question archive We find ourselves in situations where we feel something is right or wrong in an instant

We find ourselves in situations where we feel something is right or wrong in an instant

Subject:NursingPrice: Bought3

We find ourselves in situations where we feel something is right or wrong in an instant. Perhaps you’ve seen a colleague treated unfairly and you feel the situation is completely unjust or maybe you’ve been asked to complete a project at work and you immediately know the best course of action .At one point or other we all feel that we just know something to be true .Despite not having all the facts about the situation, this feeling of truth ,knowing the right way to do something is based on beliefs, your beliefs or your trust ,faith or confidence in someone or something .They have an acceptance that something is true .Your beliefs are so strong ,that often cause you to react to situations quickly almost like a reflex .What’s surprising is we don’t always know how to identify our beliefs and we don’t always take the time to dig below the surface and find out what’s going on .

Why is it so important we understand our beliefs?

Because the first step in building your self-awareness is understanding and identifying your beliefs. Enhancing yourself awareness will enable you to make accurate self-assessments ,manage your emotions and understand how you come across to others .

What’s building your self-confidence?

your beliefs will impact how you behave and interact with others. your beliefs also direct your emotions. if you believe somethings to be right or wrong that will cause an emotional response for you .if you want to build your self-awareness you need to make a conscious effort so identify and understand the strong beliefs that you have .you can do this by reflecting and using the ABC model which is a simple coaching psychology tool that I use with clients .I’d like you to think of a time when you had a negative experience lately.


A=Activating factors

Firstly, what was the activating event? the situation that you found yourself in that lead to you reacting negatively.

write down as much as you can about the event but trying to be objective with no emotional attachment to the scenario or people involved. If the activating event was someone putting out in front of you in the car on the way to work this would be what she would note here .at this stage don’t tell him to how you feel about the event or how you reacted .

B= Belief

next, identify your beliefs what did he believes to be true about the situation .in this example. you’ll believe maybe the other persons behavior is inconsiderate, dangerous and wrong .you may have even stronger believes .I think the person driving the other car is an idiot or shouldn’t be an out to drive a vehicle.

C= Consequences

finally what were the consequences of your beliefs .what happens in the situation because of your beliefs how did you behave what was the impact of your behavior and example of the driver ,maybe you fell anger start to rise and you couldn’t stop thinking about the injustice of the situation .I hope you found yourself in a bad mood after the event snapping at colleague or ranting about your experience which affected your productivity at work .

this exercise has two purposes, firstly you’ll delve into identifying key beliefs. secondly you can clearly see the effects of your beliefs and not the activating event have on your behavior. It’s often not the event itself react well that the beliefs we have about the situation complete this exercise reflecting on a positive event also as this will help you identify positive and negative beliefs .

when you find yourself in changing situation take some time to complete this task after the event reflected in openings and the impact, they had on the situation is your self-awareness over the long term.


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