question archive DQ 1) How efficient is your daily schedule? What are some aspects of your daily schedule that cannot be changed? What aspects might be changed to save more time? Brainstorm any time-saver tips you might have with your classmates

DQ 1) How efficient is your daily schedule? What are some aspects of your daily schedule that cannot be changed? What aspects might be changed to save more time? Brainstorm any time-saver tips you might have with your classmates

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

DQ 1) How efficient is your daily schedule? What are some aspects of your daily schedule that cannot be changed? What aspects might be changed to save more time? Brainstorm any time-saver tips you might have with your classmates. DQ 2: Complete the Find Your Stress Score exercise. Without revealing personal information, answer the following question: How might being a college student contribute to your stress level? Brainstorm strategies with your classmates for overcoming potential college stressors.DQ 3: What are some ways you might effectively manage time now that you are an online student?DQ 4: Review the information on pp. 21-24 of your textbook. How will you overcome procrastination, set priorities, and remain focused on your goals?


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