question archive This means following the formatting rules

This means following the formatting rules

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

This means following the formatting rules. Points will be deducted for not following the rules. Also, remember, this is a Texas government course, all of your examples and references should be about Texas. Each answer should be no less than 250 words. Each question should be answered separately. Write the question before each of your responses.


1. How is it possible to undermine the separation of powers? Do not define the separation of powers because that is not what the question is asking you to do. Don't make up some wild scenario that is not going to ever happen.


2. What are the limits of checks and balances? Do not define checks and balances because that is not what the question is asking you to do.


3. Find an example of separation of powers and checks and balances that is relevant today in Texas and discuss it. This means a real example with the names of individuals and the dates when it occurred.


4. What limitations are there on the power of the Texas legislative branch?


5. What limitations are there on the power of the Texas executive branch?


6. What limitations are there on the power of the Texas judicial branch.


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