question archive Take either your Fiction or Drama Essay and expand on the argument

Take either your Fiction or Drama Essay and expand on the argument

Subject:EnglishPrice:13.98 Bought3

Take either your Fiction or Drama Essay and expand on the argument.

You will need to expand on the research you used to prove your argument in the initial essay.

You may include additional issues if those issues tie into the already existing issue.

You can use as many of the sources that you used in the initial essay (Fiction or Drama).

Those sources will count toward your final count of 7 sources min.

You will have only one submission available for this final essay.

You need to be sure that the file you submit is the file you want to be graded.


Must be 2000-2500 words (not including the Works Cited page or Long Quotes)

Must use a total of 7 sources in the paper.

The main text from the textbook or the play does count toward your 7 sources

Websites such as Wikipedia, SparkNotes, BookRags, endnotes, Schmoop, and the like will not count toward your 7 sources.

If you are not sure if a website will count toward the 7 sources, just ask me.

You must have a works cited with at least your primary source (Arguing about Literature) and the 6 other outside sources listed below.

Your primary source (the short story or the play)

1 book

4 articles from the library databases

1 of whatever you want if they are credible sources

For a total of 7 sources minimum

Make sure you are uploading all your Proof of Process for your Final Essay

Your essay must be in 3rd person.

Must use MLA format

Must have a title

Must have a header with last name and page number

Must have your name, my name, class, due date

Must have 1-inch margins all the way around

Must be double-spaced.

Must have a works cited page

Must have in-text citations

The 2000 word minimum does not include your works cited page or any long quotes.

Must have a minimum of 9 sources in the works cited.

The parenthetical goes at the end of the quoted, paraphrased, or summarized information not at the beginning. Refer to OWL Purdue for Proper In-text citation placement. 
The sources you added were good, but you cited them in the works cited with the APA format citation and not the MLA citation format. 

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