question archive Q1) The primary responsibility of the leader of a decision group is to:    a

Q1) The primary responsibility of the leader of a decision group is to:    a

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Q1) The primary responsibility of the leader of a decision group is to:

   a. suggest good ideas for solving the problem

   b. ensure that everybody has equal influence

   c. encourage group members to reach an agreement quickly

   d. structure the discussion in a systematic manner


Q2. Which leader action is most likely to improve a group decision?

   a. ask judgmental questions to stimulate more creative solutions

   b. separate solution generation from solution evaluation

   c. focus the group discussion on the best two solutions

   d. insist that the person who suggests a solution must defend it


Q3. Which of the following was not mentioned as a primary determinant of performance for a functional team?

   a. how long the current leader has been in that position

   b. trust and cooperation among the team members

   c. the organization and coordination of activities

   d. member agreement about objectives and strategies


Q4. What is the most useful role for the external leader of a self-managed group?

   a. select new members of the group when they are needed

   b. mediate internal conflicts and encourage cooperation

   c. monitor the group to ensure it does not become a social club

   d. serve as a coach, facilitator, and advocate for the group


Q5. The greatest amount of shared leadership is likely to be found in a:

   a. self-managed operational team

   b. quality circle

   c. cross-functional project team

   d. virtual team


Q6. Which type of activity is least likely to be delegated to a self-managed team?

   a. evaluating each team member's task performance

   b. firing a team member who has unsatisfactory performance

   c. determining the work procedures to be used by the team

   d. determining which team member will carry out each task


Q7. Which of the following was not recommended for effective team building?

   a. introduce competition among members to make the work more interesting

   b. use ceremonies and rituals to celebrate group achievements and traditional values

   c. use symbols and slogans to build identification with the group

   d. emphasize common interests and shared objectives


Q8. Which type of team is most likely to be given the task of designing a new product and bringing it into production?

   a. traditional work team

   b. self-managed operational team

   c. cross-functional project team

   d. quality circle


Q9. According to flexible leadership theory, strategic leadership is most difficult when:

   a. adaptation is more important than the other performance determinants

   b. efficiency is more important than the other performance determinants

   c. the performance determinants are all very important

   d. the performance determinants all differ in importance


Q10. Which condition does not limit a chief executive's discretion to make major changes in the strategy of an organization?

   a. the organization has a few major clients who account for most sales

   b. the organization has ample financial reserves

   c. the culture of the organization is strong

   d. the organization has a strong board of directors


Q11. Which is not a core performance determinant in the flexible leadership theory?

   a. process reliability and efficiency

   b. leader experience and technical skills

   c. human resources and relations

   d. innovation and adaptation


Q12. Which statement about institutionalization in organizations is most accurate?

   a. it describes how subunits with expertise gain power in organizations

   b. it makes it easier for organizations to adapt to a changing environment

   c. it describes how people use power to gain more power

   d. it demonstrates why political tactics are unnecessary to maintain power


Q13. Which of the following was not given as a guideline for external monitoring?

   a. examine a wide range of developments and trends in the environment

   b. make an extra effort to learn what clients and customers want and need

   c. identify both the strengths and weaknesses of competing products

   d. rely primarily on your own intuition to analyze the environment


Q14. Research finds that most major changes in companies are initiated by:

   a. a strong chief executive who has occupied the position for many years

   b. an internal successor selected by the prior chief executive before retiring

   c. an internal successor selected to replace the prior CEO who was forced out

   d. an external successor brought in to replace a CEO who was forced out


Q15. According to the flexible leadership theory, the CEO of an organization should:

   a. focus primarily on short-term objectives such as quarterly profits

   b. provide heroic, charismatic leadership for the organization

   c. coordinate leadership processes across levels and subunits

   d. emphasize direct behaviors more than management programs and systems


Q16. What method is least useful for evaluating the likely outcomes of a strategy?

   a. using synectics procedures to view future events

   b. using the delphi method of forecasting

   c. developing scenarios about future conditions

   d. conducting market surveys with prospective clients


Q17. Which developmental method is most useful for helping managers to understand their inner feelings and values?

   a. outdoor challenge programs

   b. personal growth programs

   c. mentoring programs

   d. multisource feedback workshops


Q18. Training programs to enhance leadership skills:

   a. are widely used for managers in organizations

   b. are seldom used for effective managers

   c. are used mostly for department supervisors

   d. are used mostly for top executives in large organizations


Q19. What training method is most useful for improving interpersonal skills?

   a. computer simulations

   b. behavior role modeling

   c. large scale simulations

   d. analysis of short cases


Q20. Which was not found in studies on leadership training in organizations?

   a. training is usually focused on improving skills rather than changing personality traits or values

   b. organizations prefer to use generic courses rather than spend more for tailor-made courses

   c. training is usually focused on skills needed in the current job rather than on skills needed in the next job

   d. organizations prefer to send managers to external short courses rather than to lengthy degree programs


