question archive In a Chord ring using m = 8, nodes with the following peer ids (or node ids) join the system: 45, 32, 132, 234, 99, 199

In a Chord ring using m = 8, nodes with the following peer ids (or node ids) join the system: 45, 32, 132, 234, 99, 199

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:3.87 Bought7

In a Chord ring using m = 8, nodes with the following peer ids (or node ids) join the system: 45, 32, 132, 234, 99, 199. When all finger tables and successors have converged, what is the comma-separated list of nodes traversed by a query originating from node 45 intended for the key 12 (include both originating node and final node)?

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