question archive 1) Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 creates controversy between supporters of the individual-rights perspective and the public- order advocates

1) Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 creates controversy between supporters of the individual-rights perspective and the public- order advocates

Subject:LawPrice:4.87 Bought7

1) Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 creates controversy between supporters of the individual-rights perspective and the public- order advocates.

2. Outline and explain the various amendments that provide due process for a defendant in a criminal proceeding.

3. What is meant by the term due process of law? Where in the American legal system are guarantees of due process found?

4. Discuss the factors that contributed to an increase in the crime rate during the 1960s.

5. What is meant by the term evidence-based practice, and what is the role of research in criminal justice? How can research influence crime control policy?

6. Describe the principal findings that the National Crime Victimization Survey revealed over the past decades.

7. List and describe the eight general features of crime. What are the “three conjoined elements” that comprise the legal essence of the concept of crime?

8. What four broad categories of criminal defenses does our legal system recognize? Under what circumstances might each be employed?

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