question archive Jerry Springier talk about the presidential election, event at University of Arkansas under an hour
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Jerry Springier talk about the presidential election, event at University of Arkansas under an hour. what he thought I would do evening, share thoughts and ideas he have about the american condition, its political condition. But let me start off with a personal story, because it has relevance to what he want to talk you about. And afterwards perhaps take questions and comments and please do not throw chairs. Much of my family way eliminated in the holocaust. And, so my mom and dad survived. And they got over to England where my sister and I were born. And when I was five, they managed to buy four tickets on the queen Mary. They came to america. It was January 24, 1949. And they pulled into the New York harbor going by the statute of liberty. Now understand, I am only five years old, so my memory of that is very limited. Although I do remember everyone being called up on the top deck of the queen Mary as it sailed by the statue of liberty, and it was freezing, and what scared me, is that you have hundreds of people on the top deck of the queen Mary, and it was stolen silence. And my mom later, I asked her what are we looking at and spoke in German, she responded to the English, she said [speaking foreign language], one day it will mean everything. And I am here to tell you, that she was right. and i am living proof of that. In one generation my family went from this craziness of extermination to the craziness of the ridiculous show that I do today. All things are possible. In american all thing are possible. He know it, this is not a political speech. He believe it. With every ounce of feeling and being he have. So he take the concept of the american idea and it's ideal very, very seriously. And its not partisanship, he believe in this thing we call american. and yet if i am being brutally honest, i am not sure this dream that was available to me and those of my generation, is so much available to most people anymore. He think for the first time it's in question. We give the speech, we love our country. We sing the national anthem or god bless american during the seventh inning stretch. But do we believe it? and is it available? Understand this, we may be the first generation in the 230 year of American, where we cannot look at our children and promise they will have it better than we did. Every Generation of american has been able to do that. No matter how difficult the times. Civil War, world war, depression, you child, will have it better than we had it. and you would work and have two jobs or three jobs, you would sacrifice so your kids could have it better.
It is from 2008. Are his points still relevant today?