Q21. Which developmental method provides the most varied and intensive feedback to managers about their traits, skills, and behavior?

   a. mentoring programs

   b. multisource feedback workshops

   c. special developmental assignments

   d. developmental assessment centers


Q22. Research on the way managers acquire leadership skills find that:

   a. learning from experience is more important than formal training programs

   b. most companies plan how to integrate formal training with developmental activities

   c. feedback workshops result in more learning than special assignments

   d. decisions about job assignments usually consider developmental objectives


Q23. In most feedback workshops for management development, the primary source of information about a manager's behavior is:

   a. other managers in the workshop who fill out a checklist

   b. observers who record the person's behavior during a simulation

   c. observation of a videotape taken of the manager doing regular work

   d. questionnaires filled out by people with whom the manager works


Q24. What two methods are most useful for improving conceptual skills?

   a. case analysis and behavior role modeling

   b. feedback workshops and simulations

   c. simulations and case analysis

   d. behavior role modeling and feedback workshops


Q25. Which of the following is least likely to be a source of difficulties in cross-cultural research on leadership?

   a. reluctance of people in some cultures to participate in the research

   b. lack of equivalent meaning for measures used in different cultures

   c. cultural response biases for rating forms and questionnaires

   d. confounding of national culture with other situational variables


Q26. According to Heifetz, what should an ethical leader tell followers about a serious problem or threat that was just discovered?

   a. immediately provide complete information about all risks and potential benefits

   b. emphasize the obstacles and risks more than the potential benefits to avoid false hope

   c. provide an accurate description of the problem but emphasize benefits more than obstacles and risks

   d. exaggerate the potential benefits and likelihood of success to maintain hope and optimism


Q27. Which was recommended as a guideline for managing diversity in organizations?

   a. disseminate evidence to support popular stereotypes

   b. insist on tolerance of any differences in cultural values

   c. defend the right of people to choose their own team members

   d. explain the benefits of diversity for the team or organization


Q28. Participative leadership is most likely to be effective in a culture with:

   a. high collectivism

   b. low power distance

   c. high gender egalitarianism

   d. low performance orientation


Q29. According to Greenleaf, the primary role of a leader is to be a:

   a. facilitator

   b. peacemaker

   c. prophet

   d. servant


Q30. Which statement is most accurate according to the research on gender and leadership?

   a. men are more effective than women as leaders in organizations

   b. women are more effective than men as leaders in organizations

   c. men and women have an equal opportunity to be effective leaders

   d. men and women do not differ in their effectiveness as leaders


Q31. Which is not a major obstacle in evaluating ethical leadership for individual leaders?

   a. lack of interest in ethical leadership among scholars

   b. difficulty in determining if the ends justifies the means

   c. cultural differences in standards of ethical behavior

   d. the subjectivity inherent in the selection of criteria


Q32. What conception of ethical leadership was formulated by Burns?

   a. servant leadership

   b. transforming leadership

   c. constructive leadership

   d. integrative leadership


Q33. Effective leaders are most likely to:

   a. make important task decisions by themselves

   b. make decisions that will benefit powerful stakeholders

   c. help to get agreement on objectives and strategies

   d. emphasize individual rights over collective responsibility


Q34. What is the best conclusion about the current state of leadership theory?

   a. most of the theories are strongly supported by empirical research

   b. most of the theories provide a good understanding of leadership processes

   c. most of the theories have no practical relevance

   d. most of the theories have not been adequately tested


Q35. What research method is used most often to study leadership effectiveness?

   a. survey field studies

   b. laboratory experiments

   c. field experiments

   d. intensive case studies


Q36. Which of the following is not characteristic of most leadership research?

   a. an assumption of strong effects by heroic individual leaders

   b. a focus on dyadic processes rather than collective processes

   c. an emphasis on explanatory processes and mediating variables

   d. an assumption of unidirectional causality from leader to followers


Q37. Which type of research is least likely to be useful for increasing our understanding of leadership at this point in the development of the field?

   a. comparative case studies

   b. static survey studies

   c. field experiments

   d. longitudinal field studies


Q38. Which of the following was not described as an essential theme for effective leadership?

   a. strengthen the collective identity of followers

   b. rely on followers to interpret events

   c. promote social justice and morality

   d. encourage and facilitate collective learning


Q39. Which of the following is not a common feature of leadership research?

   a. surveys conducted in real organizations

   b. studies conducted to test leadership theories

   c. studies that involve field experiments

   d. studies with retrospective ratings of leader behavior


Q40. Convergence of findings from different research approaches in leadership:

   a. has been a prime concern of most leadership theorists

   b. has been extensively validated by empirical research

   c. is entirely a matter of speculation

   d. is facilitated by an integrating conceptual framework

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