Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3
Dr. Barrett has run a test to predict verbal abilities (0-8) from number of siblings (0-6). He thinks that the more people you have to talk to when you are young (number of siblings) the more verbal you will be. He has already run the test in SPSS and below is the output. (Total 21 pts)MeanSDNVerbalAbility4.251.96360Siblings3.451.81760ModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.1Regression181.8741181.874232.470.000aResidual45.37658.782Total227.25059ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig.BStd. ErrorBeta1(Constant).917.2473.717.000Siblings.966.063.89515.247.000A. What are the independent and dependent variables and how are each scaled (1 pt each; Total 4 pts)? Independent:________________________ Scaling:_____________________________ Dependent:__________________________ Scaling:_____________________________B. What test should Dr. Barrett use (4 pts)?__________________________________________________C. Why that test (2 pts)?D. For the Independent Variable (2 pts): Mean___________ Standard Deviation_________________E. For the Dependent Variable (2 pts): Mean___________ Standard Deviation_________________F. Should Dr. Barrett (2 pts)? Retain H0 Reject H0H. Interpret the findings (5 pts):