:  Inadequate response that is not substantive, comprehensive or justified, and does not promote further discussion - would not earn points:

 Hi, Susie:  I agree completely with your response and think A's hiring policy is too expensive. A Board of Directors would not agree to this more expensive policy, and if they did, it would be unethical.

Overview: Introduction to Law, Legal Systems, Courts, and Jurisdiction


This week's Learning Outcomes:

After completing this week's learning exercises, students will be able to

· Discuss the nature and purposes of law

· Explain the fundamentals of the U.S. legal system

· Compare and contrast civil v. criminal law

· Describe the structure of the U.S. court system

· Discuss the concept of jurisdiction and apply it to a specific scenario

· Analyze constitutional powers granted to governments

· Analyze state police powers

· Evaluate and apply alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

This week's learning outcomes relate to the following course outcome(s):    

· Recommend appropriate actions in the business environment based on an understanding of law, the U.S. legal and court systems, constitutional law, legal process and procedures, and the interrelationship of law and business.

Major Concepts:

Constitutional Power of Governments: 

Review the U.S. Constitution, with particular attention on the Articles and the Bill of Rights/First Ten Amendments.

Th e  U.S. Constitution

Police Powers: 

The U.S. Constitution grants authority and powers to the federal government.  Powers not specifically designated for the federal government are reserved as powers for the individual states.  So-called "police powers" are reserved for the states.

· Police Powers of States

· Examples of Police Powers of States

Jurisdiction of Courts:

Jurisdiction, the authority of a court to hear a case, is an important legal concept for business owners and managers to understand.  Jurisdiction is increasingly complex with the expansion of e-commerce and global business.  

· Jurisdiction: Definitions and Examples

· Jurisdiction and Internet Sales

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): 

Traditionally, legal disputes were resolved in the courts, but legal alternatives for resolving disputes outside the courtroom are increasingly popular.  ADR is appropriate for certain types of cases, e.g., disputes where there is a dispute of facts; ADR is not appropriate for all disputes, e.g., a dispute involving a question of constitutional law.

· Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Assigned Materials to Read/Watch:

Instructor Notes (see link below Overview)

Week 1 Introduction (see link below Overview)

How to cite an e-textbook (see link below Overview)

Note:  links to assigned materials are embedded in the hyperlinks below, unless otherwise noted.


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