question archive Red_Car Racing acceleration: + 18

Red_Car Racing acceleration: + 18

Subject:PhysicsPrice: Bought3


Racing acceleration: + 18.3 m/s2

Braking acceleration: -13.0 m/s2


In this pretend competition, each car races down the track once, starting from an initial zero velocity, of course.  The instant the green light appears to each driver, a timer clock starts to record their time. The total time for each drivers race has two parts: the reaction time (where the car is just sitting there until the driver actually puts the car into motion), and the time taken for the car to move the 402 m to the finish line while the car accelerates from rest to the maximum speed as it crosses the finish line (with the acceleration for the car given above.)

So the total time for each driver's race is given by: ttot = tr + t  ( tr is the reaction time and t is the time accelerating to the finish after the reaction time is over.) The distance (X-X0) is 402.0 meters (start to finish line).

5) USING THE APPROPRIATE EQUATIONS FROM CHAPTER 2 of our online text, fill out the following table that will include the total time for each race car, the final velocity as the race car crosses the finish line (both in units of m/s and mi/hr, (miles per hour). (Note: none of the appropriate Ch. 2 equations will make any use of the reaction time.) Since reaction time is part of the total time, the car with the biggest acceleration and largest final velocity may not win!


Reaction Time




Accelerating time t



Total time            ttot           



Final Velocity      v



Final Velocity      v



SHOW CLEARLY all the math steps, and the equations you used from Chapter 2 with the math steps, to get the values for accelerating time and final velocity values in the table above for each of the cars. SHOW YOUR WORK CLEARLY. ALSO list, according to the table results comparing the total times, which car came in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.

1st place:__________     2nd:_________________   3rd________________   4th____________________


For the last part of this report, we will concentrate on the motion of each car from the moment it crosses the finish line, when the braking starts to occur due to the parachute, until the car comes to a complete stop.

Assume each car has the same negative "braking acceleration" of -13.0 m/s2 during this motion.

The initial velocity for this part of the motion will be the (positive) velocity (v)  in m/s you found in the table above, and the final velocity for this part of the motion will be 0 m/s, as the car comes to a complete stop.


For each car above, find the distance the car moves (X - X0) while undergoing this braking acceleration until it comes to a stop, in units of both meters and feet. This will be the distance from the finish line to the final resting place of the car.

Show your work CLEARLY, showing how you use an equation or equations from Chapter 2 to find the distances.

7: Distance Red_car moves until coming to a stop:         ______________ meters   





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